Unmotivated...... :(

Hey everyone. First off, thanks if you take the time to read this.
I started gaining weight when I was about ten. I never had any weight issues before then. I was pretty active. Played soccer, basketball and rode bikes everyday. But due to *kitten* I started staying home everyday. Then I started eating a whole bunch of junk. I gained some weight. I wasn't "fat". Just a little overweight. But kids can be very cruel. I was constantly made fun of. Even by my own brothers. I got in a fight with one of my friends one day. Two against one just isn't fair. Anywho.. They shoved grass into my mouth saying that's what cows ate. I was about 15 pounds overweight for my height then. Another time, "my friends" and even my own brothers threw rocks at me. "Fat kids weren't allowed at parks". I became super depressed and continued to eat. Chips, cookies, pop, ect.. And obviously with the lack of exercise I gained more weight. The cycle just continued.. Last year my parents bought a scale. I weighed myself for the first time in a really long time. I'm 5'3 and weighed in at 187 that day. I honestly got so scared. It was a manual scale I believe. I saw 200 way way to close. Something inside of me snapped. I immediately got on a diet last summer. And I got down to 170. Once I got off my diet I just found it so hard to get back on. I maintained 170 for a full year. But this summer we went on vacation. I didn't even worry about my weight. Didn't weigh myself once. I got on the scale first thing when I got home and I weighed 180.2 I want and need to lose weight. I just can't force myself to exercise and to eat less. I know I can do it. I've already done it once. But how do I keep myself from overeating. How do I force myself to exercise. I know weight comes off slow. But losing like 2 pounds a week just discourages me so. I feel as if I'll never lose all this weight. Does anyone know how to keep going? How to keep myself on track?


  • SunshineCB
    Well, stick to this website in terms of your food diary needs. Also, don't try to loose too much too fast. That's just asking for disaster. The best answer in terms of exercise is to find something you actually like to do. I was never motivated to go to the gym or jog or anything until I moved close to a park. Being outside was what got me started, and now it doesn't matter what I do, I just have to do something. It's all about getting into the routine with exercise.

    The one website that helped me the most was www.builtlean.com. It's full of free, no B.S. advice on everything dealing with weight loss. They also have a program you can buy there, but I just went on Amazon and bought a book "7 Weeks to Getting Ripped" for way less. I'm not ripped, per se, but I've managed to drop around 20 lbs. in 3 months. You just gotta do it. Once you start to see results, you won't want to stop. I'm down to 12% body fat and still dropping. A year ago, my definition of exercise was getting up to walk to the fridge for another beer and a pint of Ben and Jerry's.
  • tigtigs
    There's no magic answer...you just have to want to want to!!! That is not a typo...that is the truth! No one can do anything for you! You need to find something in you that keeps you going! Find a workout routine that you like and works for you...and do it! And recognize when you are eating just to be eating and not because you actually need to eat! If you are eating just because you want to, then stop...it's a matter of discipline...and no one can discipline you but you!! You are stronger than you think you are. Break out of the victim mentality, stand up, take charge of your life and you will lose weight, and be stronger for it!! Good luck!!
  • mybodymywork
    I was exactly the same hun. I would diet myself crazy, and I would restrict myself from so many things and would be thinking about food constantly, that the next day I would just binge galore. What I have learnt to do is to go 80% healthy and 20% organic. DOn't completely restrict yourself! Treat yourself once in awhile. Also, look in healthy cookbooks! Some have some really tasty, yet healthy recipes. I also keep myself busy, because I tend to eat when I'm bored. There are many suggestions on the internet! And another thing, if you can, try and get rid of any possible unhealthy food you have at home that you may snack on. And to the bullying, I hope you are okay. Stay strong. Feel free to add me, I am always open to chat! Goodluck :) xx
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I get this from time to time - My motivation is at a low, and I am struggling to stay on track.

    I usually
    -go buy an awesome new piece of clothing in a few sizes smaller
    -go refill on my healthy foods
    -go over my reasons to lose weight
    -find new recipes to try to keep it fun and new.

