
Hello -

So, I've recently joined a gym (maybe a month ago), and I have been using the elliptical trainer and the cybex arc trainer about 3x week (40 minutes between the two of them), then usually have a 10 minute walking cool down on the tredmill. The elliptical is great for getting my heart rate up, and it uses both my legs and arms...the arc trainer REALLY makes me sweat (if you aren't familiar, you can look online). HOWEVER, I haven't seen the scale budge at all...my husband says he can tell that I'm starting to tone, but my clothes don't fit better either. I couldn't really understand this, as I have been eating healthier, too. Anyway, my hubby thinks that the elliptical and arc trainer build muscle more than help lose pounds. I thought there might be some truth to this, so I found a c25k podcast for my ipod. It was kind of nice out this morning, so I decided to try the program outdoors. We have lots of hills, so I thought "okay, pace yourself!" The first jogging segment was fine - I did it without any issues....once I got to the second jogging session, my right calf started to feel incredibly cramped...to the point where when I got to the third session, I could only jog for about 10 seconds. I was SO disappointed because I wasn't even out of breath yet! Grrr.

Anyway...any insight on the elliptical/cybex VS jogging? Any tips for a new runner attempting the c25k program with leg cramps? (and yes, I did stretch before and I drank water beforehand).



  • Kfarrell6
    Kfarrell6 Posts: 18 Member
    I am a runner that has long since graduated from C25K. I do know that anytime you either increase speed or distance, your achilles tendon can give you issues. I struggle with very tight calf muscles during my runs, and yes, just stretch as much as i can before. I believe that stretching at night also hellps.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Static stretching before a muscle is warmed up does more harm than good. A warm up for running is just that, warming up your muscles not stretching them and tearing down fibers. A warm up can be some jumping jacks, high knees, or just a really brisk 5 minute walk which most C25K programs include.

    Cramping is often caused by poor running form (too fast, steps too big so you pound on your heels, improper foot wear) and dehydration. You can't hydrate right before you run, it needs to be something you do all the time so that your muscles have the water already. Water in your stomach won't help your calf muscles.

    Google Chi Running for some tips on maintaining good form. Learning to run properly right from the beginning is much easier than correcting it later and if you haven't been fitted at a running store for shoes suited to your gait that would be a good idea as well.