Ease into it or give it all i got?

Hi everyone :)

Would just like some advice on whether or not I should ease into a exercise routine to get used to it or just charge ahead and give it everything I got in the first place?

I need some fun exercise ideas to because I do get quite bored of the same old thing, and I'll be doing this on my own to.

Any advice/ideas would be a great help!



  • kismicallychal
    I'd go for something in between. Nothing worse than giving it your all...and then quitting a few weeks later because everything hurts, you've strained all your muscles and are sick of it.

    What kind of exercises are you interested in? See I love the treadmill and could do it all the time, but doing 10squats bored me stupid. I also get bored really easy so I do a bit of each - 30mins treadmill morn/night, 3sets of 3kg weights, bike riding, kayaking and just started *trying* to add squats/jumping jacks/skipping to see which ones I like and can kee up.

    Really it's just trial and error as to what you like doing.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    If you get bored easily you may want to look into signing up for some fitness classes! If not, some people really like DVDs.

    A way I don't get as easily bored is to watch Netflix or tv while im working out. If I'm listening to music I can't do cardio for very long, I get super bored.

    And I would test the waters a little in everything. See what you like and what will give you a good burn for what you're able to do. :smile:
  • QuietLegs
    Ease into it. Absolutely. Start small, and build from there.

    As for fun things... well, I love table tennis. I try to play as much as I can during the day w/ my coworkers.

    I eventually fell in love with running, but that's one of those things that most people don't really enjoy at the start.

    How about biking? It's a great, low-impact exercise that I find just absolutely enjoyable. Eventually you can just ride for hours on end, burning a ridiculous number of calories, while just having a blast.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Depending on what your exercise level was to begin with .. I'd ease into it. You'll naturally increase your activity level as those endorphin's kick in. Like someone stated - nothing worse than going Gung Ho .. only to peter out and get bored and/or frustrated with the exercise due to soreness or boredom.

    Got friends .. go play some frisbee for an hour or so .. play tennis with someone. Go for walks in your neighborhood. Rollerblade or roller skate .. ice skate. Shoot some hoops somewhere.. Jumping jacks .. jumping rope ..

    I suppose it depends where you live on what type of activities you can do .. indoors or outdoors. Do you or someone you know have a Wii .. go for the Wii fitness workouts .. DVD workouts ..

    Lots of stuff you can do that is all exercise from light and easy to more rigorous. :-) It's best to remember what you did as a kid or liked to do as kid and take it up from there.. Hiking/treadmill is great too ..

    I enjoy swimming and yoga too .. various aqua classes .. even aqua zumba is out there :-) I could go on .. lol
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Somewhere in between. It really depends on where you are at. You don't want to injure yourself so some amount of adjusting is neccessary.

    There are so many options for exercise. You just need to figure out what works for you. Things you could try

    - Walking, Running, biking, swimming (steady state and interval)
    - Boxing
    - Zumba
    - Dance classes
    - Hiking
    - Surfing
    - Kayaking
    - Sports (soooo many options here)
    - Gym classes (spin, pump, aerobic, water aerobics, circuit, dance-based...)
    - Exercise DVDs
    - Boot camp
    - Circuit training
    - Plyometric training
    - Body weight exercises
    - Lifting weights

    My point is to emphasise how many different options there are available to you. There has to be something that you'll enjoy doing. Keep trying new things until you find one (and remember to try them a few times before you rule them out. Varitey is important to me so that I don't get bored
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    A way I don't get as easily bored is to watch Netflix or tv while im working out. If I'm listening to music I can't do cardio for very long, I get super bored.

    This!! I used to hate running on a treadmill and the elliptical tended to get boring very quickly. Once my gym got machines with tv's though I was hooked. A lot of the times I keep going because I want to finish the show I'm watching, or I don't even realize how long I've been exercising because I'm distracted by what I'm watching. It works the same for working out at home as well. Also work out dvds are helpful, especially if you get a variety because you can rotate them. That way you don't get bored with doing the same thing over and over again.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I think it depends on the type of person that you are. For me, I knew I would get discouraged if I popped in an exercise video and I couldn't get through the whole thing. So I started with what I could do, which was walking on the treadmill, and for a set amount of time. It was pathetic in the beginning, but I set goals to add time and increase the speed. I watch DVD's while I walk/jog.

    I'm still trying to work out a decent weight training routine, and hoping that this week will finally iron all that out. Do what will work for you, my way worked for me to build sustainable habits, which was ultimately my goal.
  • stashypants
    Like others have said, it really depends. What's your history of exercise/working out and depends on what you're doing as well. I always ease into it, the first 1-2 weeks or however long it kinda takes you to get your momentum and to "feel it". Once you do, GIVE IT YOUR ALL! :P but do it on your terms, your body will know!.
    What are you planning on doing?
  • lizz89p
    lizz89p Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone :)

    To be honest I hate walking on treadmills! I just in it quite boring, I can walk outside though until I'm blue in the face, but I feel like its not enough for substantial weight loss? Well for me anyways.

    I've tried exercise DVDs before too but due to lack of space and pretty much knowing I can turn it off I do.

    I just give up to easy I think haha
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    ease into it!

    once you've find out what you enjoy and develop a good routine, then start pushing yourself. :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I gym it 5 times a week, if I don't go to gym, I climb stairs, jumping jacks, sit ups, kinnect games or walk the dog. The whole diet saga bugs me so I'm always doing some form of exercise so I can eat more but I'm still losing...