Weight loss surgery

I have an aunt who is considering surgery. Is there anyone on here who has had surgery? We were hoping to get an estimate of about how much it costs since they don't have insurance at the moment. Also is there a certain type of surgery you would reccomend over the others or any that have higher success rates?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    She could just use MFP to track calories for free and learn to lose weight in a sensible and healthy way.
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Well actually they're Amish so they don't have internet service. And besides I'm not sure I would call surgery 'unhealthy'. And she has thyroid issues that severly slows weightloss even with medications.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I haven't had the surgery, but I have friends who have. The cost varies, but you could just google it. There are a number of tests that the patient will need to take, including psychological testing. The patient has to be really overweight, like 100 pounds (for some insurances to consider it). The different procedures have different follow-up. You have Internet, so research it for your aunt. You could also "search" your topic in the message board and probably get some answers. Good luck.
  • sjramos89
    I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy. My insurance covered it and it was over $77,000 but I am sure my insurance paid much less. If you are a self pay patient it is about $15,000 in the US or $5,000 in Mexico. The sleeve is where they remove 85% of your stomach. It is irriversable. Recoverry for me was two weeks. I would not suggest it to anyone who is not obese and who has not tried every other diet known to man.
  • SherrysLife2012
    Well actually they're Amish so they don't have internet service. And besides I'm not sure I would call surgery 'unhealthy'. And she has thyroid issues that severly slows weightloss even with medications.

    I have thyroid issues, that has lead to other weight loss preventing issues, along with medications that cause weight gain and I have managed to lose 127 pounds, not easy, I have struggled counting every darn calorie and I exercise, but not a lot because of knee and feet issues. Most of the people I know that have had surgery have gained it back, because if you don't learn a new healthy lifestyle, surgery is not the answer, its only a temporary band-aid, she will still need to learn new eating habits and exercise. Surgery is ok as a last resort, like your knocking on death door and don't have time to lose slow. Maybe she could invest in a good dietitian and a personal trainer?? Either way she needs to research the pros and cons and know that she is ready for surgery, its a big decision as it is major surgery.
  • gwentyler25
    Hello I'm a new be to this site first time on. I know it's hard because I have been trying for a long time . I'm at my last ends , have talked to my Dr. about the surgery. I know that I did not put it on in a day, so I won't be taking it off in a day. I went yesterday to see a dietitian to see what I'm doing wrong with food. She gave me a lot of good insight on what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. That's why I'm here on this page , because she use this site along with a few others. I'm looking for help and support from anyone that's willing to help me. I also want to say good going to all that has lose some pounds :-)) . Anyone live in San Diego ?
    I also have thyroid problem , no cartilage in my right knee, along with big breast that's alway in my way.
  • patrox247
    Anyone live in San Diego ?

    Orange County CA here. My Fitness Pal changed my life. Welcome to the site.
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    I am having the Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy, my doctor recommended it even over the bypass, said it gives the same results as the bypass but you don't bypass anything!! I like that, I couldn't bring my self to do the bypass and altar my body that much. My insurance is paying for mine 100% but when I talked to an insurance lady at the hospital she said the hospital cost is generally around $18,000 BUT...hospitals are different and there are other costs like the doctor's bills and anetheiologists, and other things they charge for..so I don't know. By the way weight loss surgery is not the easy way out!! being obese is a disease and people who are cannot keep the weight off by themselves without this TOOL to help them.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    Every answer to every question you never knew you had about Weight Loss Surgery. is http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/
    as a side note Gastric Bypass or aka RNY is not necessarily permenant in all aspects. basically you have a tiny stomach and part of your intestines bypassed. The part where calories, vitamins, minerals are absorbed. That is why you will lose weight dramatically the first year or year and a half. You will have that time to learn to eat right and take small portions, you will need to learn to exercise regularly and I stress, eat right. Because after that year, year and a half your villi will grow back in your intestines and you will absorb all your calories, and at a rapid rate. You will not however absorb your vitamins and will forever have to take loads of them. I know it is not you but your aunt, I just say you as a reference. Read the revision board to see the people who did not have it work. If she can do it on her own with the help of family and MFP she is better off. It also opens up a host of medical issues to some people that require frequent doctor visits and treatments.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    If it were me I would take her to some informational sessions....these are free....she can learn more about it without having to pay anything and even ask any questions she might have. I would suggest more than one. I have been to 5 different ones at each one i learned new things. It was very eye opening. As far as cost if she is looking for cheapest, than mexico would be best