My case for weighing yourself every day.



  • MonicaW1988
    MonicaW1988 Posts: 23 Member
    I have done and did today but now I'm thinking I will stop weighing myself everyday, the scale has not moved, I am exercising so it could be due to muscle build up and now I've just started taking measurements and going to go by that and maybe weigh myself once a week instead... no point for me looking at the scales beating myself up after-all I have to realise that this is not some diet but a lifestyle change.
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    i weigh myself everyday.. actual weigh ins are monday's and i see a loss around fri-sun everything in between is either a lb up or same weight.. very interesting :yawn:
  • candygirl1980
    I totally agree!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Weighing in every day is fine...if you don't come on here and freak out that in 3 days you gained 2 pounds and ask what you did wrong. If someone is having frustration over losing weight I'll always suggest not getting on the scale for 2-3 weeks because your body fluctuates so much that day to day, week to week gains can set people in to a whirl wind. And I don't think it's healthy for some people to be so obsessed about what the scale says. It's not about the number on the scale, it's about how fit, healthy and fantastic you look.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    The reason why most people are told not to weigh every day is becase most people flip out when they have a 'gain' - which is really usually just water weight and normal weight fluctuations...... they can't handle these. I personally weigh every day too, have since I started.... But not everyone can handle that, and so they shouldn't weigh every day.
  • I weigh myself everyday too. It helps me stay on track. I figure whatever works!
  • ColonCh
    ColonCh Posts: 7 Member
    I also weigh myself everyday. It keeps me on track for the week.
  • JMactive190
    JMactive190 Posts: 9 Member
    I go on and off weighing myself everyday... I too like to be able to see the results, however, I still wonder if weighing myself everyday is a good idea as it keeps me constantly feeling like I am on a diet and a slave to the scale... I am looking for the perfect mixture as I certainly need to lose weight(for several reasons) but I also know that the real reason I am using myfitnesspal is to create a better lifestyle with a balance of eating less calories and being active, so if that is being reached day in and day out the scale should not matter so much!!!
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    For me personally I weigh in every day just before I go to bed at night and I keep track of my weight, steps taken (from my pedometer) a general idea of my food intake (over cals / under cals - high / low sodium) and whether or not I worked out that day - I have all of this info on a single page for a week in a book that I can take with me (I travel a lot) but I only log the final numbers whatever they may be on Sundays. Sunday's are also the day I recalculate my BMR & TDEE and adjust my cals if necessary. I'm a data junkie though and like to see at a glance when things change and being able to see why ie high cal, high sodium, no workout day tends to cause a short term jump - so no more high cal / high sodium / no workout days for me. Probably wouldnt work for anyone else but it works for me. Thats all any of us can do - find that way of tracking that works for us individually and go with it.
  • alschultz33
    alschultz33 Posts: 199 Member
    I weigh myself every morning before I get in the shower. However, if I forget to do it, I won't weigh in after I've eaten anything b/c it messes with the scale. I tried only weighing myself once a week but I found that I would be counting down the days til weigh-in day and it was distracting. I generally don't stress too much over small fluctations. I'm frequently up a pound or two on Mondays b/c I don't get in as much water as I should on the weekends. As long as it's not an obsession, I wouldn't worry about which way you do it. Seeing the number helps me stay on track each day. If I weigh a bit more, I'll try to drink more water and avoid any cheating (with foods like Halloween candy :bigsmile:) for the day.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I weigh myself every morning before I get in the shower. However, if I forget to do it, I won't weigh in after I've eaten anything b/c it messes with the scale. I tried only weighing myself once a week but I found that I would be counting down the days til weigh-in day and it was distracting. I generally don't stress too much over small fluctations. I'm frequently up a pound or two on Mondays b/c I don't get in as much water as I should on the weekends. As long as it's not an obsession, I wouldn't worry about which way you do it. Seeing the number helps me stay on track each day. If I weigh a bit more, I'll try to drink more water and avoid any cheating (with foods like Halloween candy :bigsmile:) for the day.

    ^^This! I weigh every morning, right after using the restroom and before I'm dressed, but if I forget I won't weigh myself later. I also think this makes it easier to see the numbers go up slightly, because you know that tomorrow, they could go down even more! And it doesn't bother me if the numbers don't move, I'm just happy that their lower than they were when I started!!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    I like to weigh in every day also just because previously when weighing in weekly I'd think at the beginning of the week it was okay to slack off my eating as I would have a whole week to catch up on getting the calories burnt, then before I knew it, it would be the night before my weigh in.

    By having in mind that the next day will be a weigh in, it forces me to make good food choices as well as drink my 8 cups of water a day! It also stops me putting extra salt on my food!
  • clarkehn
    clarkehn Posts: 24 Member
    I am another daily weigh-er. I say to each their own. If weighing daily effects you then don't do it but for those of us who do it serves as a constant reminder to eat clean. I do see the scale fluctuate up from time to time but it is a reminder that the day before I went over my sodium or I ate too many carbs (I am carb sensitive). Seeing the fluctuation gives me the motivation to try better!
  • amj3303
    amj3303 Posts: 111 Member
    I have the same thoughts as you Marty. Because I weigh in daily.. well most of the time. I have taken days off and when I do. The scale is always higher.. Makes no sense.. and you are right at least I can monitor the fluctuation etc.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I'm not weighing myself again until February! However, I think it's whatever works for you. My first major weight loss journey, I weighed everyday and lost 67 pounds. This time around, the scale isn't moving and it's frustrating, but I feel fantastic so my scale is hidden until Feb 9th. (It's the day after my 30th birthday.)
  • prairiedawg2014
    yup.....i do the scale everyday also! can't help myself. when i see a loss it encourages me.....if i have a gain it also encourages me to work harder.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree with you. I haven't weighed for a week though since I've been eating too much. :tongue:
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I weigh daily and I accept that the scale toggles. I see it as the dashboard on my car. I check the gas gauge daily. I hate when it fluctuates, but it gives me a sense of where I am as far as gas consumption and needs.

    I weigh in the morning. Take mental note and mvoe on about me day.
  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a morning & bedtime weigher. But I know I can handle small fluctuations due to water weight, heavy calorie days, etc. If I got depressed about gains, I'd weight once a week. I recommend that for anyone new. I got a digital scale a few months ago and I love seeing even a tiny loss like 0.1 lbs!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I was weighing/measuring several times a day and getting upset so I tried putting the scale/tape measure away for 2 weeks at a time. I found when I did this, my expectations were higher and I was usually VERY disappointed. So I'm back to every day, though now I'm not upset about it. I prefer being aware of the fluctuations and not wondering if after 2 weeks I'm at the high or low end of it. I didn't and still don't log every time I weigh, only when I hit a new low.
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