
cutiepiex2123 Posts: 8 Member
I feel really down lately. I've lost some weight and i'm happy about that but seeing skinny people eat whatever they want and just stay as skinny as ever brings me down. Makes me feel like there's something wrong with me, like i'm not doing something right. It actually makes me mad. I'm really craving junk and fast food right now but i know that if i give in i wont be able to stop, i will binge on everything available in the kitchen and then it will go downhill from there.... :(


  • luvScott
    luvScott Posts: 15 Member
    A couple of years ago I lost 45 pounds due to a bout with severe depression and anxiety. I was very skinny and I had tons of people coming up to me saying how lucky I was and wishing they could trade places with me. I can assure you, it was the worst I've ever felt and I would have gladly traded places with an overweight person if it meant being able to feel happiness again. The point is that you shouldn't look at skinny people and feel jealous. I know it's hard, but there's no telling what their life is really like. Focus on yourself and your own health and ignore the rest. There's nothing wrong with you. Just try to keep your bingeing urges in check - if you give in it will make you feel worse. Good luck :)
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Hang in there!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Been feeling like that for two days. My sister is skinny and gorgeous (I lost track of how many men have gotten whiplash turning around for a second look at her in every store we've gone into) and she's healthy and she works out. And she eats so much junk! We were in the store a bit ago and she said, "Let's get some candy corn!"

    Of course I said we could but that I wouldn't be eating any of it.

    It's not fair. And it sucks. And I'm sure my friends and family members with diabetes never thought it was fair that I could eat all the sugar I wanted without getting sick, needing medicine, and maybe dying, too.

    Oh well. I want to be skinny again. Really bad. And no one is giving me the option to trade this annoying body in for one that lets me be skinny and eat all the sugar I want, so I guess I have to put up with what I have. Until and unless those clever scientists working away in their labs come up with a miracle!
  • Mawra
    Mawra Posts: 37 Member
    Aww hey love i totally understand where you come from. I was skinny just a year ago and then poof fat again. it hurts seeing your old clothes but hang in there. Consistency is the key, find one reason that motivates you like hell (mine is looking at my old pictures)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Perhaps you are being too restrictive with your caloric intake or food choices? Assuming the people you speak of truly eat a lot of calories and maintain weight, they may have a much higher lean body mass and activity level than you. One of my female friends is a tiny 5 ft tall collegiate gymnast who weighs 110 lbs and maintains her weight and body composition by eating 2500 calories.
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    My husband is one of those people. That's why I got fat lol. He eats like a bottomless pit and never gains a pound!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I know I know... Those people sadly exist, and sadly bring us down :(
    Its so hard that they literally don't have to think TWICE about anything they put in their mouth
    Its so different to us... its almost as if they're an entire different species?
    Sometimes I look at them and think.. "wow, you have nooo idea..."

    But you know what, we just have to suck it up. Forever, we're going to have to watch what we eat. Its just how it is for us who are losing weight. Cause even when you get to your goal weight, your body will always have a tendency to get to its original 'larger' weight again. I remember reading a post on here, where this guy was like, "deal with it", pretty much.

    But it doesn't have to be negative thing. Don't look at not eating certain foods as "deprivation". Look at it as a positive thing, and that you don't need to feed yourself those things cause you care too much about your health. I think this helps a lot. Rather than being like, "waaa I want that huge bowl of pasta", be like, "hmmm, thats a lot of carbohydrate for one meal, and pasta is very high in calories, and so I may be consuming more than I need for the day. I'll opt for something else!" ..think this in a positive way. Not to say you can't have a big bowl of pasta haha, but in moderation! Everything in moderation! But in the 'losing weight' phase, you have to be more cautious obviously. But yeahhh, try stay positive about your food choices! And not see it as deprivation, but as a good thing you're doing for yourself. Accept that other people don't have to even consider any of that, and move forward. Let them live their way, and you live yours.. along with all us here on mfp haha! (I also use healthy motivation facebook pages as inspiration for healthy choices, makes me feel more normal !) GOOD LUCK, hang in there! We all understand xx
  • I know how you feel. I have been there before but I am trying to turn all those negative thoughts around. I think, you know I ate what ever I wanted for so long, it is time for me to say no. Their blessing doesn't have to be a burden to me. I think about all the benefits of being good and doing the hard work are going to be for me... and some of them have nothing to do with weight! These benefits will not come to someone who has never had to work hard to be healthy. Also, everyone hurts, everyone has something that is hard for them, that is just life. Try to see how far you have come, try to think of positive things, it really does help. I have been where you are, and trust me it is worth the effort to think about it all differently. You are worth the work it take to get where you want to be!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    (In a few minutes, someone who has trouble gaining weight is going to come into this thread and start yelling at everyone.)

    I know how you feel. I have a friend who eats crap constantly. I don't think I have ever seen her put anything healthy into her body and she probably couldn't run a mile to save her life.Now she is hypoglycemic, but that's beyond the point... These people still might not even be getting enough calories. They might be able to "eat what they want" but maybe they just eat less altogether... Who knows.
    Then there are people who can't gain weight, no matter how hard they try. My boyfriend can eat whatever he wants. If he doesn't feed himself to the point of feeling sick, he loses weight. It bothers me, but I can imagine that it bothers him even more.

    I know it's frustrating, but just do you! That's all you can do... It's going to be that much more rewarding when you get to where you wanna be.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Their blessing doesn't have to be a burden to me.

    Oh I love that. I need to remember that.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Op you can eat anything at a deficit and lose weight.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I share many of the same sentiments. It becomes depressing and disheartening. But you do what you gotta do, right?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    It very well could be dietary. If you're eating too few calories, your blood pressure could go down and you'll just feel crappy and lazy. If your fat intake is too low, it could wreak havok on your hormones, which can cause depression among other things. There are a lot of things that can cause depression, but you have to look at the obvious things first and about all we know about you at this point is that you're on a restricted calorie diet.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,571 Member
    First of all, you don't know what skinny people feel or even what they do. Just like they don't know how hard you're working.

    Second, things can change with time. One of my sisters was stick thin and ate everything until she graduated from college. Then gained 100 pounds in a year when her metabolism changed and her eating didn't.

    I worry about that with my 25 year old son who is incredibly thin (he's in the Peace Corps now and 6'2" and 140 pounds). Fortunately, he seems to eat well and match his eating to his needs. But my husband was thin too, until he wasn't. Now he's added and taken off the same 50 pounds three times in the last 8 years.

    Look at yourself. Pursue your goals. We all have our own crosses to bear.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    My mom and my little brother could eat sticks of butter and drink heavy cream and never gain an ounce. My older brother, dad, and I don't have that luxury. We aren't obese but we do have to watch what we eat. My older brother gains weight the easiest, then me, followed by my dad.

    Some people have an easy time staying thin others have to work at it. On the other hand, my little bro has to really up his protein and workout HARD to get any kind of muscle bulk. I can work out 1/2 the time he does and get great results without the protein shakes. Everyone is different. Find what works for you and makes you feel fit and healthy. Don't worry so much about what "they" look like or are doing.
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