


  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    My job is pretty high stress! I still push through but there are days where I want to be done! I just know that I can't quit unless I have another job lined up so I just keep pushing! Sometimes I feel we are like people in jail but out cell is only for 8 or 9 hours a day. I am stuck in this one room with children all day and they cry, spit, hit, kick, won't sleep, throw food, and need poopie diapers changed!!!! I love them and can't stand it all at the same time. I have been watching kids in a center for 10 years this year! Ahhhh It can be really tough!
  • ktillotson14
    I worked for a large technology company once...the day I quit, I sent an email to my entire division...few hundred people that read:

    "Today is my last day working here. My favorite candy is the York Peppermint Patty."

    It was, and it isn't.

    I left my laptop with HR and walked out the door.

    I like your style.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I quit my last job that I LOVED due to poor management. It was at a higher end hotel and just poorly run by a 26 year old not even wet behind the ears girl. Loved her as a person..but she sucked as a manager. I was there from the opening of the thing (got hired before it even opened) and stayed almost 2 years.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I always make sure I have something lined up before I move on out of a job. Once I was on sick leave for a period of time with depression and anxiety problems, and left my job for a new one whilst on sick leave. That wasn't my greatest moment, but I've never had a "take your job and shove it" confrontation with a boss, so I figure I've been fairly lucky. I'm in the process of working my notice at the moment and I can't wait to start the new job.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I worked in retail for the better part of fifteen years. I was never able to keep any one job for more than two years because working at the low end of the food chain in retail gets old REAL quick. Time was that retail sales people were paid on commission. Not anymore. You're lucky to make minimum wage and you have to take alot of abuse, not only from your superiors, but from customers as well. While I have quit more than one job, I've never left without notice. Most of my former employers have good things to say about me, so I don't want to burn those bridges. I might need a reference from them later. Although, in most cases, my managers have left their jobs also.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    Just wondering what reasons people might have quit their jobs in the past, what was the problem? Did you grit your teeth and push through? What did you tell your boss when you quit? Regrets? Share your story

    I did it because I had an insecure boss who was setting me up for failure. Moment I sensed she was up to no good, I looked elsewhere, got the job and waved goodbye. Always have a Plan B.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I will leave a job when the amount of *kitten* I have to put up with outweighs my remuneration. I have also been made redundent twice during my working life, both instances had nothing to do with my employer being in financial difficulties. When push comes to shove, your employer will have little compunction in getting rid of you, so you should not feel you owe them anything.
  • kathrynangelabaird
    I have only left one job and that was my last job.

    I worked in a solicitors as an Admin Assistant - I spent a year there before finding out the amount of work I had to do and how little I got paid for it. They kept promising courses and career paths for me but they never paid out or kept to their promises.
    I'd apply for jobs cause I felt too stressed and unhappy but then just give up trying to find another job.
    3 years into the job..I finally left as the stress got to much and I was working 8am - 6pm and having no lunch break and I'd come home and all I would do was ***** and moan about work and go sleep (it really affected my relationship) and then I didn't even want to get up in the morning. My old company must owe me about 20 days pay as I did so much bloody overtime!!

    Since quitting (the best decision EVER) I feel the stress a lot less and now can concentrate on making myself happy again. :)

    I also now get paid more for working less! x
  • salthoff01
    Each time I have left a job, it was almost never the work. It was usually the people. If you don't have a great boss that is going to have your back and help you to succeed, it makes working all that more difficult. Also, if you are working with people you just don't get alone with, the job just isn't worth it. I am at work 9 - 10 hours a day. I better like the people I work with. I have been in my current job for almost 5 years. This is the longest I have ever stayed with one company. It is my manager and the people I work with that keep me here. Once you find a good manager, you really don't want to look anywhere else.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    It was with regret that I quit. i was a trained nurse in UK. I qualified in 1992 and worked for NHS ever since. Long story short in that time I watched standards decline ever faster..I used to care for patients, talk to them, take pride in MY patients being clean, fed, pain free, now it was bare minimum and constant abuse from the patients and relatives. I used to cry every day after shift.

