Getting My Sexy Back......

Hi guys...... I am a 33yr.old mother of 3 who is trying to get off these last 13lb.s and I figured this would be just the forum I needed to stay motivated.... So far I have maintained a 17lb. weight loss for the past couple of months but now its "GO TIME" and trust me these last 13lb.s have got to I go hard on my workouts and with the help of my trainer I know I am bound to reach my goals but with a little encouragement from others who have the same goal in mind to live a healthier lifestyle I know I will have all the motivation I need to push myself that much harder..... My starting weight was 175lb.s and my goal is 145lb.s.... I am currently 158lb.s at 5'6" which is definitely not a bad look for me at all but I would love to reach my goal weight so if anyone out there can throw me a little encouragement, tips, or just have a success story they want to share I am all ears....


Ms. Price


  • Hello there Ms. Price! Sounds like you are doing everything right and well on your way to your goal. I'm 42 and a mom of two teens 18 & 19. I also started out at 175lbs and is now down to 168. I started this not so long ago but has managed to lose 2 dress sizes. I still have about 13lbs to go. My target is 155 lbs. I don't look healthy at 145lbs but once I get to my goal I may try to go down to 150. That's awesome that you have a trainer. I did that as well but now just work out on my own. I alternate days between cardio and strength training. On days I feel really good and can kick butt I stay and workout longer but since I have to watch my heart, I try not to push myelf too much. Feel free to add me if you wish and I'd love to help encourage you in any way I can. Keep up the good work and I'm sure it won't be long before you get your sexy back! :wink:
  • Thank you so much for the encouragement I really appreciate it.....:happy:
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Well you have come to the right place! I'm also 5'6" and I started In June at around 172 and have just reached the 138 mark. Lots of great ideas, recipes and great motivating stories. I LOVE the ability to track my food on my iPhone. Tracking is ESSENTIAL to my success. You are very smart to have maintained your loss and to now be moving forward again. Maintenance is the hardest part! I recently started with a trainer for the first time ever. Quite pricey but well worth the work-out I'm getting. Slow and steady wins the race!