Can I have a takeaway pizza and still lose weight?



  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    we make our own here at home..that way we know EXACTLY what is going into it and on it!
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I have 2 slices of pizza once a week - with pizza it isn't the calories that mess ya up its the high sodium/water retention. I refuse to give up foods that I LOVE, like pizza. I've no idea if an entire "personal" size pizza is a good idea - youll have to figure that out for yourself. Perhaps half for supper on one night, and the other half for lunch the next day? I think it's great to figure out how to incorporate "real" food into your weight loss plan because sooner or later you're going to be faced with things outside of your control and you need to already comfortably know that having pizza one night isn't going to kill you.

    You can eat pretty much anything you want to and lose weight. It's about calories in vs calories out. Plus, with high sodium days, lots of water :)
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    Everyone deserves a treat every once in a while. It's what helps you stay on track :) As others have mentioned i would ditch the chips, go for veggies on your pizza instead of sausage or pepperoni, and opt for thin crust instead of deep dish. Some places even have gluten free/whole wheat crusts to cut some of the calories. If this is your only splurge the entire week, you will still lose the weight.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Friday night is pizza night in my house. I changed to thin crust and eat either a salad or carrots and celery with a little light ranch dressing to keep myself from overeating the pizza.
  • Slimmer_Amy
    Slimmer_Amy Posts: 14 Member
    I am a vegetarian so I only eat margerrita. It's only the one place a go to and it doesn't do thin crust etc. should I Jura like eat half a ten inch or just go to once a month and eat a full one?? Like if a saved calories each day I how long can I save them for? Each week ?
  • marnaER
    marnaER Posts: 8
    I'm having my cheat night tonight and pizza is high on the menu. Lets talk next week about the effect it had.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If I do pizza, I usually get thin crust (it looks like you are getting more but in reality you are getting about the same serving as a pan or hand tossed crust). I pick ONE meat, ask for half cheese and pile as many veggies on as I can possibly afford for that night. Then I do one serving (for a Papa John's Thin crust one serving is 1/4 of a medium thin crust which turns out to be 4 slices) and pair it with a side salad and fruit (usually berries).
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    Why don't you try making your own 'skinny tortilla pizza' and load it with your choice of toppings and low fat cheese!

    If you wanted chips - sweet potato fries are amazing & they're crisped up in the oven, rather than a deep fat fryer!
  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    Do some exercise on the same day, and reduce your portions slightly maybe.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I find that I am most successful in my journey now than in the past because I'm not cutting anything out completely, just cutting down proportions. I have splurge meals and even though I try and save my cals for the splurge I sometimes end up over.

    sweat before the splurge sweat after :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am a vegetarian so I only eat margerrita. It's only the one place a go to and it doesn't do thin crust etc. should I Jura like eat half a ten inch or just go to once a month and eat a full one?? Like if a saved calories each day I how long can I save them for? Each week ?

    Margerrita pizza, I love it haha. Just ask for less cheese in that case. Honestly, the cheese and the crust is going to be the calorie bank. Stick with one or two slices and ask for a side salad to go with it.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I think it is best not to have takeaway once a week. I think that is too much and might undo some of your hard work all week. I recommend limit it to once a month. See how that goes. You might then try twice a month and see how that goes.. if you see you are not losing as well, then you know the takeaway is hurting your progress.

    I know some people eat that but you have to decide if it is making you go forward or backward.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I have a takeaway ten inch pizza and chips from my fave takeaway place every Saturday which I am sure is waaaaaay over my calorie allowance! Will this stop me from losing weight??

    You can eat virtually any kind of food and lose weight. You just have to make sure you are consistently eating a calorie deficit.

    You need to figure out how many calories are in that 10" pizza and chips and work it into your diet plan. It's OK to go over on a day from time to time but every day you aren't eating a deficit is a day you aren't burning fat stores. Remember you are in it for the long haul though.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I have 2 slices of pizza once a week - with pizza it isn't the calories that mess ya up its the high sodium/water retention. I refuse to give up foods that I LOVE, like pizza. I've no idea if an entire "personal" size pizza is a good idea - youll have to figure that out for yourself. Perhaps half for supper on one night, and the other half for lunch the next day? I think it's great to figure out how to incorporate "real" food into your weight loss plan because sooner or later you're going to be faced with things outside of your control and you need to already comfortably know that having pizza one night isn't going to kill you.

    You can eat pretty much anything you want to and lose weight. It's about calories in vs calories out. Plus, with high sodium days, lots of water :)

    I like this post above and agree. Everything except the pizza the next day. I prefer it fresh. I est 2 slices of pizza every weekend. It's not a cheat day, it's not a relaxed day. I don't work out extra to have it. I just work it into my daily numbers. Pizza is the #1 thing I won't give up. I didn't and had no problem reaching my goal. Now that I am beginning a bulk 3 slices will be even sweeter. I'm not worried about the sodium, I drink plenty of water and live a very active lifestyle.

    I think it is best not to have takeaway once a week. I think that is too much and might undo some of your hard work all week. I recommend limit it to once a month. See how that goes. You might then try twice a month and see how that goes.. if you see you are not losing as well, then you know the takeaway is hurting your progress.

    I know some people eat that but you have to decide if it is making you go forward or backward. I don't see the need to deprive ourselves to eating something we love just once a month. Things like that can lead to binges. Train hard, eat hard!!
    I'm not trying to attack you but you seem to live a very restrictive lifestyle.

    Hi - why thank you - I wrote the first paragraph and someone wrote the second.. I do not feel insulted when someone is offering a comment to me :) If you were talking to me about leading a restrictive life, that may be true, but I "choose" to restrict some foods, its all in a kind of positive attitude. If I ever start to say things like "I cant have that ever" or such like that , it will make me feel like a prisoner.

    I may change my mind later, but for now, its all good. positive attitude, what i "can" have rather than what I "cant" have.

    I'm walking a fine line between wanting to lose weight, maybe a pound or two a week, and it does take a week to lose that pound. I monitor myself to see whether my food choices make the scale go up or down, its kinda fun in a way to challenge myself to see what such and such thing will do to me. I can taper off, or add more or even find a niche for the best most delicous lobster roll sandwich the other day,, it was so good!!!! i just ate less the rest of the day and it worked out well.. i never even have to have a cheat day because just like cheating on your spouse, if all is good in the home, no need to want to cheat! same with food.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't think I could ever finish a whole pizza. I'd be so full that I'd explode. Try having a spinach salad with balsamic vinegar with it. I personally make my pizza at home with pita bread as the crust and turkey pepperoni. I think it tastes much better than takeout.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    yes just two slices not the whole pie.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    Friday night is pizza night in my house. I changed to thin crust and eat either a salad or carrots and celery with a little light ranch dressing to keep myself from overeating the pizza.

    this is a great idea!!!
  • emsoquena
    emsoquena Posts: 127 Member
    Yes! Once a week is fine. I personally love pizza and I don't plan on giving that up. But when I do have pizza, I workout extra the next day.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I still eat pizza, but it's usually a 6" personal size. At around 600 calories I can fit it just fine into my daily limit.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    If it fits in your calorie goals, it'll be fine. period.

    You can eat nothing but butter and still lose weight.