Feeling pretty bummed...



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Sara, when you're hungry you're not yourself. You turn in to a Diva, you need a snickers bar.

    Are you calling me Betty White? - I know I am old but sheesh. :tongue:

    And I know you know I eat so hungry is never my problem :wink:

    Edited to take off the infini-quotes as there is enough blue on this page already.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Ribbons390........................I'm sorry your thread ended up this way. This was not posted under the "fun chit chat" forum and it still has gone ugly. Hopefully the person who walked in with the insults can walk out, nicely, and we can turn this thread back around. I truly think everyone wants to help you here, it's just some felt the need to belittle others opinions. Sometimes this makes a person feel "BIG" if they can talk down others ideas and values.

    Honestly, I think your a beautiful girl. I respect your wish of wanting to get healthier, I just don't think you need this 30 day shred thingy. I think, like I originally stated, you just need some of the simple start things.

    My disclaimer* Just like MFP say's, No, I am not a professional nutritionist, I am brand new to weight lose and living a calorie counting life. I am only giving you my humble pie opinion, and take from it what you will. Once again, sorry it got ugly, I feel like I'm in a Jerry Springer episode.

    Sweet dreams.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ribbons390........................I'm sorry your thread ended up this way. This was not posted under the "fun chit chat" forum and it still has gone ugly. Hopefully the person who walked in with the insults can walk out, nicely, and we can turn this thread back around. I truly think everyone wants to help you here, it's just some felt the need to belittle others opinions. Sometimes this makes a person feel "BIG" if they can talk down others ideas and values.

    Honestly, I think your a beautiful girl. I respect your wish of wanting to get healthier, I just don't think you need this 30 day shred thingy. I think, like I originally stated, you just need some of the simple start things.

    My disclaimer* Just like MFP say's, No, I am not a professional nutritionist, I am brand new to weight lose and living a calorie counting life. I am only giving you my humble pie opinion, and take from it what you will. Once again, sorry it got ugly, I feel like I'm in a Jerry Springer episode.

    Sweet dreams.

    Ironic post is ironic.

    My comment in my first post - not quoting anyone:
    Deary me, there is a lot of fail in this thread.

    your comment specifically quoting me:
    Talk about stuck up.........try eating something every once in awhile!

    Who exactly was insulting who?

    OP: apologies for being part of derailing the thread. Hopefully you get some good advice. I will bow out now as this will just get derailed even more.

    Good luck.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    My disclaimer* Just like MFP say's, No, I am not a professional nutritionist, I am brand new to weight lose and living a calorie counting life. I am only giving you my humble pie opinion, and take from it what you will. Once again, sorry it got ugly, I feel like I'm in a Jerry Springer episode.

    Sweet dreams.

    oh my goodness. brand new to weight loss and you are spouting off like your an expert. Yet you don't want anyone else who disagrees with you to share theirs. There are many things that work for people, Sara and Quietlegs had great info to share. The OP is brand new to this, it takes some time to get in and find what works.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Your a MFP pro, use selective quoting, deny your insults, edit half of them, then say your bowing out, pathetic. You walked in with your opener, "fail thread" so yes, I quoted you, all of you, not taking out what I want. Your lame, seriously. Too good for your own good, know it all, except respect for ours and there opinions. I have a quote for you "blah ba blah ba blah blah."
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    My disclaimer* Just like MFP say's, No, I am not a professional nutritionist, I am brand new to weight lose and living a calorie counting life. I am only giving you my humble pie opinion, and take from it what you will. Once again, sorry it got ugly, I feel like I'm in a Jerry Springer episode.

    Sweet dreams.

    oh my goodness. brand new to weight loss and you are spouting off like your an expert. Yet you don't want anyone else who disagrees with you to share theirs. There are many things that work for people, Sara and Quietlegs had great info to share. The OP is brand new to this, it takes some time to get in and find what works.

    Again, you quote me, yet fail to UNDERSTAND I say I am NOT a professional, just my opinion. EVEn, MFP disclaims professionalism. You guys just think ONLY you can give an opinion, lol, you guys rock! JUST READ< READ.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I love being quoted.................and they fail do read what i wrote." My humble pie opinion"...............that really sounds like i'm saying Im an expert. LOL....................wow, dealing with some real thinkers here.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Once again, sorry, I'll make sure to get sara? and quitlegs? and sz9494? approval before giving my opinion in a forum post that has anything to do with what you say goes.

