Here we go again!!

Day one again for me. I have been on and off diets for years. I was doing really well recently, and all it took was one week away for it all to go down hill again.
So, today (5th November 2012) it starts again. I am hoping that by joining this site and trying to update every now and again will be enough to keep me on track.
Perhaps by logging my food and exercise down daily will be the motivation I need to stay on track..

Not long until Christmas, so really want to lose at least 14 pounds by then so I can fit into a pair of jeans I have hanging up in my wardrobe.


  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    FYI, it shouldn't be a "diet" but a lifestyle change!!! It is forever........
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    The most important thing is to keep striving to be healthy. We all have our ups and downs on the journey, but we can do it if we set our minds to it.
  • Fatboy2Fitboy
    Fatboy2Fitboy Posts: 44 Member
    FYI, it shouldn't be a "diet" but a lifestyle change!!! It is forever........

    i agree that it should be a lifestyle change! and not just temporary.
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am again starting day one!! Recently I was up to about 90 days logging and 12 pounds down and then I don't know what happened. I lost all motivation!! So I start again! SO Im thinking we can both lose 14 by Christmas !

  • westmor
    westmor Posts: 38 Member
    I just came on to the community page to write pretty much the same thing! I am starting again from today 5th November, I have dieted on and off but haven't really been able to get in to it this year. I used to rely on exercise to control my weight but with work and other commitments that has fallen away. I am so ready to start again and really get it sorted, I don't want to go in to the new year feeling fat and unfit. Would love some company and support on the way am would welcome any online fitness pal friends to help.
    Best of luck with your weight loss, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • I fail alot on the weekends. that seems to be when it happens most. You just have to go work it off as soon as you fall off the wagon. Best of luck to you!
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    Add quite a few supportive the people responding to this thread....and keep your diary open so that you know that your friends can see what you eat. Then, do not cheat. Log every single bite or sip that goes in your mouth, even chewing gum! Move your body and start off with burning at least 100 calories you normally wouldn't burn....and log that, too. If you make time to do this right, give it the effort it requires, MFP is a wonderful tool. I've tried doing it without it, but this time I am doing it and for the very reasons I just listed. Good luck!
  • westmor
    westmor Posts: 38 Member
    Ella_21 - Hi Ella, I am sorry I just tried to accept your friend request on my iphone and accidentally hit the wrong button - sorry! Please try again and i will accept.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    I fail alot on the weekends. that seems to be when it happens most. You just have to go work it off as soon as you fall off the wagon. Best of luck to you!

    The key to getting beyond failing on weekends is to plan ahead. Have the proper food choices available to you on the weekends. Throw out any foods that sabotage your efforts. Get rid of the temptations. They're much easier to resist if you have to go out for them.
  • Penny4em
    Penny4em Posts: 12 Member
    Day one here too!! Good luck and here is to fitting in those jeans ;-)
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    I just started on the 14th of October, so I'm right here with ya!! On again off again but this time with the help of this site and all the supportive people on here, I'm planning on sticking to it. I've logged in every day, track my food, log everything, even the bad, I eat and have my diary open so people will hold me accountable. Add me as a friend if you'd like

    Kim :)
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    FYI, it shouldn't be a "diet" but a lifestyle change!!! It is forever........

  • I agree with Lisa. Us Louisiana girls are smart cookies afterall. :wink: MFP has been a great way for me to keep myself accountable. Once you start logging your food it really opens up your eyes to how much you are really over eating and sometimes undereating. Sure I may have some icecream here and there or some other treat but with the help of MFP I have learned to cut down on my portion sizes drastically for things like that. Great supportive friends also help. If you can find yourself a workout buddy. My cousin and are on week 3 of Turbo Fire. The workouts are hell on me and at the same time fun if that makes any sense. Without her and knowing I have someone waiting on me every afternoon though I would not have made it through 3 weeks. Good luck! You can do this! :bigsmile:
  • lizbethmcq
    lizbethmcq Posts: 4 Member
    So glad to hear I am not the only one starting again! I joined WW on Jan 1 of this year after seeing a picture of myself at a holiday party - it was truly terrifying how big I had gotten. Lost 30 lbs, then lost my motivation or desire to track food and started climbing back up - ugh! Now the holidays are fast approaching again and I just can't take the idea of having my picture taken again and still looking the way I did last year. So I am rededicating myself to tracking, exercising and being mindful of food choices. I welcome friends to support and to support me in our efforts to be healthy!:flowerforyou:
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    You can do it! Don't ever give up.
  • slimminggirl69
    slimminggirl69 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the supportive is true what you say, it is a lifestyle change and not a diet.
    Standby for a photo of me in my jeans by Christmas :)
  • i have been "dieting " for about 3 months and i fall off the wagon EVERY weekend! but i try to make better choices in what i eat every weekend and it has been easier each time it rolls around. YOU CAN DO THIS!