    Good luck. One thing I keep in mind is that
    "If i give up, i will guarantee to gain my weight back - if i at least try my hardest most of the time, i will eventually get down to my goal weight". Don't let a few slips fall back where you realize you gained your 20, 50, 70lbs back because you did not want to stick with it. Just try no matter what.
  • diligentjosh
    Best way that I can say it is, you have to want it. Truth is, the heavier you are, the easier it is to lose the weight, and you can probably (if effort is applied- this is key) lose more just by following the plan and working out heavy. My sister is 16 and is 5'3" at 240 lbs. I feel bad for her, because our parents entitled her to eat whatever she wants and because she is not interested in exercise, she is in a rut. It is kind of her fault, but she has always been chubby. Always had her own "grab drawer" as a kid.

    If you live with your parents, you are probably eating their food, too. They have to be on board with you for this to work. If they are feeding you mac n cheese and meatloaf all the time, you will retain sodium, which will hold your weight in place, or make you gain.

    And lastly, keep in mind that you should weigh in consistently. In the morning when you wake up, after the throne and before breakfast, nude. Your body will gain about 3-4 lbs (or more) throughout the day, so do not be discuraged by that.

    I was that fat uncool kid in school. I am still sociall inept and have trouble meeting people and knowing what to say. Girls are another species that are from a different galaxy, and I do not think I will ever know how to talk to them. Maybe one of them will just see the buff nerdness and be attracted to it. Anyways, good luck with the journey!
  • diligentjosh
    I work out almost as loud as I have sex. If I need to let out some moans of grief, I do so. Not all the time, just when I go all out. It makes me feel like Heman for some reason. King Kong, or the King of the Castle. It is a weird thing.
  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    Spend some time on this site. Look at success stories and the many people who have changed their lives, lost weight, gotten healthy etc. Focus on any people in your life that can support you and if you can't find them - come here.

    Take one day at a time. Once you get a on a roll you will feel better and then if motivation dips, go back and look for examples of others who have made the journey and get inspired again.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Just take it one day at a time .. going slow in losing the weight is best, mainly because you will most likely keep it off. Make small term goals rather than big ones. Instead of thinking .. I wanna drop 20, 30 or 50 lbs - start with the first 5 lbs. Once you have the first 5 behind you .. shoot for the next 5. Take your time .. forgive yourself for days you missed the mark.

    Before you know it .. then next few pounds are gone. Go for a walk around the block. If you aren't exercising at all -- just do that for 20-30 minutes. If you feel up to it .. take a longer walk .. or jog for 10 minutes. Slowly up that ..

    Do what feels right for you. Don't despair. I get bored with my food diary .. or my exercise routine sometimes .. I think it happens to a lot of us.

    :flowerforyou: Find something you want to get for yourself .. and then - make it your reward. New pair of shoes, new tops, a new purse.. something electronic. Don't get it until you've reached your first goal :-)

    You can always change you fitness goals on this site .. so start off small and it'll be a big win when you reach that goal! :drinker:
  • diligentjosh
    This town ain't big enough for the TWO of us!...............................................oh, hmm..................doesn't quite work here...
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I agree with whoever said reward yourself. I made a list for every 10lbs I lost I got what I had written down. first was a pair of Brighton earrings, the next was a pedicure, then I wanted a sexy black dress, Just write down what you want and when you hit your first 10 lbs look at your list and go shopping.

    I would lose weight slow so it stays off. You also need to look at your lifestyle and change some stuff like eating more healthy. This doesn't mean you can't have pizza or chocolate, you can just a little bit. If you need a friend you can add me. I think things will be different for you this time. You can do this!!!!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I have been coming to my fitness pal off and on for a long time. I lose I gain but I never gain it all back and slowly I will get it all off. The secret is to not ever call it quits. I have delays with injuries and being laid up, but that is all it really is, a delay until I can get back on and start again. My motivation is now and always to be healthier and active. This place is where I have had the most success at achieving that. Even with the pitfalls I had the last year and a half I am back and still motivated. Screws, plates and all.