Lost 10.4 pounds since August!

So as some people know, I started my weight loss in January of 2012. Losing 42 and going from 196 pounds to 155 pounds was awesome. But as the summer went on I dramatically put on 22 pounds due to binges. I went on the scale in August and realized I was back to 177 pounds. I was miserable. But in September I decided to make a change. I did a number of workouts including the C25K (but never finished!) and just ate healthy. I changed my workout to "100 days of Interval Training" in the middle of October, switching between Jillian Michael's DVDS, 30 Day Shred, Ripped In 30, and Kickbox Fastfix. I started back to calorie counting on November 1st because I went to a Halloween party and binged (but that had only been my one binge since September 8th!) Today was my first weigh in since August and I am proud to say I have lost 10.4 pounds! 177 to 166.6! I'm so happy and I can finally tell a difference!


  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Good for you! Never give up! I know where you're coming from, I have binge problems too. They are so hard to control. I try to keep junk food out of the house so if I do binge, the worst I binge on is microwave popcorn.
  • Raaless
    Raaless Posts: 33 Member
    Excellent. Keep at it. Super well done for getting up and starting again.
  • coastie_wife07
    keep it up =)
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    Good stuff, getting back on that horse is the toughest thing but brilliuant when you realise you're on your way again!!!
  • zannyzanzanzibar
    zannyzanzanzibar Posts: 354 Member
    Amazing! Well done for getting back into it & achieving such a great loss!
  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    Well done for turning it around - you should be proud of yourself - sounds like you are very determined - keep up the good work
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