Doing Everything Right and not losing! Help?



  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    It's not bs. The jillian michaels body revolution is a seriously strict plan which aims to get big results quickly.. 30-45lbs loss in 3 months is the average for most overweight/obese people who follow the plan 100%.. but it's not for the faint hearted. I myself couldn't stomach the strict food plan!

    I just want to point out what you just said overweight / obese people. The reason for someone in that category losing that much weight so quickly is the because their body is in shock in the massive dieting change, which is aided by the workout. I read through the workout, and it does look awesome, don't get me wrong. But for people who are overweight with a lot to lose to get to even close to a healthy weight, the biggest part of losing is what you eat and more importantly how much you eat.

    Jillian Michael's Body Revolution is NOT bs...agreed. The test group IS bs. Sorry, but I know people who participate in these groups, and you will actually see some people in many different "test group" videos in various info-mercials. Again, the exercise is good, just don't rely on the extreme results that are mentioned. The amount of people who will actually see these results is far and few between.
  • lozzieemay
    It's not bs. The jillian michaels body revolution is a seriously strict plan which aims to get big results quickly.. 30-45lbs loss in 3 months is the average for most overweight/obese people who follow the plan 100%.. but it's not for the faint hearted. I myself couldn't stomach the strict food plan!

    I just want to point out what you just said overweight / obese people. The reason for someone in that category losing that much weight so quickly is the because their body is in shock in the massive dieting change, which is aided by the workout. I read through the workout, and it does look awesome, don't get me wrong. But for people who are overweight with a lot to lose to get to even close to a healthy weight, the biggest part of losing is what you eat and more importantly how much you eat.

    Jillian Michael's Body Revolution is NOT bs...agreed. The test group IS bs. Sorry, but I know people who participate in these groups, and you will actually see some people in many different "test group" videos in various info-mercials. Again, the exercise is good, just don't rely on the extreme results that are mentioned. The amount of people who will actually see these results is far and few between.

    I'm not arguing any facts, I'm not a professional in this field so don't have the knowledge too. But body revolution isn't just an exercise program anyway, it's also a 90 day meal plan consisting of 1200 calories a day and all clean, non processed, no chemical foods.. To which I said I couldn't follow, I found it too restrictive.
  • lyssaloo
    lyssaloo Posts: 39 Member
    To lozzieemay, I tried following the 1200 calorie meal plan 3 months ago when I attempted body revolution the first time and It was just way too low for me. I was getting headaches, feeling insanely tired all the time, and my muscles were continuously sore from working out and weren't healing themselves, and I wasn't losing ANY weight. For me, 1200 calories isn't sustainable, especially with how much energy i'm expending everyday. For someone who only does body revolution, no other exercise and has a desk job or is sedentary 1200 calories might work. Not for me though.
  • lozzieemay
    To lozzieemay, I tried following the 1200 calorie meal plan 3 months ago when I attempted body revolution the first time and It was just way too low for me. I was getting headaches, feeling insanely tired all the time, and my muscles were continuously sore from working out and weren't healing themselves, and I wasn't losing ANY weight. For me, 1200 calories isn't sustainable, especially with how much energy i'm expending everyday. For someone who only does body revolution, no other exercise and has a desk job or is sedentary 1200 calories might work. Not for me though.

    I work full time & have a 16 month old little boy so I'm forever running around and found 1200 calories very low too... I was all set out to follow body revolution to the T but disliked most things on the meal plan so just couldn't follow that aspect of it at all! I'm gonna start the exercise plan soon again though..
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    You are losing! 2 pounds a month is reasonable for someone with only 20-30 lbs to lose. If you try to loose 2 lbs per month you have to dip your calories too low IMHO. I am certain that if I had tried to eat 1200 calories a day I would never have lost weight as I would have given up. I do not feel like I am dieting eating 1500 calories and losing .5 lbs per week. Plus, I know I can maintain this.
  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    Honestly? I would shave about 100-200 cals off and see if that kickstarts you. When I was actively losing I was eating around 1450 plus eating exercise cals back... that's with an active lifestyle of riding horses 5 days a week, plus working on my feet 50+ hours a week and the normal house and yard work anybody has. When I was scaling the slowing down I was eating 1650 + exercise cals, and even though MFP calculated me to lose 0.5 lbs/week on 1850 as a base, I seem to maintain there.

    I maintained around 1850 for the first couple months of summer, went on too many vacations and developed a beer-and-pizza-too-often habit, put 10 or so lbs back on, and scaled cals back to 1650 expecting only about 0.5 lb/week. For the record I'm quite a bit taller than you so my goal weight is probably significantly higher, meaning I can probably eat more calories than you can afford to.

    So the answer is simmple. You're still eating a bit too much. Don't go crazy and eat 1200, but try somewhat lower.