    A bunch of MFP groupies, "oh my goodness".........lol
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    A lot of people seem to be showing differences with the 30 Day Shred, but I don't see much at all on myself. I didn't have something to measure myself with on day 1 so I don't have anything to compare. My weight hasn't gone down even though I've done it every day. I do have a measuring tape now but don't know where exactly to measure.
    Also I started to watch my calories at day 7 or 8, and I can't seem to keep my food intake at 1200. I keep wanting to snack and eat a lot.
    For the first week or so I was happy and had a decent sleeping schedule and work out schedule. I looked forward to working out. Now I feel super low, drained and tired. I've limited my Pepsi/chocolate and junk food intake to once a week, so I think the lack of it is causing my energy to drop. Many mornings I've woken up and wished I could continue to sleep forever, and have postponed my work out until late at night. The only thing I got going for me is that I haven't missed a day, but I really want to.
    Also I talked about the soreness in my legs to my friends and they think they are shin splints? Either way it gets hard to work through.

    Anyway, I'm down in the dumps that I'm almost halfway through the 30DS and don't see a difference, and that my will power with food is nonexistent. (If you look at my diary you will see McDonalds.)

    Anyone out there having similar problems? :(

    Sara's advice is solid:
    So, I would suggest:

    1) eating at least some of your exercise calories back
    2) set yourself at a reasonable activity level (sedentary is just that - basically doing nothing. I have a desk job and do very little outside planned exercise and mine is between lightly active and active )
    3) set yourself at a reasonable weight loss 1/2 - 1lb a week,
    4) log ALL your food accurately. Use a scale/measuring cups and spoons
    5) while weight loss is calories in/calories out, it helps to keep a balanced diet with fruit veggies and mix of fats and enough protein for health and body composition purposes.

    I would add a couple more things to it. Try for a week planning out your meals ahead of time. Figure out what you're going to eat for the whole day the night before (or plan the whole week in advance) and stick with it. This doesn't mean you can't have any indulgences, just not any that you don't plan in. See how that affects your energy levels and performance in your workout. I find that when I plan my food ahead, I end up eating more nutritious foods and do a better job of hitting my macros. What are your current protein, fat, and carbohydrate targets?

    How much sleep are you getting?
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Your a MFP pro, use selective quoting, deny your insults, edit half of them, then say your bowing out, pathetic. You walked in with your opener, "fail thread" so yes, I quoted you, all of you, not taking out what I want. Your lame, seriously. Too good for your own good, know it all, except respect for ours and there opinions. I have a quote for you "blah ba blah ba blah blah."

    you mad bro?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    A lot of people seem to be showing differences with the 30 Day Shred, but I don't see much at all on myself. I didn't have something to measure myself with on day 1 so I don't have anything to compare. My weight hasn't gone down even though I've done it every day. I do have a measuring tape now but don't know where exactly to measure.
    Also I started to watch my calories at day 7 or 8, and I can't seem to keep my food intake at 1200. I keep wanting to snack and eat a lot.
    For the first week or so I was happy and had a decent sleeping schedule and work out schedule. I looked forward to working out. Now I feel super low, drained and tired. I've limited my Pepsi/chocolate and junk food intake to once a week, so I think the lack of it is causing my energy to drop. Many mornings I've woken up and wished I could continue to sleep forever, and have postponed my work out until late at night. The only thing I got going for me is that I haven't missed a day, but I really want to.
    Also I talked about the soreness in my legs to my friends and they think they are shin splints? Either way it gets hard to work through.

    Anyway, I'm down in the dumps that I'm almost halfway through the 30DS and don't see a difference, and that my will power with food is nonexistent. (If you look at my diary you will see McDonalds.)

    Anyone out there having similar problems? :(

    Please do eat more if you are feeling 'super low, drained and tired'. Hopefully this is just because you need to be eating more, but if you really are eating too little, you may also be low in iron and/or the vitamin C you need to process it.

    Listen to your body. IMHO it is telling you to eat more.

