Motivational friends needed

I have returned and need to seriously lose some weight for my own self esteem and also to fit in my clothes because there is nothing worse than putting your jeans on and they really hurt and you cant afford any more. Anyone out there that nows the feeling and could do with the help too. Would love to hear from you.


  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    Feel free to add me. It's always nice to have an interchange of encouragement!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I always welcome new friends. I feel you can never have too many friends and I try to encourage all my friends, because this is going to be a life long commitment for me and many of my friends. Feel free to add me.
  • feel free to add me:) the more the merrier:)
  • Hi Donna! You can do it!

    Anyone, feel free to add me :)
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Add me if you like !! I got to my goal then got a bit complacent and put weight on again. But I'm back to it again now !! I love seeing my friends workout and that motivates me to get my *kitten* moving :). I support my friends and like support I'm return when I have a bad day.:smile:
  • feel free to add me - I would love to support you and vice versa :)