    I went from the ED to the wards in the hope I would have more time to spend with my patients and it was worse, much worse. On my last shift I came back after a back injury (sustained after a patient threw me into a badly sited metal cabinet on the wall). After 2 hours I realised I couldn't walk properly and told the Sister who just shrugged and said tough, your here to work so get on with it. I took off my apron, handed her my ID badge and walked out...never been back, never been happier!!

    I really miss looking after people but I couldn't lower my standards any further, now doing a degree with the OU in history hoping to become a teacher.

    Sorry not so much long story short as a ramble but still...sometimes a job becomes so miserable its the job or your sanity!!

  • AaronG190991
    Quit one job, hated it, boss was a phag and there was no communication what so ever with anyone, i quit after the first day lmao just didn't turn up the next day and i got a new job i applied for weeks before the day after so yeah :D out of one job into another within 48hours not too bad :)
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    most of the time, i quit to better my situation either financially or geographically. only one time did i work for a place that was so bad, i lost 30+ pounds because of the stress and was physically ill as i walked to the building. they are out of business now.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I just sucked it up until I found something better... took 9 months, but I found my dream job!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    The one job I did quit, I told them 3 days before I went on holidays that I was leaving and wouldn't be back after they were done. The owner enjoyed sexually harrassing the girls that worked there, and if you didn't let him touch you, you got screamed at, didn't get raises, and got all the crap jobs.

    My last job did layoffs which I was included in but up until then I was just being stubborn. Really I was done 2 years prior but I wouldn't leave. There was one production manager (the VP of prod actually) that made it her lifes mission to try and make me quit. She did everything in her power - Including hiring my Ex boyfriend (who stalked me) as my assistant, they did annual raises and I got 15 cents upon her reccomendation (everyone else in my department got a dollar), she called my current employer telling them I was a bad choice for my position... Thankfully they were willing to give me a shot.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I've left a few jobs over the years:

    1) I quit one absolutely insufferable job in undergrad with no notice. The boss was difficult to work for, plus she hired way more people than she needed, and then would randomly send you home, or make you sit around "off the clock" until she needed you. I had two other jobs at the time, and I knew she had plenty of people to fill in for me. I told her I didn't think the job was a good fit for me, she agreed.

    2) Also in undergrad, I left a job I really liked at a used book store so I could be an undergraduate TA/RA. I told the owners of the bookstore that I really loved the job, but that the new one would look better on grad school applications. They said they were sorry to see me go, but understood.

    3) In grad school I left a really pointless research assistant position (I wasn't learning anything) for a research assistant position with a faculty member whose research I admired greatly and that was closer to my area of interest. I didn't say much of anything, I just made the arrangements to change assignments (these were made at the department level) and left.

    4) My last job I put up with for 4.5 years. It was high stress, and getting to be much higher stress over time. I learned a lot in the job, but it was more than time to move on. I told my supervisor, who was really great to work for overall, that she had been really great to work for (even though I didn't like the job, that wasn't her fault) but that my new job was a good opportunity for me. She was sorry to see me go, but understood. She wrote me a letter of recommendation for my current job, and we have kept in touch a little, so I don't think there were any hard feelings.

    So I guess I'd say what you do, and what you say depends a lot on the situation, particularly how you feel about the management. Also, I've never quit a job unless I had another job, so in all but one case, I was able to say I was "moving on" rather than "quitting."
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I resigned as a swimming instructor after developing nerve impingement from c2 down to t7. Every medical professional agreed that it was a workplace injury, but that we would never be able to prove it to the satisfaction of wcb. I resigned from another location when my own personal beliefs became incompatible with company policies and procedures. I've quit a couple jobs within a few weeks of starting when it became clear that the workplace environment and me were not a good fit.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Get a can of red spray paint and write "RESIGN" in huge letters on a blank wall (glass wall preferred). Then leave.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Only time I ever quit was just because I was bored with it... Jobs bore me.