I'm ready for that little black dress!

Hi everyone, I'm new to this as of 3 days ago. I gotta say, it's an awesome way to track my meals!!!! I hope my journey on my weight loss is a successful one. :smile:


  • I'm got a long journey....... I'm 4'10' and 192lbs. I'm told that I don't look like I'm that heavy, but I can feel it!! Any pointers on low cal/ low fat recipes?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I stick with lots of protein and lean meats, with some fruits and veggies. I eat "breads" but limit them ,they make my gut feel heavy if I have too many

    Not all fats are the enemy. Make sure you get good fats still.
  • Hey,

    I got an idea for a healthy meal in a crock pot..(if you have one) put a cup of water in..a slab of pork, broccoli and carrots (optional, you can put ANY vegetable you want) some red potatoes...italian seasoning (or ANY seasoning you want) and meat tenderizer..set it on low for 6-8 hours. And enjoy, a nice delicious HEALTHY meal...That's really, the only recipe I have to share right now..but, you can feel free to add me if you want to be friends...good luck to you! :)
  • Thanx! That recipe sounds like ssomething my kids would like also which is a bonus!
  • I'm pretty much in the same boat, just 2 inches taller. you can do it!
  • what are some foods with good fats that won't pack on pounds?
  • It is a lot different when you're short and heavy, nowhere for it to go!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Nuts, fish, avocados....
    Your brain and body still need good fats even if you are shorter, just less of than someone tall. I guess.
  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    Salad is a great way to get the good fats (avocado, light olive oil drizzle, walnuts), but it's not too tasty.

    Salmon with a light side.

    Chopped walnuts mixed in with the two ingredient pancakes (smashed banana with two eggs)

    As a side note, it's important to look into the amount of each kind of fat you need.

    I take an omega 3-6-9 supplement to stay balanced; it works for me, but may not work for you.

    I really hope you continue to use and like the site!
  • Mawra
    Mawra Posts: 37 Member
    This mightn't be ideal but peanut butter on brown bread and egg white's omlette takes care of my breakfast and mid-morning hunger pangs.
  • Thanx for the feed back!!! VERY HELPFUL!!!!
  • Make sure you get enough healthy fat for sure. Don't do the whole "low fat" diet thing, it deprives your body of essential nutrients.
    Fish, avocado, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil and flax oil are all very good sources of healthy fat.
    Good luck on your journey!
  • Thanx!!! good thing is, I love all foods that some might not find too appealing!
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. I suggest plenty of protein and getting rid of the bad carbs. Feel free to add me and browse through my diary. I have something different every day. It all tastes good, and it is all really good for you.

    I can say that educating yourself on nutritional info for the foods you eat is the best you can do.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Good luck with your little black dress!
  • Thanx Chucky. JMeyer....... you look amazing in your black dress!!!
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    This sounds yummy! I miss my crock pot

    I got an idea for a healthy meal in a crock pot..(if you have one) put a cup of water in..a slab of pork, broccoli and carrots (optional, you can put ANY vegetable you want) some red potatoes...italian seasoning (or ANY seasoning you want) and meat tenderizer..set it on low for 6-8 hours. And enjoy, a nice delicious HEALTHY meal...That's really, the only recipe I have to share right now..but, you can feel free to add me if you want to be friends...good luck to you! :)
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    Good luck getting to your goal. It is attainable! Go ahead and get ready to own that little black dress. Feel free to add me, Shine
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Oh you can do it!! I started at 232.8 pounds 5'5", and now I'm 113 pounds. Just find what works for you....never stop!

    Add me if you would like : )
  • smimo
    smimo Posts: 34
    something that i have been tryin are SMOOTHIESS! i cant get enough, even though its cold (or getting there im in texas its still 80+ during the day) .... here's a simple recipe:

    there are so many diffrent frozen fruits, pick which ever you like but make sure its UNSWEETEND!

    -1 cup Frozen Fruit (i use mixed berries)
    -1/2 cup of 100% juice (ex. apple orange)
    -1/4 cup of low fat yogurt, plain or flavored
    -1tblspn of Honey ...for sweetness (you dont really need honey, but i like it :) )

    blend all together and it comes out wonderful. very simple and not too many calories.
    its a good way to start my day, you can add protien powder as well.

    good luck!!