5:2 diet newbie - suppport wanted please!!!



  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I did my second day today, I feel great!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Third day today but have been rather naughty on the in between days due to a very social week. I am struggling with the fast days a little, I'm OK until I have my evening meal and then once I've eaten I'm starving all night. I'll have to try having my main meal later in the evening.
  • TheBattleAxe
    TheBattleAxe Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the diet, and it's going quite well. I fast Friday and Saturday so I can enjoy at least one day of eating with my family. I'm trying to use fast days as a detox as well so I aim to eat mainly raw fruit and vegetables. Generally miss breakfast then have some salad fairly plain (lettuce,cucumber and tomatoes with a splash of lemon juice on). When hunger strikes I'll have some fruit (pear, apple or grapefruit). Then later on I'll have a small bowl of home made veg soup. All washed down with herbal teas and water. I exercise on fast days but don't push myself to hard, long walk with my dog or a slow jog.
    I too have tended to head for bed quite early.
    Don't own scales so I go by the clothes test, not much to report yet, but I'm sure it will kick in soon.
    1 pack of beetroot
    2 apples
    Blended together is quite nice
    1 beetroot grated
    1 carrot grated
    1apple grated
    Gently warmed in a pan is also tasty
  • bumpkin_7
    Last year I lost a fair amount of weight by using MFP to track food and exercise, but since last autumn/winter due to injury I've not been able to exercise enough to balance out my food intake. However, with this 5/2 approach, I'm on my 5th fast day in 3 weeks, and finding it the easiest diet I've ever done, because there's no real calorie- or points-counting, I just eat 'normal' food but less of it!

    With only 2 fast days in a week, there's no need for planning or buying particular foods - just look in your fridge/cupboard and see what's there. I'm not stressing about keeping to exactly 500 cals, but using 500-600 as a guide. I am also still exercising but more like only 1500 cals/week rather than the 3500 I used to be burning through running.

    Examples of what I've done:

    1. Breakfast - delay until lunchtime - I'm more motivated to 'be good' in the morning, especially on a Monday. Instead I drink black coffee and lots of water to keep me feeling full.
    Lunch - sachet of low cal cupasoup and half a pitta bread
    Dinner - one-egg omelette, without oil, with fresh steamed carrot & broccoli
    Snacks - apple, satsuma, banana

    2. Breakfast delayed until lunch as above
    Lunch - 40g porridge oats, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, made with water (I don't like the creaminess of milk)
    Dinner - massive vegetable stir fry made fresh with 75g quorn pieces, thinly sliced ginger, a bit of soy sauce, garlic - all cooked in a tbsp or two of water rather than oil
    Snacks - fruit as above

    Other evening meals I've had:
    a. 1 tin of low cal tomato soup, with a tsp of harissa to give it a bit of spice, and 30g chickpeas for protein & bulk
    b. 2 x Quorn fillets, with steamed broccoli & carrots, with a homemade 'quick tomato sauce' (2 tbsp tomato puree, garlic, dried herbs)

    I think the best thing about this is that you really can fit it around 'normal life' - I'm just picking the best days in the week as I go along according to work and social commitments.

    Hope that helps.
  • SEG22
    SEG22 Posts: 5

    I don;t know if anyone is interested but I have started doing this diet (last week) and to try and commit properly I have started blogging. I'm hoping this will help me on the days I struggle!

    Please check it out on www.eatfastblog.wordpress.com
  • Jenlando
    Am trying this myself and currently on second day of fasting. I've made a v low calorie spinach soup, which looks slightly radioactive, but is surprisingly tasty. It's literally just frozen spinach, onion, veg stock and sautéed onions, pepper and salt. Apparently has only about 50 calories per cup and it seems to be keeping me going today. I do suffer from hyperglycemia so I need to eat little and often to stop myself getting very light headed, so being able to have a cup of soup every few hours is helping! (Oh the girl sitting across from me is currently eating, i kid you not, Chicken Kiev, Onion Rings, Chips, beans and coleslaw! I also had a meeting this morning filled with Pret Bakery goods.....Willpower required indeed!!!)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've been doing the 5:2 regime since August and it's working for me.
    Diaries are open (Mon & Thurs are fast days) and there's a link to the BBC Horizon program in my profile if anyone is interested.

    I'm probably doing it slightly differently:
    - I work on 600 net calories on the two fast days (i.e. eat back exercise calories)
    - I'm eating/exercising to a calorie deficit on the 5 "normal" days.

    Feel free to add as a friend.
  • NJSunshine13
    Does this really work??? How much has everyone lost the first few weeks. I'm game to try anything if I'll drop the weight.
  • babsb121
    babsb121 Posts: 35 Member
    There seems to be plenty of info flowing, but for those who'd like to read more, see my blog dated yesterday & entitled "Horizon: Eat, Fast & Live Longer xxx
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    5:2 fasting does work, if you do it properly, you have to educate yourself and do your research first. I quickly lost 6lbs in the first two weeks, but then started binging so now I have a 18/6 eating window instead, I eat around the same amount of calories a day and the binges are starting to decrease too. I have lost 3lbs in the last two weeks, I'm fairly small anyway so this is good enough for me:) Do what works for you, we're all different what works for someone else may not work for you. I personally I couldn't see myself doing 5:2 for life, it's not sustainable for my lifestyle.
  • fester1084
    There is a face book group 5:2 Fasting diet . Lots of help , tips and support.
  • Rosieharrier
    Hi, I'm brand new to the site and am loving it so far! Thinking of trying out the 5:2 diet to shed some pounds, I've not gone under 180lbs for the past 3 months which is a bit depressing so hopefully this will give me a boost! Has anyone tried doing the fast days from 2pm to 2pm? I read somewhere that that was a good way of doing it, but not sure if it would work as well!

    Hoping people can recommend some great 500cal veggie recipes for me!
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    I started last week too!
    First fast day was Tuesday, ate 534 cals over 3 meals, then my fiance came home & put a movie on so I ended up eating 500 cals of muchies ! Ooooops!
    Second fast day Thursday, didnt expect this to go well as I had a day off & I tend to eat loads on my day off. I had a dental appointment in the afternoon and actually ended up having a wisdom tooth out, so fast day ended up going quite well haha

    Planned fast days for this week are Monday & Wednesday.

    We should start a group for this diet! I might look at doing that later, at work at the moment!
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    yes a group would be great!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    there is already a group :-)