input on breads, pasta and rice

What do you think about pasta and breads? I think breads, pasta and rice are my enemy. I say this because even the healthiest of pasta and breads have alot of carbs. I have been eating pretty good ( I think ) not to have made better progress; So I think that if i cut out them all together plus lower my suger intake I will move in the direction I want faster. ( I will still take in carbs and sugers, just less, if i can)

I do eat mulit grain bread and veggie pasta, but it doesn't seem to be good enough and I'm always under my daily carb intake but over on my suger intake.


  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I eat all of the above, just in moderation. I also go over my daily carb allowance more often that not and it hasn't affected my weight loss. I must admit it shocked me when I saw how many calories were in my tiny 'recommended portion' of pasta. I used to eat 1000cals of pasta alone in a sitting, no problem.

    End of the day it's whatever works for you. I know plenty of people that swear by the low carb way of eating and wouldn't touch bread, pasta and rice if you paid them.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Love my carbs. I cut out nothing. I just track my calories and try to make most of them healthy ones.

    As to losing weight faster, I've done that a million times. Why? Because I gain my quickly-lost weight back over and over again. This time, slow and steady, and permanent. :bigsmile:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    personally i only have breads,pasta and rice on my carb refeed days or when im bulking ... otherwise its keto all the way
    its all about YOU tho. what works for us may not work for u
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I enjoy eating all of them. I typically have one of them as a side dish with dinner. Learn and practice portion control. :wink:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've been on (quite) a bit of a low carb thing for the last 6 months, not touched any bread, pasta or rice. OK, a little, very little. ;)

    I think it's helped my sense of appetite, satiety and helped reset my 'sweet tooth' BUT I have come back around to the "everything in moderation" line of thinking for long-term health.

    If you can process them in moderation then great ... If ... Very easy to overconsume, and there is the problem ...
  • Ugh! They're also my enemy!! I've always been addicted to them, I could eat rice and bread all day! In September though I decided to cut them out and replace them with egg noodle pasta and quinoa. The pounds started coming off quick. I also allow myself to have cheat days or days I'm playing soccer ill still eat rice or bread. However when I eat alot of it now, it really makes me sick and bloated. I had a bunch of rice on Saturday and I'm still paying for it today ughhh!
  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input! I will continue as I am doing "healthy carbs" in moderation and see how it goes. Thanks again
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What do you think about pasta and breads? I think breads, pasta and rice are my enemy. I say this because even the healthiest of pasta and breads have alot of carbs. I have been eating pretty good ( I think ) not to have made better progress; So I think that if i cut out them all together plus lower my suger intake I will move in the direction I want faster. ( I will still take in carbs and sugers, just less, if i can)

    I do eat mulit grain bread and veggie pasta, but it doesn't seem to be good enough and I'm always under my daily carb intake but over on my suger intake.

    Holding calories and protein constant you will move in the direction you want at the same rate regardless of carb intake (assuming you have no underlying medical conditions that would require you to limit carbs)
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Looking at your food diary I think you need to make sure you eat a little more, and change your settings.
    MFP is notoriously low on could aim for 100g or so a day,and still have room for carbs.

    I like 40/40/20 or 40/30/30...protein/carbs/fat
  • PattyC64
    PattyC64 Posts: 56 Member
    When it comes to bread, rice and pasta, I have to make an extra effort to control my portions. I'll cook a single serving of pasta, make one piece of toast, etc. otherwise, I would keep eating.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    I am a fan of Dr. John Berardi (precision nutrition) and in particular his view on carbs. simply stated, starchy carbs are allowed during the following two situations:
    a) cheat meals.. (his program has you eating clean approx 90% of the time, and the other 10% are cheat meals)
    b) right after a high intensity workout. (not a 10 minute slow walk. lol) the science behind that is your body treats the carbs differently within about an hour or so after a workout. it will use the carbs to replenish the energy reserves in your muscles versus going to fat storage.

    my wife and I have followed this for about a year and a half. and its working well for us. we do not feel deprived, we still get the things we love on cheat meals (pizza for me). and the fat continues to come off.. I have lost about 70lbs of fat, and put on 20lbs of muscle as of the last DEXA scan i had done..
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I think they're delicious, especially with a little sauce and cheese. lol