Goal: Half My Weight

Hi All,

As you can tell from my subject, I'm looking to lose about half my weight. I could even go further and still have it be called healthy, but half is what I'm really looking forward to. I'm 25 years old and weigh 300 lbs. I'm not someone who refuses to say their weight simply because I know where I am, and it's not like someone would think I'm 200 lbs by looking at me. It's there, it's obvious, and yes, it's really hard. People cope with weight differently, just as they cope with anything in life differently, but I personally believe in owning up to every aspect of my life, including my weight.

For the sake of this post, it has to be said that I've always been overweight. I've always leaned towards the bad foods and, like many of my generation, I fell for technology instead of fitness. It's a problem, and after fifteen years of off-and-on dieting, I'm more committed than I've ever been to get on the right track with my health and fitness habits.

To share a small success, and yet a big success, I started my healthy lifestyle on October 19th with a three-day eating challenge. It was hell considering I was only consuming 900ish calories each day, but I got through it. I had never done something like that, and I wanted to try it as a way to get things rolling, and I think it helped. After 15 days, I have done 7.5 miles on the treadmill (including 5k tonight - woo!), lost over 11 lbs, and have eaten at or below my 1,600 calorie/day diet. I know it's too soon to have a party since it's only been about two weeks, but I'm already feeling better than I have in years, and to me that says a lot.

The main reason I wanted to say all of this is because I know there are people out there in similar situations to myself who more often than not think they're always going to be this way. They think that getting healthy and fit and loving themselves inside and out is impossible, that it can't be obtained. Well, I'm here to tell you that it's all possible. Everyone has the ability to live a healthy lifestyle. It's not always easy, but in the end it's going to be worth it.

If you would like to know more, have questions, want to share your story, or just want to talk, please feel free to friend me and/or message me. I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm a talker, and I'd love to hear from you. Comments on this post are also much appreciated.



  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Any weight loss is worth celebrating! Keeps you motivated!! I was 5'2" and 180 a couple years ago and started running at my college's track. within 3 months I lost 30 lbs or so. Running is my muse! I give you credit for doing treadmill running, I just can't. I'm an outdoor runner, but running is running! Always been my favorite cardio exercise. Feel free to add, or I can you! Within the last month I've lost almost 6lbs kicking my own butt in (I have a thyroid issue so it's been hard) but trying is the battle!! Remember every pound lost is a ton of work you put in and you should be incredibly proud!
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    Keep it going girl! Love your motivation!
  • jc_miller
    Thank you!
  • jc_miller

    I have to first give you kudos for the 6lbs! Losing weight gets harder the more you go along, so that's definitely a great accomplishment! I also give you credit for outdoor running. For me at the moment it's getting to the point in the year where it's too cold to be outside. I'm in North Dakota where it's in the 30s, and with there being snow/rain, it's not worth the risk of slipping and falling. I hope to do more outdoor running once the spring rolls around. I'll also admit I'm not yet comfortable with working out around others so I've been using my parents treadmill. Hopefully I'll be more comfortable by spring and not make excuses at that point.

    Thank you so much for the comment and encouragement. Everything helps, as I'm sure you know. Keep up the good work! :)
  • TheNEWMonicaB
    TheNEWMonicaB Posts: 129 Member
    You are already well on your way and kudos to you! For me, sticking to something for 2 weeks is HUGE and worth the celebration. Before now, I never stuck with anything. MFP is making this journey fun and exciting and EASY! I hit 20 weeks tomorrow and it has flown by. Good luck to you and if you need friends/support, feel free to add me. :happy:
  • jc_miller
    You are already well on your way and kudos to you! For me, sticking to something for 2 weeks is HUGE and worth the celebration. Before now, I never stuck with anything. MFP is making this journey fun and exciting and EASY! I hit 20 weeks tomorrow and it has flown by. Good luck to you and if you need friends/support, feel free to add me. :happy:

    Thank you! I will definitely add you. It's great to have support, and I'm good about giving the support right back if you ever need it! And kudos right back at you! Twenty weeks is a great accomplishment!
  • 8130
    8130 Posts: 7
    You all are very inspiring and I thank God for MFP. It has really helped . Thank you for sharing your story. I can totally relate to your struggle, but it will soon become your triumph .
  • BehindBlueEyes988

    I have to first give you kudos for the 6lbs! Losing weight gets harder the more you go along, so that's definitely a great accomplishment! I also give you credit for outdoor running. For me at the moment it's getting to the point in the year where it's too cold to be outside. I'm in North Dakota where it's in the 30s, and with there being snow/rain, it's not worth the risk of slipping and falling. I hope to do more outdoor running once the spring rolls around. I'll also admit I'm not yet comfortable with working out around others so I've been using my parents treadmill. Hopefully I'll be more comfortable by spring and not make excuses at that point.

