Merina 5 year IUD & weight gain-LADIES

ok so i am doing great on MFP and love it!! down 10 lbs in 6 wks and loving it...My gyn wants to have me do the merina iud for temp fix because my TOM is heavy (sorry if TMI) but they are wanting to try that 1st because he is thinking it will help. It is so bad monthly that it has caused me to be severe anemic so something has to be done and I am not ready to have my uterus removed. I wanted to get input from ladies who have or had the Merina..Does it cause weight gain? or what did you experience or experiencing with it? Please advise as I am thinking about having it done next wk.


  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
    I have the Mirena IUD and have lost almost 100 pounds. I didn't notice significant weight gain after having it put in. About a year after I had it put in is when I became serious about losing weight, and have been very successful so far. I haven't noticed that is hinders weight loss at all. And bonus... I don't have to worry about bloating or anything anymore. My TOM is pretty much non-existant for me while it's in. :drinker:
  • I got the Mirena about 6 months ago and I have not noticed any weight gain at all! If you have had children, you also won't feel any pain getting the Mirena put in. My TOM has dramatically decreased having this also. I love it!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I was on bc pills and was gaining weight no matter what I did... So I got off it and got mirena and was finally able to lose weight... I had it for 4 years it didn't stop me from losing weight.. I also gained weight while on it, but that was due to my slacking off and not watching what I was eating, etc... Oh yes, not having that monthly pain in the butt was really nice too! :)
  • ALogerot
    ALogerot Posts: 4 Member
    I've had the Mirena in since October of 2010 (my daughter was born in January of that year). I did not experience any weight gain and that TOM is much lighter than it was before. On the day it was inserted, I felt some cramping, but since then have been fine. I don't feel that it has hindered my weight loss, since starting (September 2012, I have lost about 12 lbs.
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    I got the Mirena about 6 months ago and I have not noticed any weight gain at all! If you have had children, you also won't feel any pain getting the Mirena put in. My TOM has dramatically decreased having this also. I love it!

    Hmmmm. Fine about weight bit, and superb for TOM but have to disagree about no pain having it fitted. It hurt :-( . And I speak as someone who had a planned homebirth with an 8 lb 4oz baby with no pain relief at all... My GP suggested it to me because "I knew you wouldn't be a screamer......"
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I have the Mirena IUD and have lost almost 100 pounds. I didn't notice significant weight gain after having it put in. About a year after I had it put in is when I became serious about losing weight, and have been very successful so far. I haven't noticed that is hinders weight loss at all. And bonus... I don't have to worry about bloating or anything anymore. My TOM is pretty much non-existant for me while it's in. :drinker:

  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I got the Mirena about 6 months ago and I have not noticed any weight gain at all! If you have had children, you also won't feel any pain getting the Mirena put in. My TOM has dramatically decreased having this also. I love it!

  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I've had the Mirena in since October of 2010 (my daughter was born in January of that year). I did not experience any weight gain and that TOM is much lighter than it was before. On the day it was inserted, I felt some cramping, but since then have been fine. I don't feel that it has hindered my weight loss, since starting (September 2012, I have lost about 12 lbs.

  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I was on bc pills and was gaining weight no matter what I did... So I got off it and got mirena and was finally able to lose weight... I had it for 4 years it didn't stop me from losing weight.. I also gained weight while on it, but that was due to my slacking off and not watching what I was eating, etc... Oh yes, not having that monthly pain in the butt was really nice too! :)

