I need WAY more weight loss friends and support!

The more friends, the better. Here's a bit about me if you're interested in adding!

-I'm 21.
-I'm a current Phlebotomist, future nursing student, and aspiring trauma surgeon.
-I love animals. I have two cats and two dogs. I have a soft spot for large breed dogs, and my Saint Bernard Jack is the love of my life :D
-I have been with the ACTUAL love of my life for over a year....we were best friends before we were together.
-Seattle is my favorite city.
-I love food. Thus, MFP.
-I hate working out but love to dance.
-I love psychological thrillers.

Please add me! The more we can support each other, the better :)


  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there! Adding you, hopefully we can help each other stay on track. :)
  • sleepygirl38
    sleepygirl38 Posts: 114 Member
    Im dding you... heres a little about me

    - I live in WA state
    - I did grew up near Seattle but now live on a dairy farm
    - Im 26
    - I was my largest weight at my wedding a few months ago. And now I have a bunch of weddings to go to in the next year which is helping me push myself to loose weight
    - I work at a hospital
    - I have 3 cats, 1 dog and alot of cows
  • I'll add you guys as well
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    I will add you also;):flowerforyou:
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm 51.
    -I'm a Paramedic/RN/Sheriff's Deputy, Mom of 5.
    -I love animals. I have Italian Mastiff dog. I 've had horses, cows, goats, sheep, cats, dogs, frogs, lizards, birds.
    I have been with the love of my life for 9 months....we met on-line...
    Wherever my kids/David are is my happy place.
    -I love to eat.
    -I love working out at the gym, love doing weights, love to run. Just never made time for me to do it..
    -I love doing things with my kids, football, gardening, reading, and just moving.

    -I've lost over 80 lbs since I started my adventure on 1-1-11 and I feel sometimes I should have lost more but I am happy with what's going on. I am happy with my new body, just not completely. So i am still working to get where I want to be, and I need encouragement, slap on the hand and sometimes a good swift kick in the *kitten*.
    Welcome and add this old lady if you want a mother with experience and support...
  • sabrakay1
    sabrakay1 Posts: 45 Member
    Adding you! Let's do this!
  • Send u a friend request ..add me :)
  • starletlove
    starletlove Posts: 53 Member
    :laugh: hey im here, lets help each other :flowerforyou: adding u