    Your weight not decreasing may, in part, be due to holding water weight as your muscles try to mend themselves, so hang on in there with the 30DS.

    Oh, and to get the opinion of more people who have used 30DS, try starting a thread when most of America is awake. You have had some reasonable responses (eg Sara), but I hope you can ignore the 'go even harder' advice from someone who has never done the 30DS, and all the in-fighting.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • Based upon the fact you drink pepsi and eat chocolate, and eat at mcdonald's , don't know your weight, calories.............I think maybe you shouldn't of done this. Don't get me wrong, healthy people eat chocolate at times, mcdonald's, and pepsi, but just by your writing, I'm assuming your new to this whole thing.

    Yes, thank you for pointing out that I am also new at this, but apparently not as good at it as you? I'm sorry, but you're the only one in this thread besides diligentjosh who has seemed to have mocked my food intake, (I may have mis-counted, but there's a lot of posts to go over.) but at least he has had several very good, and reassuring advice posts while most of yours where protecting your ego.

    Yes, I am new at this. But you don't know me, and you don't know my history. Maybe in the past few weeks I have had several Pepsi's, but trust me, two or three is MUCH, MUCH, better than the two a day I used to have a couple weeks ago. I'm getting there. Starting MFP was supposed to help show me how much crap I've been putting in my body as well as teach me to track the healthier things coming in.

    And chocolates people? Really? I only did that once. If you're referring to the, "Milk - Chocolate" in my diary, it was meant to be a glass of Chocolate Milk, I've been told that it's really, really good for right after your work out for re-building your muscles.

    And the 30DS isn't the only form of exercise I've ever done. I've tried running, I've tried smaller work outs, I've tried running stairs. I've made it to day 13 and haven't stopped, so I don't think it, "isn't for me." I think that it's good enough, considering that some think it isn't the "best" work out since I only burn what, 200 calories?

    Frankly sir, you only seemed to aim to be insulting while giving really low ball advice and "hijacked" this thread with nothing but bickering. If you're as nice as you say you are, you should have stopped where you started and kept your not so nicer thoughts to yourself, because in the end you really only dug yourself into a hole, instead of made yourself look like the nice little victim who got sassed at.

    As for everyone else, you have given really great advice that I was actually looking for, and I"m going to do my best to work through it. I know that I don't eat healthy, and unfortunately I am a picky eater and don't have the greatest income in the world, but I do my best to try and purchase more vegetables. ((Unfortunately since I started this MFP I haven't had the chance to go grocery shopping again so I have run out of the good stuff, fruits, veggies, etc.))

    Also, ((Sorry, lots of posts here)), someone mentioned to actually count and measure out my foods as well, and considering the "Milk - Chocolate" mistake, it's probably much better that I do that than to rely on the ones that have already been inputted into the app. I'm going to stick to my 30DS, but consider a day off every now and then as well. I'm going to do more research into good foods that I can eat on a low budget. I'm not a very good cook at all myself, so I'm going to research several recepie books that are useful to me.

    Thank you to those who answered my 1200+200 calorie question. I've been getting a lot of advice about that and 1200 seemed way too hard to maintain while working out.

    Thanks again and sorry if I missed anyone. :)
  • Hey Ribbons, sorry to hear you're feeling bummed =/

    Hope you're ignoring the troll, and listening to the great advice of some of the others, particularly Sarauk2sf.

    All I can say is that sometimes during my heavy cutting / burn periods, I feel sluggish, tired, and faint when I stand up too quickly. I take it as a sign that I need to sit down (probably literally), and reevaluate where I'm at, and what I'm doing. Sometimes I push myself too hard, or in the wrong direction, and my body begins to rebel.

    Sometimes it's a question of getting my macros wrong - maybe I need more carbs to fuel the intense workouts, or maybe I need more protein to rebuild my muscles. Or maybe I need more vitamins and minerals, and need to up my intake of vegetables and fruit.

    It's not always easy eating the right amount of or the right kind of foods, while still maintaining intense exercise, but I have faith that you can do it! Just don't let a few setbacks stop you, and don't lose faith in your goals and actions. No matter what little progress you may see right now, if you stick with a good plan, you'll really amaze yourself.

