Write it down!

For the past week, Ive been keeping a small notebook with me and jotting down what Ive consumed throughout the day. Also guesstimating the caloric value of what i've eaten, i find that when i cant get onto MFP to log in my food, this really helps me slow down and get an idea of the deficit for the day.

With that said, i'd suggest to everyone who hasnt tried this to keep a notebook and just take note on the items youve eaten and the amount (1/2 cup, handful..). As you see the list growing, it helps remind you to slow down, or expose a snacking habit that you didnt realize you had. :blushing: (thats what happened with me)

ALSO at the end of the day, or when you do get a chance to log in your food on MFP, you can use your notebook as reference so as not to forget. This really has helped, and I'm not quite sure if this is the sole reason of my two pounds lost this week, but i have a feeling that it certainly has helped. :happy:

Anyone else find this helpful?%Pr


  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    iphone app makes this real easy--good advice.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I've got to be honest here. I hardly ever log my foods. I've never changed the way I eat, I've just changed my portion sizes. But I would think this could be great advice for those who don't have an phone app.
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 65 Member
    I highly recommend tracking what you eat. There are apps at there for any smartphone or a good ol journal always is nice. Guesstimating what you are eating was one of my biggest problems. This also goes for measuring food, your eyesight cup of something will be different than an actual cup
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Writing it down DEFINITELY helps. I have access to a computer all day at work so as soon as I eat something, I put it into my food diary and I keep MFP up so I can see how many calories I have left, so I can plan the rest of the day's meals/snacks.