Help push me....pretty please

In just over 13 weeks I will be going to Cambodia to cycle for charity for 5 days. At the moment I weigh in at 227, after losing 32lbs in the last 4 months. However for the past month I have kinda stalled and not pushed myself like I did at the start.
I have given myself a good talking to, and started taking my daily vitamins and extra vit D that will hopefully make me cheer up and want to get going again.
I need to increase my exercise and eat cleaner. I did it when I first joined here and know what and how to do it. What I am lacking is the get up and go. In a ideal world I would lobe to lose another 32lbs before going to Cambodia, but since I am a realist I am aiming at 20lbs. To drop 2 dress sizes will be perfect too. The idea of of squeezing into the plane seat is a scary thought so shaving off them inches is needed.


  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    You have done so well so far, just think about how good you will feel and how much it will lift your mood when the weight starts to come off.

    Im rooting for you,good luck xxxxx
  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    we'll get through this together! you know were both in the same boat i gave up recently but im back now i need motivation too :) we can do 30ds together and thats a starter atleast! xx
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    thanks you guys are great, feel free to add me too, more the merrier at this stage. I know its harder mentally over the winter months but we can all do this.
  • PUSH:
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    love those pics, cant wait to have that body inside on show and dump that ugly mask hiding it
  • I know you can do it. Just keep up the good work. Good Luck!
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you, I am sure with the help of my friends on here I can too
  • i find that having a training partner, at LEAST, to walk with one day a week, is a big help...because, i know for me, it's when i'm alone and make choices i would NEVER make in front of another know...maybe somebody you know has a dog, even, that needs walking...let that dog be your walking buddy...because it IS the cardio and the accountability to this program here that are your best weapons...since i have been writing down EVERYTHING i eat...when i want something to eat that is questionalbe...i cue up my chart for the day and see if i can afford it or if i'm willing to go burn that many calories today AFTER i eat whatever it is...
    just be determined that giving up is NOT an are a kid...37?? is that how old you are?? girl...don't let weigh PLAGUED you in the prime of your life...women, unlike men, can continue to build strength as they as much better....
    the fact you asked for help shows you really wanna do right and have a great SAFE time on that cycle...good luck
    take care,
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    thank you, when I first started on here I was a maniac for walking. I prefer to walk alone as I can walk at a faster pace. I was walking good distances before the school holidays, even did 17 miles straight just for the heck of it.
    The school holidays were hard to fit anything in as the kids hate the idea of doing anything that will require them moving at a good pace and distance. I was also working extra hours, I work in nursing so am on my feet for a full 8 hour shift, only sitting for half hour at lunch time.
    Work has now settled back down, the kids are at school so time to get my butt out there and get it on the bike.