Not confortable.

Im hoping to gain back my confidence for myself and get healthy for my son. I'm 5'3 248 pounds. My son is one I was 230 after he was born and returned to being a full time student as a single mother so needless to say my health got placed on the back burner. I used to be very athletic and physically involved in leisurely sport for fun I was in great shape but things have changed obviously. Time doesnt permit the things it used to so i've been restricted to excising indoors in my apartment. I started the 30 day shred yesterday and I am sore now, disappointed that I let myself get so far away from my usual healthy self, but you gotta start somewhere.


  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Don't be disappointed be proud that you are doing something. As the saying goes: you are lapping everyone on the couch. Just do something everyday even if it is tiny (park a little further away, take the stairs, choose fruit over candy for a snack etc). The small changes you make over the long term will be what amazes you. Trust in the process. I exercised for an entire year without losing one pound, but things were happening inside my body that I couldn't see (I was losing the dangerous fat around my organs). You are doing the right thing, just stick with it. If you fall just get back up. You can do this!
  • CoachJake83
    248lbs is nothing but a starting point. Just take a Day 1 photo of yourself now, and never look back. Every 30 days you can take a new photo and see how far you've come until you reach your goal. =D

    I know it's hard to imagine but it's going to inspire so many others in the future as well when they see your progress!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Im hoping to gain back my confidence for myself and get healthy for my son. I'm 5'3 248 pounds. My son is one I was 230 after he was born and returned to being a full time student as a single mother so needless to say my health got placed on the back burner. I used to be very athletic and physically involved in leisurely sport for fun I was in great shape but things have changed obviously. Time doesnt permit the things it used to so i've been restricted to excising indoors in my apartment. I started the 30 day shred yesterday and I am sore now, disappointed that I let myself get so far away from my usual healthy self, but you gotta start somewhere.

    cardio is going to be your friend right now. if you can find the time to walk, do it! walk far. walk for as long as you can. you don't have to be in great shape to do that, but it can burn alot of calories for you. however, with a 1 year old, i recognize this might be tough to do unless you have a home treadmill.
  • samanthawarren
    I understand completely. After being fit and athletic for years into my 30's I don't even know how I got where I am. I put on so much weight with 2 pregnancies and got up to 268 ( I am 5' 8"). A couple of years ago I lost 30 lbs only to put back 10. I am down to 243 now with 98lbs to go. My youngest is 5 so you can see how long it to me to get my tuckus in gear. I am training to be a Hot Hula instructor and feel great. Now if those lbs keep melting away......................

    You can do this. Take small steps. Since you are busy don't over do it and end up throwing in the towel. This time I have set smaller goals for myself and it has helped me stay on track.
  • mhaight85
    can you exercise with your son? try a google search for "exercise with baby" and you should find a lot of options that you can do with your son even though he's not a baby anymore, you may need to modify some to accommodate his size. my boy is 3 and i still a few of these exercises with him.

    do you have a good stroller? maybe try starting to take your son for walks in the stroller, around the block, to the park or library.

    i'm not a single mom but i work and go to school too so i understand the struggle of taking time for yourself.

    every little bit does help! keep up the good work!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    In June I had got up to 196, and decided enough was enough. I'm also only 5'3. I gave up soda but not junk just giving up the soda I lost 10 lbs. On Aug 3rd I started here and I have learned how to eat a lot of good food and lose weight, I have lost 38 with myfitnesspal. so 48 all together :) I did not take pics and I wish I would have. So you should! Best of luck my dear, you can do this, if you really want it you can.