Slim Quick - Anybody using it? Is it safe???



  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just say no to being a sheep.

  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I think the diet pills work because of the "Placebo effect". People believe that they are going to work, so it works. I have used everything from Hydroxycut to Xenadrine. I do notice an increase in energy, but its pretty much like downing 4-6 redbulls. I did not loose anymore weight on them than I did while I was off them. In fact, I noticed a couple times I lost more when I was off the diet pills.

    So, do they work? Kind-of. I think they work because people want to believe it works.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Love it!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member

    LOVE it!
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    I remember reading an Oprah quote that said something like: If there was a magic pill or potion that would help you lose weight, don't you think I would have it--no matter what it cost?
  • thehalls98
    thehalls98 Posts: 12 Member
    I took it a few years ago for several months. I was also going to the gym 5+ times per week and eating healthy. I lost 50lbs in about 5-6 months. I can't say for sure that slim quick did anything to help me lose weight because I was exercising also. It did help curb my appetite. I definitely ate less when I was taking it!

    Hope that helps!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I took it a few years ago for several months. I was also going to the gym 5+ times per week and eating healthy. I lost 50lbs in about 5-6 months. I can't say for sure that slim quick did anything to help me lose weight because I was exercising also. It did help curb my appetite. I definitely ate less when I was taking it!

    Hope that helps!

    No disrespect ...but it obviously does not work especially in the long run if you find yourself back to square one in regards to weight loss. OP....skip the pills and quick fixes and make it a lifestyle change!
  • donabow
    donabow Posts: 4 Member
    I tried slim quick and it did absolutely nothing for me. I had lost 74 pounds and ran into a plateau was trying it to try something new to get my body to maybe go over the plateau but it didnt help at all. I used it for about a month with my low carb diet and exercise.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Not everyone loses weight the same "good ol diet and exercise" route. People do take supplements.

    SlimQuick is a gimmick that gives you a SMALL energy boost, like Hydroxycut does. It may or may not be enough to get you through a workout. ~I~ wouldnt waste my money, but that's just me.

    It won't kill you, it won't eat your children, or burn your town down. Worst thing that will happen is it wont cut your appetite or give you an energy boost.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I remember reading an Oprah quote that said something like: If there was a magic pill or potion that would help you lose weight, don't you think I would have it--no matter what it cost?

    Sadly, it's true.

    BUT, maybe you're just looking for something to get you "over the hump". I've heard green tea does semi-wonders.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I didn't do this supplement but I use others.
    For example, I use protein shakes, and I take multivitamins, omega 3-6-9, biotin, etc.

    I add l carnitine to my gym water.

    Good luck!
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I tried it a couple of years ago. It's no different from any other diet pill. I've tried probably 5 or 6 different kinds. All I've ever experienced from them is more energy (from the caffeine) and my heart rate went crazy. Actually, in high school I used to take a pill in the morning when I was too tired to function to help wake me up.

    Bottom line is they don't work. And they might be "safe" but they're not healthy, that's for sure. I think your best bet is just clean eating and hitting the gym on a regular basis. That was you'll look and FEEL a whole lot better.

    All diet pills are a waste of money. :frown:
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    I am not looking for anything other than healthy eating and exercise to maintain a permanent weight loss. I was hoping something like this (my friend used OxyElite Pro and lost 80 lbs) would be a temporary tool to boost my metabolism and help curb my cravings while I change my eating habits. I can tell you, I took one pill so far and I haven't had a heart attack, I did notice an extra boost of energy and I did feel like my appetite was less than it's been. If it gives me a temporary, harmless boost to help me take off those first 10 lbs, then I don't see where it'll hurt. If I have any adverse side effects, I won't take it. Thanks for taking the time to comment. (BTW, I agree even if it's a "placebo" effect, if it helps me, it helps, even if it seems like I'm throwing $20 away... losing the weight and getting healthy is what is important).
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    I used it a long time ago, Only thing that happened to me is I broke out with acne from it. I wouldn't recommended it .
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    Used it a few years ago and gave me heart palpitations. Very scary!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Diet pills don't work. And your metabolism slows because you lose lean muscle mass. If you want to increase your metabolic rate, weight training alone will help. If you want long term increase in your metabolic rate, you need to gain muscle. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism and the more calories you can burn.

    Simple equation though, figure out your TDEE, cut 20% and do exercise (specially weight training). And there is weight loss.
  • thehalls98
    thehalls98 Posts: 12 Member
    I took it a few years ago for several months. I was also going to the gym 5+ times per week and eating healthy. I lost 50lbs in about 5-6 months. I can't say for sure that slim quick did anything to help me lose weight because I was exercising also. It did help curb my appetite. I definitely ate less when I was taking it!

    Hope that helps!

    No disrespect ...but it obviously does not work especially in the long run if you find yourself back to square one in regards to weight loss. OP....skip the pills and quick fixes and make it a lifestyle change!

    Wow - you aren't supportive. I stopped taking it, stopped exercising, stopped everything. Things happened. I gained it back. You don't know me. I was just giving her my experience with taking it. Not sure I am going to like this site if I get attacked for answering a question.
  • andriadean7171
    It may work, but only until youve stopped taking it. I know from experience. The hard way is really the best.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    EC stack.

    Talk to your doctor. (he wont recommend it to you), and i dont recommend it to you too.
    dont take it as medical advice. Do more research before making a decision.