    Thank you so much for the comment and encouragement. Everything helps, as I'm sure you know. Keep up the good work! :)

    I know exactly how you feel. I grew up in Connecticut so cold winters are norm to me. I never ran there though. My fiance is the one who got me into it, and he knew how I felt about running. Hated it. Treadmills are still hard. I just hate seeing the time in front of me, lol. But the snow/ice is not a good plan to run in if the roads aren't clear. Injuries are not a good thing, for sure. They messed me up from my 40 minute a day running course to nothing (stress fractured my ankle). Do whatever makes you comfortable. Parent's treadmill or personal weight stash. I'm very self conscious about weight lifting at the gym, even Planet Fitness. If my fiance didn't go I'd definetly be scared away from free weights. It's no easy task for sure, but it is certainly rewarding.
  • jc_miller
    I know exactly how you feel. I grew up in Connecticut so cold winters are norm to me. I never ran there though. My fiance is the one who got me into it, and he knew how I felt about running. Hated it. Treadmills are still hard. I just hate seeing the time in front of me, lol. But the snow/ice is not a good plan to run in if the roads aren't clear. Injuries are not a good thing, for sure. They messed me up from my 40 minute a day running course to nothing (stress fractured my ankle). Do whatever makes you comfortable. Parent's treadmill or personal weight stash. I'm very self conscious about weight lifting at the gym, even Planet Fitness. If my fiance didn't go I'd definetly be scared away from free weights. It's no easy task for sure, but it is certainly rewarding.

    I know what you're saying about the time. I need to stop worrying so much about how long something is taking me and instead focus on what I'm achieving. And stress fracture - yikes! I'll have to be careful and not overdo something that I'm not yet ready for. At the moment I'm just "walking briskly," but I hope to get to running more soon. My body will get there before I know it, at least that's the hope.
  • jc_miller
    You all are very inspiring and I thank God for MFP. It has really helped . Thank you for sharing your story. I can totally relate to your struggle, but it will soon become your triumph .

    Thank you! It will soon become your triumph as well! We've got this. :)
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am glad that you found mfp. It is really helpful to have a group of friends that support and motivate you. When I started my journey 14 months ago I had half my body wt. to lose and now I have only 50 lbs. to lose. I say only because I've lost 104 lbs. so far and I know that I will eventually be able to do this. I am a talker as well and love to answer messages and posts. You can do this and you have made a great start. Feel free to add me. My name is Kimberlee, 49.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi honey,you are certainly not on your own and rule number one...DO NOT look at it as half your body weight or you will just stop before you start!
    look at it as 10 x 10lbs! 10lbs not so bad ehh? :wink:

    good luck and i am sure i will still be about well into you losing yours x
    i still have about 30 odd lbs to lose x
    eat and drink well and throw in as much exersice as possible and you WILL do great x :drinker:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Well done you, you seem so motivated, and have had a great loss so far!

    I've been living my healthy lifestyle since last year after I had my 2nd baby. I've always been pretty healthy to be honest and have been gymming for the past 10 years or so, but I let myself go a bit in my 2nd pregnancy. I also put on weight a few years back when I did my teacher training.

    Anyway, my daughter is 17 months old now and I'm nearly 50lbs down with another 15 or so to go. I've been on MFP for 130 days now and it's been great for motivation and finding like-minded people to support you.

    Good luck with the rest of your weight loss!
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I too am planning on losing at least half my weight. It's the most challenging thing to do because it has to be done 24/7 for the rest of your life. It's all about making life changing decisions. There is no fad diet here, only a better way of life. I would value your friendship.
  • jc_miller
    I am glad that you found mfp. It is really helpful to have a group of friends that support and motivate you. When I started my journey 14 months ago I had half my body wt. to lose and now I have only 50 lbs. to lose. I say only because I've lost 104 lbs. so far and I know that I will eventually be able to do this. I am a talker as well and love to answer messages and posts. You can do this and you have made a great start. Feel free to add me. My name is Kimberlee, 49.

    Thank you, Kimberlee! And wow, you're doing great! This is definitely the type of motivation I need. Sounds like we're in the same boat with amount of weight to lose. I'm proud of myself for what I've done so far, and you should be proud as well for as far as you've gotten! Congratulations! :)
  • jc_miller
    Hi honey,you are certainly not on your own and rule number one...DO NOT look at it as half your body weight or you will just stop before you start!
    look at it as 10 x 10lbs! 10lbs not so bad ehh? :wink:

    good luck and i am sure i will still be about well into you losing yours x
    i still have about 30 odd lbs to lose x
    eat and drink well and throw in as much exersice as possible and you WILL do great x :drinker:

    I'm so inspired by those who have come so far in their journey, so thank you for your kind words. I like how you look at this journey (10 x 10). I didn't exercise at all the first week, but now I've hit the treadmill four times and will plan on doing that at least 2-3 times each week as well as other fitness thrown in there. It's a long journey ahead, but I'd rather go about it being healthy than not. Thank you again!
  • jc_miller
    Well done you, you seem so motivated, and have had a great loss so far!

    I've been living my healthy lifestyle since last year after I had my 2nd baby. I've always been pretty healthy to be honest and have been gymming for the past 10 years or so, but I let myself go a bit in my 2nd pregnancy. I also put on weight a few years back when I did my teacher training.

    Anyway, my daughter is 17 months old now and I'm nearly 50lbs down with another 15 or so to go. I've been on MFP for 130 days now and it's been great for motivation and finding like-minded people to support you.

    Good luck with the rest of your weight loss!

    Thank you! I've heard it's hard to get back to a healthy lifestyle and fitness after having a baby, so I applaud you for making the effort and doing what you need to do! My friend just joined MFP as well and she had her first baby in September. It's great to have support on here, so thank you for that.
  • jc_miller
    I too am planning on losing at least half my weight. It's the most challenging thing to do because it has to be done 24/7 for the rest of your life. It's all about making life changing decisions. There is no fad diet here, only a better way of life. I would value your friendship.

    Thank you for the comment! It is definitely about making life changing decisions. Looks like you're off to a great start as well - congratulations! It looks like we both have a long way to go before meeting our goals, but with the effort and support we can do this. :)