Munching College Student

jwelch7290 Posts: 42 Member
edited January 3 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, so I am a college student who is studying a ton due to the excessive workload I have and I have noticed that as I am studying for hours on end, I get extremely munchy and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for CHEAP and healthy snacks to munch on while I'm studying?

Thanks :)


  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    I like air popped popcorn! I aid some kettle korn seasoning to it :)

    I also like to suck on hard candies too.

    Of course you have fruits and veggies too, but I like crunchy things while im studying lol.

    And of course, a lot of the time it's just an oral fixation deal, so I tend to always have my bottle of water next to me. Otherwise, I lose track of what I'm taking in food wise.
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    Grad Student here! Nuts, Shakes, Chewy veggies and lots of water
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Baby carrots, frozen grapes, pickles,celery, broccoli, etc..heck, even popcorn
  • BonjourAmelia
    BonjourAmelia Posts: 70 Member
    The best thing for me is to just not be around food!
    If I'm studying at home. I distract myself by thinking about (and eventually eating) the food in the cupboard.

    But If I go the library to study, and leave my money home. I bring a bottle of water, and a small snack (fruits/veg, yogurt, etc) and I'm not nearly as "hungry" (i.e: bored) as I am when I'm studying at home
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    i love frozen peas, grapes, rice crackers (just one row), apples, bananas, carrots+hummus, vitawheat crackers + cottage cheese
  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    carrot sticks, fruit, yoghurt.

    Also: Chewing gum. Helps my munchies and I read some study saying chewing helps brain activity.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    Herbal tea. Also gives me an excuse to get up frequently (to make more tea), which is probably why I actually want a snack...
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    popcorn, crunchy veggies with light dressing, nuts, tea/water, SPARKLING water with a splash of juice, (trying to remember my college and graduate school days that were really not that long ago even though I like to try to forget the stress lol), gum! gum always helps me out.
    Also, my best advice is to just eat a healthy filling meal before studying and then sipping on tea or the sparkling water to help out afterwards. then chew gum. Eating so late in the evening is a soothing behavior, and really not natural. that's how I gained my freshman 18 as an art major in the studio all night. I should have just had a filling healthy meal. I learned that in grad school, as I was preparing for my wedding and shedding lbs successfully (which I cannot do now that I am 5 months post partum, ugh).
  • trisha1298
    trisha1298 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone I'm also a grad student, and I've found that the best way to control my weight during exams is to eat 5 mini meals/day every three hours. To me, 3 hours isn't too long to wait in between so I'm not going nuts yet by that time. When you're studying for an entire day, it actually feels like you are eating too frequently.

    My go to plan is oatmeal with fruit for breakfast and then.... drumroll please.... 4 lean cuisines spaced at 3 hour intervals. They aren't super cheap ($2.50 each), but it's worth the money to know that I am eating something unique and delicious, and the calorie count is right on the box (about 300 each). One of the biggest challenges for me is measuring out quantities and making time for cooking. It's impossible for me to cook/prepare food 4 times per day, so lean cuisines have totally changed my lifestyle. With that food plan, I get ~1400 calories/day.

    Also, I no longer have mood swings/energy highs and lows during the day because I don't have hunger highs/lows.

    If you really want snacks while you're studying, I like to drink a lot of tea without sweetener (chamomile is my favorite), and the flavored sparkling waters from the grocery store are great (safeway is absolute best). I try to not have snacks around because I will just eat them all. I also agree with aag845- don't study at home!
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