Just found out I'm pregnant!!

Just wondering if there's anyone else on this pregnant too. I want to try and eat really well and make sure i'm getting everything the baby needs and not stuffing my face with all the wrong foods! Anyone with advice would be great, Thanks


  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 156 Member
    when i was pregnant , i had to eat healthy food mostly as i was rather sick. where i could have gone wrong were with cravings, i craved cream, but i figured out i only craved it if i hadn't had some milk in the morning, so i think calcium was the issue.
    i once read or heard somewhere that people who crunch ice need more iron.
    so my advice is, if you have a craving, try a healthier thing, or look it up to see what you need :)
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    checkout babyfit.com. I have used it with my last three pregnancies. They have meal plans, exercise ideas, and groups that you can join to stay connected with like minded people. I am TanyaSteve over there.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    there are many pregnant ladies on here, I did something similar for my 2nd preg... best pregnancy I've ever had. I am friends with pregnant lady on here she is awsome I think she has less than 8 weeks she still does martial art, and have other children and works part-time nights as a nurse. Truly an inspiration.
  • prettymomma16
    When I was pregnant is when I actually started eating super healthy. I was overweight to begin with before hand. I followed a healthy eating plan put together by a nutritionist that didn't restrict calories at all (in fact I had such a hard time eating enough!) but it was all very healthy. She told me as long as I ate well 90% of the time, everything would be fine. Which worked because it is so hard when those cravings kick in.. mine was cheeseburgers lol, But I ended up only gaining 20 pounds my whole pregnancy. Once she was born I lost all of that weight almost instantly. Having a healthy baby was all the motivation I needed. So I never had any weight to lose from the pregnancy itself (I have weight to lose from before which is my mission now) CONGRATS :) Good luck mama!
  • hmhsu
    hmhsu Posts: 8
    I just found out that I am pregnant too! I'm pregnant with baby number 2. It's hitting ,e a little hard though. I just lost 40 lbs so I'm feeling a little bummed that didn't hit my 50 lb goal, but at the same time I'm excited! Feel free to add me
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    Congratulations!!! Is this your first? It is a wild ride, and the best one you will ever go on. Keep us posted about your progress...I am a devoted stay-at-home mom of two, and I LOVE living vicariously through other people's baby stories. :)
    Just wondering if there's anyone else on this pregnant too. I want to try and eat really well and make sure i'm getting everything the baby needs and not stuffing my face with all the wrong foods! Anyone with advice would be great, Thanks

    Look, it ain't mine!
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi eating healthy during a pregnancy doesnt have to be hard im 21 weeks along and have not gained any weight yet feel free to add me