    Thankyou! I wish I had see. This before I responded, I didn't realize there would actually be trolls on this website. xD

    Your advice makes me think! Carbs for energy, or protien for healing. Sounds difficult to balance but I'm sure I can figure it out too. There's a lot of advice here that I'm going to go over too, but I have already cut so many carbs from my diet already! I used to live off of KD, but then I decided to cut pasta out completely.

    That was before my work out and before this website. I cut down on pasta, my salt intake, (I used to pour A LOT of salt on my food), and even my candy/Pepsi intake. I used to be close to 170 before I cut down and joined this website, so I must have done something right. Lol. :)
  • A lot of people seem to be showing differences with the 30 Day Shred, but I don't see much at all on myself. I didn't have something to measure myself with on day 1 so I don't have anything to compare. My weight hasn't gone down even though I've done it every day. I do have a measuring tape now but don't know where exactly to measure.
    Also I started to watch my calories at day 7 or 8, and I can't seem to keep my food intake at 1200. I keep wanting to snack and eat a lot.
    For the first week or so I was happy and had a decent sleeping schedule and work out schedule. I looked forward to working out. Now I feel super low, drained and tired. I've limited my Pepsi/chocolate and junk food intake to once a week, so I think the lack of it is causing my energy to drop. Many mornings I've woken up and wished I could continue to sleep forever, and have postponed my work out until late at night. The only thing I got going for me is that I haven't missed a day, but I really want to.
    Also I talked about the soreness in my legs to my friends and they think they are shin splints? Either way it gets hard to work through.

    Anyway, I'm down in the dumps that I'm almost halfway through the 30DS and don't see a difference, and that my will power with food is nonexistent. (If you look at my diary you will see McDonalds.)

    Anyone out there having similar problems? :(

    Sara's advice is solid:
    So, I would suggest:

    1) eating at least some of your exercise calories back
    2) set yourself at a reasonable activity level (sedentary is just that - basically doing nothing. I have a desk job and do very little outside planned exercise and mine is between lightly active and active )
    3) set yourself at a reasonable weight loss 1/2 - 1lb a week,
    4) log ALL your food accurately. Use a scale/measuring cups and spoons
    5) while weight loss is calories in/calories out, it helps to keep a balanced diet with fruit veggies and mix of fats and enough protein for health and body composition purposes.

    I would add a couple more things to it. Try for a week planning out your meals ahead of time. Figure out what you're going to eat for the whole day the night before (or plan the whole week in advance) and stick with it. This doesn't mean you can't have any indulgences, just not any that you don't plan in. See how that affects your energy levels and performance in your workout. I find that when I plan my food ahead, I end up eating more nutritious foods and do a better job of hitting my macros. What are your current protein, fat, and carbohydrate targets?

    How much sleep are you getting?

    I'm not sure what my target numbers should be. What I do know is the things I have eaten and been mocked about, not by you, already in this thread aren't helpful. I'm not dumb, I just jumped off the bandwagon for a few days. I want to keep my carbs low and eat more protien and get enough vegetables and fruits.

    Right now my sleeping pattern is bad. I used to get 8/9 during the high point I had mentioned, but I stayed up really late on my days off and returned to sleeping about 10/11 hours. Except last night. I don't know what that was but I wouldn't call it sleeping. It was like I was awake - but not. But I have early shifts for work so when I go to bed at a decent time tonight that should help to fix my sleeping pattern.... It's just not fun at the moment. :P

    (Also Sara thanks for that list there, you were the one I meant to credit in a previous post. ;3)
  • Oh, and to get the opinion of more people who have used 30DS, try starting a thread when most of America is awake. You have had some reasonable responses (eg Sara), but I hope you can ignore the 'go even harder' advice from someone who has never done the 30DS, and all the in-fighting.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:

    Haha thanks. I guess I took this website for granted and assumed that there weren't any rude people, but postings during the day would have been smarter. Also I'll remember to try and eat something good next time I feel drained. :)
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Ribbons390........................I'm sorry your thread ended up this way. This was not posted under the "fun chit chat" forum and it still has gone ugly. Hopefully the person who walked in with the insults can walk out, nicely, and we can turn this thread back around. I truly think everyone wants to help you here, it's just some felt the need to belittle others opinions. Sometimes this makes a person feel "BIG" if they can talk down others ideas and values.

    Aren't you that guy I constantly see insulting everyone for their ideas and values that are different than yours? You know, the guy that said all women who don't conform to your values are worthless? I'm glad to see that you've changed your stance and now feel that everyone's individual ideas and values should be respected. I look forward to seeing you follow through with this. =)
  • In addition, your caloric intake is set at a calorie deficit right off the bat. If you want to lose 1 lb per week, your deficit is 500. If you want to lose 2, it is 1000. So check your settings.

    This page is more like a guide. I do not follow it religiously. But it is very simplistic, and it is free. Weigh loss is that simple, calories/nutrients in, calories/nutrients out. If you take in more than your body can process in a given day, you will gain weight.

    Btw....200 calories in 1/2 hour is rather low for a workout. It means you are not going at a high intensity level. Decide how you want to do it, but you only get out what you put in. Keep that in mind. It is like buying a car, essentially. The nice, fancy cars cost more, and take more effort to maintain and keep looking nice.

    While I appreciate your advice, I think you're at a higher level than what I'm ready for. I mean the 30DS is rough, but you seem to do a whole lot more than that. I'm still a beginner. :) Once I'm done the 30 days i'll probably start more cardio, so I'll keep your advice in mind for then.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i suggest a healthy dose of 'get over it.'


    Have you ever told yourself:

    “I’m an idiot. I ate like total crap today.”

    “Why am I so lazy? Why did I skip my workout this morning?”

    “I have no willpower, because I couldn’t stop myself from eating those M&M’s.”

    Every day, people trying to get healthy have tiny moments of weakness, and absolutely berate themselves for being “bad.” Then, they allow that one fleeting moment to absolutely derail any success they’ve had by making additional bad decisions because “it’s too late at this point.”

    I’m going to teach you a little trick today to instantly stop this behavior and allow you to continue down your path towards a leveled up life.

    It’s called the “Get the **** over it” rule, and it’s sweeping the nation.
  • Ribbons390........................I'm sorry your thread ended up this way. This was not posted under the "fun chit chat" forum and it still has gone ugly. Hopefully the person who walked in with the insults can walk out, nicely, and we can turn this thread back around. I truly think everyone wants to help you here, it's just some felt the need to belittle others opinions. Sometimes this makes a person feel "BIG" if they can talk down others ideas and values.

    Aren't you that guy I constantly see insulting everyone for their ideas and values that are different than yours? You know, the guy that said all women who don't conform to your values are worthless? I'm glad to see that you've changed your stance and now feel that everyone's individual ideas and values should be respected. I look forward to seeing you follow through with this. =)

    If I could "like" this post, I would. <3
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Ribbons390........................I'm sorry your thread ended up this way. This was not posted under the "fun chit chat" forum and it still has gone ugly. Hopefully the person who walked in with the insults can walk out, nicely, and we can turn this thread back around. I truly think everyone wants to help you here, it's just some felt the need to belittle others opinions. Sometimes this makes a person feel "BIG" if they can talk down others ideas and values.

    Aren't you that guy I constantly see insulting everyone for their ideas and values that are different than yours? You know, the guy that said all women who don't conform to your values are worthless? I'm glad to see that you've changed your stance and now feel that everyone's individual ideas and values should be respected. I look forward to seeing you follow through with this. =)

    If I could "like" this post, I would. <3

    Well aren't you just the sweetest thing. =)

    Listen to Sara and Pu, they both gave great advice. Calories in and out is the biggest thing. Macros help with body comp. but don't need to be your primary focus. When I first started my diet, I was annoyed by that Nutella lawsuit, so I went and bought 3 jars of Nutella to show my support. It was delicious and you better believe I ate heaping spoons of it every day - while losing 2lbs a week. The biggest thing was measuring it properly (I dished it out with a measuring spoon). I still don't have a scale (poor student), so my numbers aren't perfect. If you can afford a scale, get one and measure everything. It can be surprising how incorrect package proportions and volume estimates really are. One person mentioned taking body measurements w/a tape measure as opposed to just going by weight and I think that would be a great place to start. Short term, you can be losing fat, but gaining water weight etc and your numbers can be very disheartening. Track your measurements and be patient. If your calories in are below your calories out, it's only a matter of time.