Wheat & Pasta bad- please explain



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    In the end, it's calories in, calories out. So there is nothing "bad" about calories from pasta or bread.

    The problem with any carb-rich food is that it will spike your blood sugar since it is very easily converted into sugar. Then you get a crash when your blood sugar level comes down - this triggers hunger.

    This is probably why foods like Chinese food are often said not to "stick with you" very long - if you eat it on top of a big plate of rice you have a big carb load and thus a big sugar spike and subsequent crash.

    If willpower and hunger are problems for you in a diet (and they probably are for just about everyone), then you want to try and stabilize your BSL and avoid big spikes/crashes.

    Eating a diet light in carbs helps do this.
  • RopenChoke
    RopenChoke Posts: 31 Member
    Spaghetti squash to replace pasta. Had it last night with a chicken marinara sauce. I couldn't taste the difference. I'm sure I could if I ate it without a sauce.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Wheat products are good for you, unless you have an intolerance. I say eat up, just watch your portions and stay within your cals.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    You'll get a ton of good/bad on wheat. May I suggest reading Wheat Belly? The bottom line is that wheat isn't bad...the GMO wheat of today is a Frankenwheat.

    Wheat is not GMO. They've worked on it but there is no GMO wheat available for farmers at this moment. Another fallacy put forward by Mr. Taubes to sell more books.

    WRONG - All wheat is GMO, the dwarf wheat grown today is not what was grown prior to the 60's. The creator of it won a Nobel Peace prize for it because of the high yield and ending the threat of world hunger.

    It's only GMO in the fact that they cross bred different wheats to get what we have now. There was no gene splicing from other species to allow for the spraying of chemicals like there is with corn and soybeans. I farm, I'd love to have a GMO wheat that was Round-up ready but it just doesn't exist.

    Pretty much all the plant materials we eat today are GMO by the standards you're using. Farmers have been cross pollinating the best seed for centuries to produce the highest yielding varieties. Otherwise you'd be eating one kind of apple, one kind of pear, eating maize, etc. Just because something can be done quickly in a lab now instead of taking years in the field doesn't make it Frankenfood.

    I disagree. Cross pollination in the field is drastically different than genetic modification in a lab. Just because it's not Round Up ready does not mean it's not genetically modified.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you have gluten intolerance, it's bad. If you don't, it's fine as a part of a balanced diet.

    I have either pasta or rice pretty much every day. And bread, bagels, pizza, potatoes, etc.
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    As you can see in this thread (and throughout this site), there are pretty divergent trains of thought on what constitutes
    "bad" and "good" food.

    I eat bread and pasta on a regular basis (had a tuna melt today and roasted veggies with pasta yesterday), mainly because they're cheap, I really like both, and I can't imagine trying to live the rest of my life without them. I don't believe that carbs are the enemy, I think too many calories in and too few calories out is.

    But of course, you'll always find people who tout very specific lifestyles based on a book or a movie or Dr. Oz (*shudder*), and usually they are fired up about those things because that was what worked for them. In basically all cases though, those diets restrict calories indirectly through restricting one of the macros (usually carbs or fat). I just like to simplify my life and restrict the calories while aiming for a balanced mix of macros.
  • itswennndy
    I agree.... All things in moderation! Just watch the serving size and go for the high fiber kind.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    You'll get a ton of good/bad on wheat. May I suggest reading Wheat Belly? The bottom line is that wheat isn't bad...the GMO wheat of today is a Frankenwheat.

    Wheat is not GMO. They've worked on it but there is no GMO wheat available for farmers at this moment. Another fallacy put forward by Mr. Taubes to sell more books.

    WRONG - All wheat is GMO, the dwarf wheat grown today is not what was grown prior to the 60's. The creator of it won a Nobel Peace prize for it because of the high yield and ending the threat of world hunger.

    It's only GMO in the fact that they cross bred different wheats to get what we have now. There was no gene splicing from other species to allow for the spraying of chemicals like there is with corn and soybeans. I farm, I'd love to have a GMO wheat that was Round-up ready but it just doesn't exist.

    Pretty much all the plant materials we eat today are GMO by the standards you're using. Farmers have been cross pollinating the best seed for centuries to produce the highest yielding varieties. Otherwise you'd be eating one kind of apple, one kind of pear, eating maize, etc. Just because something can be done quickly in a lab now instead of taking years in the field doesn't make it Frankenfood.

    I disagree. Cross pollination in the field is drastically different than genetic modification in a lab. Just because it's not Round Up ready does not mean it's not genetically modified.
    You had better stop eating all vegetables then because they have pretty much all been bred through selection. Man made if you want. What are you going to eat now?
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Ignorance breeds fear. Pasta is not bad, it's just calorie dense so you need to watch how much you consume. A good portion of the population has some degree of intolerance to the gluten in wheat and other products. Many are not even aware of it.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I joined 4 days ago and just learned pasta and wheat is fattening? Can someone please explain to me how whole wheat, and whole wheat pasta is bad for you? Or how much is too much? Since my children were born Ive been buyin whole wheat bread and feeding them pasta, ofcourse I indulge too. How bad is it?

