I have broken my plateau!!

I consider this a success story as my weight hasn't fluctuated much for the past 2 months. I was stuck at 180 for ever and ever.... I am so happy to step on the scale this morning and to have it read 178 lbs. Oh my goodness, it is SO nice to see. It gives me even more motivation to keep on working out like i do and to watch what I eat like I have been. I am so grateful for MFP. I also am on level 3 of the shred, so I am sure that has helped me with this weight loss( Lost a ton of inches, and now a few lbs too!).

Great way to start this sunday off. I think I will be going to the gym today to get some additional cardio in too.

Have a good one day!


  • Yay for busting out of that plateau!!! And congrats on having such strong perseverance during the past 2 months! You are unstoppable now. :glasses:
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Way to go! Is there anything you did in particular to break the plateau?
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    Well done, I think Im in a similar situation. Im halfway through the shred and have put on a couple of lbs. But Ive been really good with my diet so Im sure its fluid retention cos I think my reflection has improved!! Hoping when I get to level 3 Ill drop a few like you did :)
  • Soxiez
    Soxiez Posts: 39 Member
    Awesome work! I keep circling around the same weight, give or take a tiny bit. So annoying! Let us know what you did, so maybe some of us can break plateau too!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Congrats!! I've been stuck there too! Up and down with the same 2 pounds. Hoping to break it this week!!!
  • karen4ever
    karen4ever Posts: 46 Member
    This is excellent to hear because plateau's can be so hard to get through, I'm glad you did it :-)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Way to stick with it! I really understand about the plateau effect and how that can leave a grey outlook on your day. I've broken through what I hope to be my last last last plateau since I only have 2 more pounds to go to goal.

    Enjoy this success and make a mental note on how you have accomplished it and most important how you stuck to your plan and worked through. It's most important!! :)
  • Congratulations! I have been stuck at 190 for well over a week and it's driving me nuts! I can't wait for the morning I step on the scale and see some results. What a wonderful feeling. Keep up the good (hard) work!
  • Congrats!
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words of support. Love having people to talk too about these things!!
    Well, I was at the same weight for so long, and eating the same way... So I knew that it was time...time to actually workout and "shock" my body so to speak. I have a gym in the condo I live in, but with my husband working all day and a 13 month old it was almost impossible to get it by the evening. I then took matters into my own hands and pulled out that 30 day shred DVD.

    So basically, working out with the shred, I didn't see the scale move at all really....maybe the same 1-2 lbs up and down every few days.( I weigh daily). BUT, I have lost about 10 inches+.
    So I just have been drinking more water, continuing my work outs, and tried not to get discouraged and quit! I read somewhere that on the shred a lot of people don't see weight loss up until the 3rd level. For me, this has been the case.

    It is tough you guys. I thought I was just going to stay 180 forever, but I knew it takes time for your body to adjust and to lose weight. So i said if i quit now Ill be back at square one in no time.

    I reallly believe incorporating some actual workouts and weights is the one to help me break this cycle.Because up until then it was just logging my calories and casual walking daily.

    I will keep on going from here!!! WE CAN DO IT :) feel free to add me so we can help each other out!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    awesome! Congrats:drinker:
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