"Night out" counting

msdjsmith95 Posts: 14
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am on Day #4 and have pretty much been keeping to my goals so far. Tomorrow night is my girl's night out playing bunco with friends, and the hostess always serves a spread. Of course, I won't know the calories of anything there, so what do I do? Help!:frown:


  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    Just ask what brands of food she used to make a dip or whatever, then eye how much you are putting on your plate and tally it up when you get home. Usually when I'm in those situations, I try really hard to drink a glass of water before I get there, and at least 2 more while I'm there, so I don't eat as much. Or if there's just chips/crackers, eat those because you'll be able to count exactly how many you are having. And of course, maybe you can bring a big vegetable tray or fruit tray.
  • sk2010
    sk2010 Posts: 17 Member
    If I know what is being served ahead of time, I look up calorie estimates, and go with a plan.

    If I don't know what is being served, I eat reasonably, and write down what and how much I ate - while I am still at the event. Then I track it when I get home. I find that if I don't write it down in a timely way (even at the party), and try to remember later, then I may forget something I popped into my mouth, especially if it is a long event, or lots of grazing is happening....

    Have fun at your night out :happy:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    When I'm in those situations I try to remind myself that I'm there to enjoy time with my friends, not the food. Maybe decide once you see what's there how much a reasonable amount is before you start eating, and be sure to cut yourself off once you reach it? Those situations are always the hardest though, you don't want to seem rude, but you don't want to sacrifice your efforts either. We're rooting for you!
  • I definitely try to avoid dessert and watch my intake! Thanks for all your responses. This is a lot more work than I expected, but hopefully with good results!! I think MFP is great!
  • indy2bird
    indy2bird Posts: 13
    Or maybe eat something you know the calories of before you go and you can just munch a few things while you are there. Good luck!!
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