    TY!! :)
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    What period? TOM is non-existent and I haven't experienced a single downside yet. Best choice I ever made. (Twice :)
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    The hormones in Mirena are localized and shouldn't cause weigh tgain. I did spot for a few months after insertion. It is the only form of birth control that didn't cause me to gain weight or get very moody. Also, I was able to get pregnant just 10 days after removal. I highly recommend it.
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    Ive had the IUD for 2 going on 3 years in January. I may not be the best person for advice though because it didnt make my period lighter it made it much heavier and sometimes i have it twice a month. Also during sex its painful in certain positions and often after sex ill start bleeding for a couple days (which never happened before the IUD) i didnt gain any weight from it the year i got it inserted i actually lost 70 lbs from diet and exercise not the IUD itself. the only negatives for me is I have my period more it makes my face break out a lot and pain during sex. When i get insurance this year im going to get it removed early and get the BC inserted into my arm that they have now that lasts 3 years.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Loving what I am reading so far..Another post on here about Mirena has me terrified as well as online reviews..I am using it to thin the lining of the uterus..Not for pregnancy because I can't get pregnant.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Ive had the IUD for 2 going on 3 years in January. I may not be the best person for advice though because it didnt make my period lighter it made it much heavier and sometimes i have it twice a month. Also during sex its painful in certain positions and often after sex ill start bleeding for a couple days (which never happened before the IUD) i didnt gain any weight from it the year i got it inserted i actually lost 70 lbs from diet and exercise not the IUD itself. the only negatives for me is I have my period more it makes my face break out a lot and pain during sex. When i get insurance this year im going to get it removed early and get the BC inserted into my arm that they have now that lasts 3 years.

    was this the mirena 5 yr plastic one?
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
    I got the Mirena about 6 months ago and I have not noticed any weight gain at all! If you have had children, you also won't feel any pain getting the Mirena put in. My TOM has dramatically decreased having this also. I love it!

    Hmmmm. Fine about weight bit, and superb for TOM but have to disagree about no pain having it fitted. It hurt :-( . And I speak as someone who had a planned homebirth with an 8 lb 4oz baby with no pain relief at all... My GP suggested it to me because "I knew you wouldn't be a screamer......"

    I have to agree with you. Mine hurt like a b!tch when they put it in. Mine was put in 6 weeks after I had my twins, and it was pretty painful. Not more so than squeezing 2 kids out of me within 9 minutes, but it was definitely uncomfortable.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I got the Mirena about 6 months ago and I have not noticed any weight gain at all! If you have had children, you also won't feel any pain getting the Mirena put in. My TOM has dramatically decreased having this also. I love it!

    Hmmmm. Fine about weight bit, and superb for TOM but have to disagree about no pain having it fitted. It hurt :-( . And I speak as someone who had a planned homebirth with an 8 lb 4oz baby with no pain relief at all... My GP suggested it to me because "I knew you wouldn't be a screamer......"

    I have to agree with you. Mine hurt like a b!tch when they put it in. Mine was put in 6 weeks after I had my twins, and it was pretty painful. Not more so than squeezing 2 kids out of me within 9 minutes, but it was definitely uncomfortable.
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    The Plus Side:
    I had the Merina placed 5 months ago for the same reasons. I couldn't leave the house because my flow was so heavy and I seriously thought some times I might bleed to death. I have to say the Merina has totally controlled my flow and now I can leave the house without worry of anything dripping down my legs (sorry TMI) .

    The Down Side:
    - I have only lost 3 pounds in 5 months. I had lost 20 pounds easily before Merina. Now I am putting in 2x the effort and exercise and not getting anywhere.
    - My first period with Merina lasted 6 weeks
    - Random cramping
    - 0 sex drive

    I am giving the Merina 6 more months to see if improvement in the area of weight loss. I'm thinking/hoping maybe my body needs time to adjust to it. I'm actually am not sure what I would do if I have it removed, what other options are out there to help with heavy flow.

    Adding it HURT to place it so I would make sure you take pain meds 1/2 before your appointment. I don't want to think about how much it will kill to have it removed. :noway:
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I have had 2 of them without any issues....and lost 130lbs total....I love it! no bloating/cramping, cycles are love love it! I have pcos....and needed it. I got mine because of pcos.....go for's a wonderful thing! i laugh at my friends still carrying around tampons & pads yuck....what a $ saver to not have had to buy those for the past 8 years! good luck to you!
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    careful....I had mine removed & passed took me 10minutes to come was a quick sharp akward pain.....still...totally worth it to not have a period for 5 years! just advil up & have a heating pad on hand!
  • mrsrobinsonlauraj
    mrsrobinsonlauraj Posts: 74 Member
    What period? TOM is non-existent and I haven't experienced a single downside yet. Best choice I ever made. (Twice :)