
Hi my name is Lisa! I am a very picky eater. One thing I have a hard time eating is oatmeal! When I had a personal trainer he told me to try replacing one meal with oatmeal a day then up it to 2x a day. It helps you lean up faster. I however absolutely hate oatmeal! Is there anyway to make oatmeal a more tasteful and desirable meal? I am not a fan of the texture or taste :( any suggestions would be helpful!


  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    Hi my name is Lisa! I am a very picky eater. One thing I have a hard time eating is oatmeal! When I had a personal trainer he told me to try replacing one meal with oatmeal a day then up it to 2x a day. It helps you lean up faster. I however absolutely hate oatmeal! Is there anyway to make oatmeal a more tasteful and desirable meal? I am not a fan of the texture or taste :( any suggestions would be helpful!

    Stevia.. Or add some protein powder.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    What type are you eating? What I mean is, instant, quick oats, or steel cut. Also, are you using the packets or trying to cook it yourself.

    Personally, my favorite is cinnamon and sugar (or splenda, or whatever sugar substitute you wish to use). I generally use steel cut oats (a completely different texture than most people are used to) but in a pinch I will do quick oats. I also make mine much thicker than most people. It isn't a soup and shouldn't run, imo.
  • bonnielovinglife
    Try a different type of oatmeal..it might help. I can't stand the texture of those Quaker packets (mush!) but like Mccann's - Quick Cooking Irish Oatmeal. Try added less or more water to see what you prefer. My trick is to cook it up then add in frozen fruitm mix it up and I let it all stand on the hot burner. By the time I get dressed and ready for the day it's the perfect temp to eat and the fruit is all thawed. For me any kind of berry rocks it. I've also added fresh peaches or apples which was pretty yummy too.
    My dad is all about adding a bit of milk to his with some nutmeg.
  • theamia112
    you can puree it before you cook it or blend it wit Soy milk and have it raw. that way the texture is smooth and u can use spices like vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon to spuce it up.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I say, if you don't like oatmeal, don't eat it!!

    However, if you would like to try eating it again, I like the quick oats. I find the instant has a weird soupy texture that I can't stand which is probably why I hated it for the first 32 years of my life. I cook mine 1part oatmeal: 1 part water. Then I add 1 TBLS almond butter or peanut butter and a mashed banana or I will add a quarter cup pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice (or just nutmeg and cinnamon if that's all that I have). I will also add frozen mixed berries. If I want it a bit sweet I add a bit of agave nectar or maple syrup. If I really want a bit of a treat, I'll add 1 TBLS chocolate chips. Enjoy!
  • zombehcecil88
    I tried quick oats with some fruit. It wasn't to bad. Thanks for the tips!
  • DaphneAtx
    DaphneAtx Posts: 153
    I love oatmeal made with milk and I add 2 packets of splenda and 1/2c fresh strawberries. So yummy and comforting.
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    1 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup of water. Microwave for 1:30 without stirring. Mix in a scoop of chocolate protein powder. When you cook it that way it keeps a bit of texture, turns out kinda like chocolate creamed rice. It's a solid meal, quick to prepare and easy to get down. You can mix in some fruit as well if you like.

    Shrink proportions if that makes up too much for you.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    a little brown sugar/cinnamon
    diced up dried apple with cinnamon (put the apple in their while it's cooking)
    maple syrup the real stuff, you don't need a whole lot for flavoring and it's not processed.
  • Playingwithfire89
    (100) calories of instant oatmeal
    (50) calories half of a mashed banana
    (90) one table spoon of peanut butter
    (40) cup of 40 calorie unsweetened almond milk
    half a packet of splenda u stole from ihop
    a sprinkle of salt