    No food is "all good" or "all bad." Many people, including myself, consider bread to be bad for dieting for many reasons. They're low in nutrients compared to other carb sources like fruits and veggies, and breads often have a high glycemic index. Many breads and pastas are sort of just empty calories which can lead some people to over eating. Some bread brands are marketed as "whole wheat" when in fact they actually are not much different from white bread.
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    WOW I just read everyone's replies and learn about wheat and pasta within 20 minutes- Thanks for the advice everyone it really helped! Now I know where Im at- in moderation within my calorie limit
  • diligentjosh
    Ah, so the argument on noodles begins and/or continues yet again. Personally, I can read the package, and most noodles will be filled with carbs, which are meant to supply your body with energy. I don't know it all, but I have to assume that whatever your body does not use, it stores, and most things get "stored" as fat, if it is not pushed into the muscles for recovery, like proteins. Combine that with the salt that is in those Mac n Cheese packets, or Hamburger Helper varieties, and -voila!- Obesity City.

    Scientifically speaking, isn't there a direct link between obesity, poor people, and the cheapness of pasta?
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've come around to the "Everything in moderation unless it causes you a problem (allergy, cravings, etc)" angle.

    I've read Wheat Belly, I've read Taubes, I've done the Paleo thang. I've done keto. I've read a whole HEAP of low carb/primal/paleo studies/books/whatever, I've watched the Ancestral Health stuff, I love a good rant against the evils of the food industry/big pharma/the ****-eyed food pyramid/plate (which is still grain-flogging BS).

    I've ranted on here about the evils of wheat, I've sworn that I can live without bread, pasta, legumes, milk, whatever long term and that it's all just mass-produced, processed, calorie-dense, nutrient-poor fodder.

    And do you know what? Very recently I realised that simplicity and sustainability has to win out. I was over-thinking it.

    Low carbing was great for getting my metabolism and sense of appetite/sweetness/satiety back in line but long term it's a more balanced approach for me, including everything.

    I would say that a 30 day elimination wouldn't do anyone any harm even if they suspect they don't have wheat/gluten-based issues though. It's only a month, if you don't feel any different then back on it ....
  • diligentjosh
    Vim, every time I see you picture, for some reason, I always picture you sayin, "Now, look here, sonny."
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Ah, so the argument on noodles begins and/or continues yet again. Personally, I can read the package, and most noodles will be filled with carbs, which are meant to supply your body with energy. I don't know it all, but I have to assume that whatever your body does not use, it stores, and most things get "stored" as fat, if it is not pushed into the muscles for recovery, like proteins. Combine that with the salt that is in those Mac n Cheese packets, or Hamburger Helper varieties, and -voila!- Obesity City.

    Scientifically speaking, isn't there a direct link between obesity, poor people, and the cheapness of pasta?

    The problem with noodles/pasta/etc is that they are very easy to overeat. Check out what a standard serving is according to the nutritional information and measure it out. Most people eat way more. And if you eat more of that then it pushes the protein-rich stuff out.

    It's all a balance.

    If you are worried about the carbs spiking blood sugar and all that insulin jazz then consider the meal as a whole, the fat/protein in that meal will go some way to slowing the effects of the pasta down.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I go for the "unless you are allergic to it, everything in moderation" school of thought.

    MFP is supposed to be a tool to help bring about a lifestyle change, not a restrictive diet plan that is tossed to the side once your weight is lost. Do that and you will find yourself on the diet yo-yo.

    So eat well, eat your faves just be mindful of portion sizes and calorie intake and log it in.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Vim, every time I see you picture, for some reason, I always picture you sayin, "Now, look here, sonny."

    Hehehe, I'm sure some people say less kind things when they see my picture.

    I had a bacon sandwich this morning with Heinz ketchup, I can report that it isn't a bad way to start the day.

    Hell, I might even head for the shops and get some dazzling white bread later. ;)
  • RixxyRikaa
    RixxyRikaa Posts: 71 Member
    It's not bad for you unless
    a. you eat it in excess
    b. you have a gluten sensitivity

    Over here, everyone seems to want to follow this gluten-free trend without even knowing about celiac disease.. Gluten in wheat isn't going to hurt you unless your microvilli are getting affected. I feel like so many people don't do their homework and spend too much time watching Dr. Oz.
  • diligentjosh
    One of my favorite go-withs at breakfast is chopped up potatoes in about 3 tbsp of light margarine in a skillet. Add in some steak seasoning (Mccormicks Montreal can go on almost anything), and you have a nice side dish with only about 350 cals and about 500 mg sodium, depending on, of course, ketchup.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There is only one reason I avoid wheat and pasta, and also sugary foods. Because they give me insane cravings for lots more food. I hate craving!