Seniors in Albuquerque?

Xanne Posts: 27 Member
I have recently "re-upped" with MFP after a long hiatus, and wonder if there are any other seniors (over 65, not high school:smile: ), who live in Albuquerque? I am 71, live on the West Side, and have some health issues which sometimes present a challenge for getting enough exercise. I would love to have some more friends - maybe even start our own group? - and perhaps get together once in a while for fun and support.

Of course, I would also be happy to "meet" other seniors who don't live in Albuquerque!


  • ABQsheila
    ABQsheila Posts: 46 Member
    I think this is a great idea. I've thought about suggesting something similar. I hope there are lots of others interested in doing this, too
  • mmyer5
    mmyer5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Xanne and ABQsheila, I'm from Albuquerque and restarting MFP. I also use a Fitbit. I'm looking to loose 35-40 pounds. Are you still using the site and if so, how's it working for you? Amelia
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I am 60 from Nevada. I hope I look as good as you at 71!