Lifestyle vs Weight Loss Goals

Having a little bit of a conundrum as to what to do when I'm done my yoga challenge. I want to do something to lower my weight and get into better shape, but I want to be able to do something sustainable.

I DO NOT like gyms and bootcamp type classes... Although I've been looking into it for a short term way of acheiving my end goal.

So I'm wondering if it's even worth me doing something to get me to where I want to be if I don't plan on continuing when I'm done?

It's a lifestyle change right? Should I just try to work on more of what I like and maybe the frequency of those things can go down when I start maintaining? Obviously I love yoga, and it's always going to be part of my life, but I'm also bicyclist (so I've been thinking about spin), and I like swimming... but also thinking of trying Zumba. So confusing - so help me out MFPs! :)

I appreciate your feedback!


  • QuietLegs
    Do what you love, and do more of it.

    Do things that help you do what you love, and do more of those things.

    Lifestyle change - you're absolutely right, it's all about a lifestyle change.

    I love cycling, so I started going on long group rides each week, 5+ hours of spinning at a time. I'll throw in rides during the week or other days whenever I can.

    I got into running to improve my cycling, and eventually fell in love with the running itself. Went from running twice a week to 5 times a week.

    I'm almost at my goal weight, but you know what? I have no intentions of cutting back on my exercise. If anything, I'm going to keep increasing it as much as I reasonably can. Once I settle into my goal weight for a while, I'm going to look into putting on another 10-15 pounds of muscle.

    For me, the "lifestyle" change wasn't a specific set of exercises or weekly hours at the gym. No, my "lifestyle" change is to embrace all the healthy aspects of living that I can, always trying to do just a little bit more to improve myself.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Having a little bit of a conundrum as to what to do when I'm done my yoga challenge. I want to do something to lower my weight and get into better shape, but I want to be able to do something sustainable.

    I DO NOT like gyms and bootcamp type classes... Although I've been looking into it for a short term way of acheiving my end goal.

    So I'm wondering if it's even worth me doing something to get me to where I want to be if I don't plan on continuing when I'm done?

    It's a lifestyle change right? Should I just try to work on more of what I like and maybe the frequency of those things can go down when I start maintaining? Obviously I love yoga, and it's always going to be part of my life, but I'm also bicyclist (so I've been thinking about spin), and I like swimming... but also thinking of trying Zumba. So confusing - so help me out MFPs! :)

    I appreciate your feedback!

    Why not do all of them? You seem like you already have it figured out my dear friend and MFP acquaintance.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Try many different things and see what you like. You can often find different workout DVD's at the library or on Youtube to try. You also might find that as your weight goes down and your agility and stamina goes up, you might be able to enjoy things you never thought you'd like. You don't have to decide now, it can be a fluid process.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Try it all and stick with what you love.
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm pretty sure this is what I had thought myself in my gut.

    I'm also trying to figure this out in the form of food habits as well, finding new healthy foods that I like. :)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I agree with the others, pick something that is sustainable for you. If you hate it, you will not stick with it and end up back in the same spot again!
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    its not lifestyle change.

    if you have bad eating/excercise(not excercising) habits, then you have to literaly work to remain healthy.

    otherwise your lifestyle will be very limited when you get old.

    think long term.

    lifestyle change is a motivational slogan for "working hard doing whats good for your body"
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Pole Dance!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Getting cardio and strength exercises in will make it much easier to maintain your weight when you've reached goal. I don't like gyms either, so I'm planning on keeping up running and just doing body resistance exercises at home.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Do things that you love!!! It's OK to throw challenges in there keep yourself motivated but always do exercises that you like!
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    its not lifestyle change.

    if you have bad eating/excercise(not excercising) habits, then you have to literaly work to remain healthy.

    otherwise your lifestyle will be very limited when you get old.

    think long term.

    lifestyle change is a motivational slogan for "working hard doing whats good for your body"

    I mean obviously, I don't plan to go back doing what got me here in the first place, but I do want something I can do to stay healthy long term. I still want to push myself and be fit, but not in a way that I can't keep up. (Like if I got super buff and had to work out 7 days a week to keep those muscles).
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Definitely do the things you love as you will stick with them.

    I enjoy swimming, cycling, walking and yoga. So that is what I do. I have friends who love running but I know I wouldn't stick to it, and I have problems with my knees that would make it difficult. Other friends love the social side of Zumba but I hate it. But a 10 mile bike ride or a hike around the hills is my idea of a great way to spend an afternoon.
  • tatianna68
    tatianna68 Posts: 90 Member
    Try it all and see what you like, remember variety is the spice of life. You seem to love yoga try ashtanga it is great for building strength and burns calories.