    cook for 3 min = 280 calories of OMFG amazing
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I also hate oatmeal. But, I looooove it in homemade protein bars (I use peanut butter and almond as the wet and add whatever dry stuff I have on hand, usually rolled oats, flax and protein powder or textured vegetable protein). I also like to make protein pancakes and muffins. I either grind rolled oats into flour or leave them whole. My mos recent muffins were: 1/2c rolled oats, 1/4c TVP, 110g banana (1 med banana) 1/2c almond milk, 2 tbl peanut butter, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1 tbl vanilla. Bake 15 min @ 380. I ate the whole batch (while they were hot I put Milky Way chunks in it and they melted and omg it was good... But normally ill eat them plain, and since I do eat a whole batch at a time, it's a higher cal meal. For pancakes I usually just grind up oats, add protein powder, add 3/4c egg whites and some baking powder and cook like normal pancakes, they cook fast ~ 1 min per side... And the flavor is usually a bit bland, so I top them with peanut butter.
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    I like the quaker classic plain oatmeal (the one you cook on the stovetop). I usually make 1/2-3/4cup dry oatmeal, add some water, and boil it. Then I like to sweeten it with like 4 packets of splenda, and at the very end take a fruit of my choice (frozen peaches, frozen berry medley, etc) and throw it in as a topping! Fresh fruit is awesome too! :D Sometimes a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup gives it that extra kick. Good luck!!

    I feel good when I eat oatmeal. :)
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    you can puree it before you cook it or blend it wit Soy milk and have it raw. that way the texture is smooth and u can use spices like vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon to spuce it up.

    can you just use a blander? i dont mind the taste of oatmeal at all my the texture gets to me so if i blended it, it might help! except i dont drink soy milk IDK if almond milk would work but i dont see why not
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ask you're trainer how oatmeal will help you lean up faster? I'd love to know the answer.

    That being said, I love oats.

  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    There's a few things you can do that are good
    - Add some flavor. This morning I had oatmeal with cocoa powder and instant coffee...mmm!
    - Baked oatmeal is good too, it kind of tastes like an oatmeal cookie. Look up some recipes, when I have the time I like to make this.
    - I don't personally like this, but I had a roommate that ate oatmeal raw with almonds and choc. chips. If it's a texture thing for you, you might like this.

    Hope this helps! I loooove oatmeal!
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Flavahan's Porridge , made quite thick, with 15g of sultanas, 15g of clear honey and a dust of cinnamon OR Nutmeg!

  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Have you tried overnight oats - this is my favourite go to breakfast - no cooking just prep the night before. My current receipe is:

    30g rolled oats
    add a little water for the oats to absorb and soften
    70g of chobani greek yoghurt
    60g of red apple
    60g of mixed frozen berries

    Comes in at about 220 calories

    Stir it together in a container, cover and leave in the fridge overnight and its ready to go in the morning - very refreshing and tasty breakfast.

    I have only just switched to Chobani greek yoghurt today and found the texture to be a lot thicker than when I used fat free vanilla yoghurt so if you're looking for a smoother consistency I would reduce the yoghurt slightly and add more water.
  • inspiredfitchick
    You could add it to a protein shake. Blend it up and you get all the benefits. I also love to use it in protein pancakes. I use protein powder, ground up oatmeal, and egg whites. You can add fruit, pumpkin, cinnamon, and or stevia/truvia to it. Hope that helps. Personally I love Bob's Red Mill gluten free quick oats. I like certain brands better than others as mentioned. Warmed up apples, cinnamon, and truvia is my favorite way to eat it cooked.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i hate oatmeal too. it's more the texture and the look. what i do is add a lot of fruit, some peanut butter, milk and a little brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg and i eat without looking at it. i use the irish steel cut oats

    and wait this guy is basically telling you to eat like you're in a gulag by eating oatmeal only for 2 meals a day to help you lose weight and you're OK with that?? :laugh: what happens after you get out of prison and can eat more than a bowl of oatmeal twice a day? that's really bad advice.
  • MommaSchwag
    MommaSchwag Posts: 81 Member
    (100) calories of instant oatmeal
    (50) calories half of a mashed banana
    (90) one table spoon of peanut butter
    (40) cup of 40 calorie unsweetened almond milk
    half a packet of splenda u stole from ihop
    a sprinkle of salt

    cook for 3 min = 280 calories of OMFG amazing

    I love oatmeal!!!! I am seriously IN LOVE with the stuff. It keeps me so full for so long. I loved seeing all these new recipes and ideas. I will be trying these out this week. Specifically, this one. Also going to check out the sites listed for the overnight oatmeal. Thanks everyone!