Just had a baby...

Hey everybody!
I'm Alli and I have a 4 year old energetic boy & I just had my second boy on August 25th. With both of my pregnancies I have been high-risk because of pre-eclampsia. With my first I gained 90 lbs & it took almost 4 years to lose 60lbs. With my last pregnancy I gained 74lbs & 30lbs of it was lost (water weight) within 2-3 weeks after I had my son. I'm currently stuck at 222lbs & my goal is to weigh 150lbs. That would put my BMI to 24.2.

I'm looking for weight loss buddies! :)


  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Congratulations on your new baby! I am a mom of three. I started at 255lbs. My goal is to get down to 140. So, I have a long way to go and I would love to support you on your journey. Please add me if you like.
  • I had my baby in January, I am 5'3 and tipped a bit over 200 when pregnant I am I didn't take the weight loss too seriously until 4 months ago after the baby I was 184 I am now down to 162 with mini goal of 150 and an ultimate goal of 135 add me if you like
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    Good luck on your weightloss journey. congrats on the new baby. You can do this and there are plenty of supportive people to help. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Congrats on the baby!

    I have a 3 year old son and a 17 month old daughter. I managed to not put on too much with my son, although it was still quite a lot and took me a year to shift it, and then I put on loads, maybe 50lbs, with my daughter.

    I didn't weigh myself in either pregnancy though, but I have lost nearly 50lbs since my daughter was 7 weeks old, and I am a lot thinner than when I got pregnant with her.

    My aim is to get back into my old Levis, which are a UK size 12 (US 8). I can fit into some 8s already, but I have a muffin top in some, so I want them all to fit properly!

    I was around 220lbs 7 weeks after my daughter was born and am now around 170. I'd like to get to 150, but I think if I lost 15lbs I would look how I should!
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats on the baby! I had mine 4 weeks ago..I actually lost 19lbs during the pregnancy, I only gained 6lbs but he weighed 7lb 14! Im still wayyyy off my goal though, have about another 150lbs I want to lose..

    Good luck with it, I only started a week ago and have lost 1lb so far, start as I mean to go on!

    Any friends would be welcome, I'm completely new to the site and can't say I'm too clued up on navigating my way around, plus I'm sure the extra motivation from people in the same boat would be a big help!

  • I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and looking for a buddy also x
    KYBETH Posts: 52
    Pilatemom is a new mommy. Her daughter was born on Halloween. She might be able to use a little help from you younger women. My baby is 28 so I am not much help with the new mommy stuff. Could someone get in touch with her.
  • bubbleskiwi
    bubbleskiwi Posts: 148 Member
    congrats on your baby! I also had a baby in August and now starting my weight loss journey!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Congrats on the baby! I had mine 4 weeks ago..I actually lost 19lbs during the pregnancy, I only gained 6lbs but he weighed 7lb 14! Im still wayyyy off my goal though, have about another 150lbs I want to lose..

    Good luck with it, I only started a week ago and have lost 1lb so far, start as I mean to go on!

    Any friends would be welcome, I'm completely new to the site and can't say I'm too clued up on navigating my way around, plus I'm sure the extra motivation from people in the same boat would be a big help!


    Wow, you did well to lose weight in pregnancy!! What's your trick?!

    My son was 7lbs 13 and my daughter was 8lbs 10! Both were overdue though - my son 10 days and my daughter 12 days and induced.

    Feel free to add me! I have a pic on my profile of when my daughter was tiny so you can see how much weight I have lost.
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    My trick? My finicky boy lol, I just went off EVERYTHING so wasn't eating a great deal at all! That and getting out and walking around. I only managed that til I was around 6 months though as he was back to back to me so the back pain was a bit crippling!
    He was born on his due date though, thankfully!
    I'm actually smaller now than I was pre-pregnancy, best diet I've ever had!

    I'll add you now though and have a peek :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My trick? My finicky boy lol, I just went off EVERYTHING so wasn't eating a great deal at all! That and getting out and walking around. I only managed that til I was around 6 months though as he was back to back to me so the back pain was a bit crippling!
    He was born on his due date though, thankfully!
    I'm actually smaller now than I was pre-pregnancy, best diet I've ever had!

    I'll add you now though and have a peek :)

    My daughter was slightly back-to-back, and labour was definitely more painful than with my son. Quicker though luckily (4 and a bit hours).

    I exercised while I was pregnant with my son and managed to get to the gym until around 34 weeks. I could've carried on going to my due date really as I was easily able to walk around, but I was just lazy I guess!

    Are you all on Facebook? We should start a baby weight loss group!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Congrats on the baby!!

    My kids have a similar age gap. My son is 7 and my daughter is 3. It's nice, they play well together (most of the time lol), and when they were a LOT younger, he'd help with bringing me diapers, helping with things. It was great!!

    I'm Krista, I'm 27 and I started here at 220. I'm down 24 as of today, and my goal is 140 (and then reassess to see if I want to stay there or keep going).

    I've broken my 80lbs into 20lb goals. I give myself 3 months to lose 20lbs. So far so good!!

    Welcome, and you can add me if you'd like. I log every day and have an open diary!
  • I had a baby last December so I'm trying to loose the weight too. I would love to help incourage you and be a buddy, I need one too:smile: