Finish JMBR by the end of the Year



  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I just started this week.. Im on Day 5. I am not following her meal plan because I am so picky but I have been watching what I eat and I already feel like im losing inches. My jeans are fitting so much better. If you need any support just add me. :)
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Just finished phase one Saturday. Starting phase two on Monday. I've reviewed workouts 5&6 and I fell like I can do most of the exercises without accommodations. I'm a little concerned that cardio 2 is too balistic. :cry: Hopefully, the 30 second exercises will not be so bad. " You can do anything for 30 seconds", Jillian says????? Guess it's time to buck it up.
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    jillian michaels + angry eyes;
    It's a good thing jillian is animated in her dvd's because all her photos, except 1, show her glaring, smirking and looking extremely intense. What a scary chick. huh
    I am just finished my third day, have sore muscles, was dripping with sweat and I am smiling, so can she.laugh

    How is it going for all of you?
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Hello all! I'm on week 8. Workouts 7 & 8 are killer for me.

    According to your banner you've already completed JMBR once. How did you do the first time? Did you lose weight? Is it easier the second time around? You obviously like it if you're doing round two - give us rookies some insight.:laugh: Thanks!!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Weighed in with my Biggest Loser Group this morning. Only lost 0.4 pounds this week but I know why. I’ve got to quit cheating on the weekends with my diet. Two good things happened this week. First, I got (1 of 3) euflexxa shots in my knees for my arthritis. Second , we started phase two of JMBR.

    Look out JMBR phase two. With my new knees :happy: I’m hoping to have fewer accommodations for JMBR. Therefor, more cals/workout burned:tongue: . Hope to report back next week with better results. Looking forward to hearing from all of you about your JMBR successes.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Haven't heard from anybody this week yet? How's it going? Hope you exercise your vote today!!! Week 6 for JMBR is going well for me and my group. My group actually thinks Cardio 2 is easier for them than cardio 1. They like the idea of 30 second bursts instead of a full minute. Like Jillian says, "you can do anything for 30 seconds" Hope to hear from the rest of you soon.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Weighed in with my Biggest Loser Group and lost .08 pounds this week. I’ve been great about JMBR workouts this week but not so good with my diet. However, a loss is good. Also my BF is heading the right direction. Love to hear how it is going with some of you JMBRers out there.:smile:
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I really need to get my JMBR back from my friend.....
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Starting week 3 of phase 2 today with workout 7. I’ve been doing JMBR with a group of 10 people but today I’m on my own as the school we use is closed for Veteran’s Day. I like the workouts so far. I have to accommodate for some of the bouncy stuff because of arthritis in my knees. However, I still feel challenged without being on the edge of injury like I have been with P90X or Insanity.
    Our group is on schedule to finish by the end of the year. I would sure love to hear how JMBR is working for some of you JMBR fans out there.:wink:
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    I started it 3 weeks ago with the Kick start your metabolism program, but ended up with health issues for two weeks. I won't be able to finish it by the end of the year, but I'll do it anyway. I started it (again) today, with the first week.
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    I'm officially out of the running to finish JMBR by the end of the year. I have morton's neuroma in my right foot and the dvds are messing with it. I can pedal my exercise bike without pain but can only do the dvds about every other day.

  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi... So I am at the end of phase 1 and next week I will be heading into phase 2. I am really happy with the results for phase 1 and I cant wait to see the results of phase 2. Hope all is well with everyone.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Hi... So I am at the end of phase 1 and next week I will be heading into phase 2. I am really happy with the results for phase 1 and I cant wait to see the results of phase 2. Hope all is well with everyone.

    Congrats on finishing phase one:happy: So, what were the results??? Can you share ? Pounds____? Inches___? Body Fat__? Did you follow the diet plan or just the workouts? Curious about the details and would love to hear more.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    What is JMBR?
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I'm supposed to finish up Phase 1 tomorrow, but due to an injury I'm going to repeat it for one more week and hopefully finish up strong before going into Phase 2 since I'm still not 100%. I'm out of the running for completing by the end of the year, but i'll still support!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    I'm supposed to finish up Phase 1 tomorrow, but due to an injury I'm going to repeat it for one more week and hopefully finish up strong before going into Phase 2 since I'm still not 100%. I'm out of the running for completing by the end of the year, but i'll still support!

    You still may finish phase two by the end of the year. What a great way to finish off the year and start a new year:happy: Thanks for your support.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I am just here to cheer you guys on! I finished it this summer and was in the best shape of my life. You won't believe what a rockstar you will feel like when you finish 12!!!! Just keep pressing play!
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I'm supposed to finish up Phase 1 tomorrow, but due to an injury I'm going to repeat it for one more week and hopefully finish up strong before going into Phase 2 since I'm still not 100%. I'm out of the running for completing by the end of the year, but i'll still support!

    You still may finish phase two by the end of the year. What a great way to finish off the year and start a new year:happy: Thanks for your support.

    That's my plan, thanks! :happy:
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    The group I'm doing JMBR with are mostly teachers and this week is conference/Thanksgiving week. So, their teaching schedules are messed up and that disrupts our workout schedule. We've decided to do JMBR or whatever we can on our own this week then resume JMBR back with workouts 7&8 next week. We are still on schedule to finish phase 2 by the end of November and start Phase 3 in December. That will put us on schedule to finish by the end of the Year:drinker:

    Personally, I seem to be stuck in a rut as far as my weigh goes. I've only lost about 1 pound over the last 3 weeks. However, I have lost 13 total pounds since I started JMBR. My concern is Thanksgiving followed by Christmas. These are usually times I tend to pile on the pounds. I think my New Years resolution should be not to be in a situation that will make me want to make a resolution about my weight:laugh:
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    My group took most of the Thanksgiving week off from JMBR but we start up again today with the last week for phase 2. Workout 7 today seems to be the most difficult one for me so far. Only two more times for seven and we move on to phase 3. What is in store for us in phase 3 ???? We should finish workouts 9&10 before Christmas Break (we are school teachers). Some of us plan to finish with 11/12 even though school will not be in session. Talk is cheap though, we'll see how many will follow through during our time off from school. A real test for us teachers:wink: