anyone else have starving and bingeing issues?

Basically, how do you stop? :'(


  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    Ok hun I used to emotionally eat or not eat at all in times or stress or upset. My trigger was/is emotion, I still get emotional but I dont do this anymore. I think it stopped once I started exercising and planning my meals etc. If I did get stressed then I would go and exercise instead or go and de stress having a bath or go for a walk or something. Also I dont buy anything "nice" I could binge on. Big hugs hun xx
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    don't allow the compensatory starving when you do binge. that's the first step. constant intake of sufficient calories will diminish the need/desire to binge (in time) but I think having this "way out" (for lack of a better term) is making it easier to rationalize the binging. No starving allowed--period. Plan a lunch out with someone--surround yourself with people so that you can't hide in order to get away with starving. Anything that's going to keep you from engaging in the act (of starving--or binging for that matter) is what you need to do. The starving is easier to control--I feel--so it's best to just remove that completely from your repertoire of compensatory behaviors. You will eat anyway. Tell yourself that when you're binging, after you're done, and the next day--you will eat anyway. you might be shocked at how that thought will change the binge itself. There's no way out--so that means you're stuck with those calories and yes, weight gain. But starving and binging needs to be fixed before you'll ever earn the healthy body that I'm sure you want.
  • finding_sammi
    I lost 14lbs in 5 days and was so hungry yesterday, hyper with it strangely (I put kerrang tv on and blitzed through my chores, I had so much energy, and actually had to shower 3 times during the day as tho I'd been at the gym du know?), but my heart was beating too fast, even after I stopped. And as I say I was so hungry... and I had all these thoughts going round and round in my head, conflicting advice about what I should do and what a loser I am and such til I couldn't stand it...I ended up getting drunk and eating everything in the house! :'(
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    You have to stop the starving. You're trading one illness for another--is this about getting healthy or completely about what you look like in the mirror?
  • NocturnalGirl
    Yes I do. The first step is to STOP starving. If you stop starving yourself (or eating very little) then your binging will eventually stop too. Forgive yourself and move on, if you hold onto it and beat yourself up over it then it can get into a vicious cycle. Also, you might want to consider professional help. Do you use food as a stress reliever? Is there something else causing the binges? Finding the root of the cause will definitely help. Good luck! xx
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Okay, i've had an eating disorder since 14 (anorexia with bulimic tendencies once I got older), i've been in clinics/treatment centres for it, i'm 5'11 and my lowest weight was 110 (which is very thin for my height). it is hell, and I genuinely can empathise with you. However this isn't what your life has to be like, and that's the good news :) It's not easy, sometimes it is, but you will have days where you panic, want to give up, make mistakes and eat too much or too little. But you can be healthy and lose weight at the same time. The best thing about losing weight the 'healthy way' is because you'll maintain keeping the weight off, as supposed to putting it all back on again and more as soon as you start eating. It's about adopting sensible habits. Especially because you have children, you can be a positive role model for them but it's about getting real with yourself.

    My fitness pal has actually REALLY helped me with controlling me e.d. I prelog my day every single morning before I eat a thing, and can feel comfortable knowing i'm controlling the situation but in a healthy way. Have a search for the 'eat more to weigh less' threads, I struggle to reach my calorie target some days but hell do I try, and I feel better/am losing more when eating at least 1000 a day than I ever did eating 300. I make sure to get my fruits and veggies in, even if i'm not hungry I live for my smoothies! I would suggest (if you don't already) tracking every bite of food you eat, be honest, and make sure your food diary is open. Try and make a network of friends on here because honestly I wouldn't be in the mindset I am now without mine- for the encouraging words when you're doing well as well as encouragement when you're not doing so well. People in these forums are so full of knowledge and can inspire you to make positive changes. It's all in your mind. YOU can be healthy if you want to be, you can say no to a binge, you are strong enough.
  • thistimevictory
    I have been there so many times!

    First, please do not starve! You may not lose weight but it is important that we establish a good relationship with food. I am not losing weight right now but I know I will because I am eating measured portions at the right time and all home cooked healthy meals.

    Second, water!!! I can't stress it enough. It has helped me so much. I was the one who would read posts about water and would say ' yeah right , water is going to curb my hunger!' But it actually does! It does! It does! And I have found that as I have started drinking more water I am more thirsty in general. So drink water... loads and loads of it.

    Third, This is something my mom always used to tell me that your hunger is in your hands. You can increase and decrease it by yourself. She was right. But we have to do it gradually. Otherwise it will always backfire!

    These are the things that worked for me. I am not at a perfect place right now but definitely better! Hope it helps you!:flowerforyou:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    It's a vicious cycle. You 've been given some great advice! Have you thought about making your diary public? Helps being accountable if you do it right. Also, make sure you are eating enough protein to help keep you full and to not lose muscle. This will decrease your metabolism even more and make it even harder to lose weight. I know we all want it off RIGHT NOW, but slow and steady wins the race. You have a lot of support here!:flowerforyou:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Check out the EM2WL (Eat more to weigh less) group! Has taught me how to take in enough calories so I don't feel deprived and then binge...I used to only eat 1200 a day; now I eat between 1700-2100 a day and feel so much better!!! Sure I have a couple of more pounds I'd like to lose, but at least I'm not yo-yoing around anymore! Gain 5, lose 4, gain 3, etc.
  • aphid
    aphid Posts: 47
    i used to do this. i forced myself to stop by not having any bingeable food in... like chocolate/cakes/crisps etc, but now i found i got more confident because i'm not doing it, which stops me feeling the need to do it. and now i plan what i'm going to have for dinner, enjoy looking forward to it, cooking it, and eating it, and that lets me not feel the need to binge anymore. and as starving would always lead to a binge and the bingeing lead to guilt, so more starving, i make sure i don't starve myself so i can be in control. and exercise also has made me feel better about myself, which i think is really the key to stopping bingeing. it's when i feel insecure that that kind of thing tend sto happen.
  • finding_sammi
    Thank-you all so much for taking the time to read my post and reply!

    I do have my food diary open because I thought even if I can't stop my bad habits, at least they wont be a big secret.

    Also, I know how my disorder started: my sister was dying of cancer and had to be fed through a tube in her nose.. it made me guilty to eat... pffft, my sister died six years ago this December, even her own children (now 13 and 15) have coped better than I have, ...when is it gonna end??? The guilt, the punishment with food, the depression...even the self pity because I'll be honest, sometimes I just get so sick of my thoughts/feelings and I wanna scream to the world: IT ISNT MY FAULT MY SISTER GOT CANCER, I deserve to be happy, my sister would want that for's so pathetic. I'm too old for this, and I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up my children's relationship with food.

    What a mess.
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I can totally relate. This is how my day to day life has been for awhile. I had a healthy relationship for awhile, went vegan, was enjoying the food I was making and then went into a downward spiral that i'm still fighting my way out of it. Eating disorders can be easy to fall into. I would starve for a week or two, just eating 100-200 cals a day. Drop 15 lbs, then start binging and not stop until all the weight was back on :( It's sad and can make you feel even worse. NOT starving is the biggest step you can take to stop this behavior. Good luck to you.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thank-you all so much for taking the time to read my post and reply!

    I do have my food diary open because I thought even if I can't stop my bad habits, at least they wont be a big secret.

    Also, I know how my disorder started: my sister was dying of cancer and had to be fed through a tube in her nose.. it made me guilty to eat... pffft, my sister died six years ago this December, even her own children (now 13 and 15) have coped better than I have, ...when is it gonna end??? The guilt, the punishment with food, the depression...even the self pity because I'll be honest, sometimes I just get so sick of my thoughts/feelings and I wanna scream to the world: IT ISNT MY FAULT MY SISTER GOT CANCER, I deserve to be happy, my sister would want that for's so pathetic. I'm too old for this, and I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up my children's relationship with food.

    What a mess.

    Cognitive therapy. Get it if you can afford it. I wish I could! As my own worst enemy for years and years, I read what you've written with horrified sympathy. You have framed everything as:

    1. A reflection on what a bad/weak/pathetic/messed up person you are (that outlook will make you feel helpless to change things and it's not true).

    2. Every problem clumped into one big overall problem 'mess' instead of separate issues to be handled separately (making it absolutely overwhelming for you).

    Put one and two together, and how will you change anything? You gotta change that mindset first.

    No one deserves to be happy. No one deserves anything. The word 'deserve' just doesn't have meaning, not for me, not after seeing what I've seen of people. Plenty of bad people are happy who 'deserve' to be under the jail and plenty of good people are suffering who 'deserve' every joy in life.

    But you should do your best to make yourself happy anyway, even if you're the most evil thing since Nero played his apocryphal fiddle, because no one else is properly qualified for the job of making you happy and most people wouldn't try even if you were qualified for sainthood (maybe especially if you were qualified for sainthood!).

    You gotta be in your own corner and fight for yourself first, enlisting any help you can get whenever possible. Don't say 'I deserve to be happy' say 'I'm going to make myself happy!'