UA Cold Gear.. now what socks & shoes for winter running?

Good morning on election day!

Well, I drove an hour to my second trip to the Under Armour store yesterday at the outlets & while I charged $162, I ended up with a base layer one top & pants & a base layer 3 top & pants that were on sale for $26.97 each. Woohoo! So why was the base layer 1 on sale for $49.97? Expensive, but after running this weekend in two pair of sweatpants, two tops, a jacket, ear band & hoodie, I knew I needed something else. I now need to find which are the best socks to wear.

I am now trying to figure out what to do about running shoes for the winter (& socks). I have Brooks Glycerin & Nike Pegasus 28's that I alternate with, but I wore them over the weekend when it was in the low 30's and there is no way I can run in these shoes outside in the cold. I'm curious what others are wearing & recommend. I did buy a pair of waterproof Montrail hiking/trail boots yesterday for a steal at $42 rather than $140 full price, but they're way too heavy to run in!

I'm also curious what you do with your phones during your winter runs. I use my hrm, but I also wear an armband with my phone using either mapmyrun or runtastic. I'm worried the armband will snag up these expensive UA tops.

Also wondering if anyone wears that hoodie thing that covers your mouth and neck. Looks like something worth the cost, but not sure if it may hurt my breathing. Any comments appreciated!! :)


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I wear the same shoes and socks in the winter, running in temps down to the teens. I think that there is a great deal of blood flow to the feet preventing them from getting too cold. If anything, I would go with a slightly thicker sock, but I wouldn't want to change what is working too much.

    Can't help you with the phone thing. I don't carry any of that stuff.
  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    I wear cold gear below 40, then I wear running tights over them. I wear a running hoodie over my cold gear top. if it 20 or below I wear a cotton layer between the cold gear top and hoodie. As for socks I wear the Nike running socks. I wear the same shoes year round. Once I get moving I get pretty hot. When i used to run with my phone I put it in a pocket on my hoodie. Most running hoodies have a chest pocket. i switched to a Garmin watch with HRM which was more comfortable.
  • helenecg
    helenecg Posts: 43 Member

    Writing here from Ontario, where it gets super cold during the winter. I run through the winter and just wear my regular shoes. I do wear thicker and longer socks (I hate cold ankles). I wear the full hat that covers my neck, but it does not cover my mouth and I put vaseline on my face on really cold days. It is a little gross, but helps prevent chappy and makes the wind sting a little less. I always have a jacket with pockets for my music...
    Love Under Armour, it makes layering much more comfortable.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Until it gets really cold I use my regular running socks (I run all year 'round in regular running shoes) , once we hit January & February I have some nice toasty merino wool socks that do the trick (light, not itchy and wool stays warm if it gets wet).

    Personally I was underwhelmed by UA cold gear and opted for a merino wool base layer for days when it's -25°C or colder. I don't cover my mouth even on the coldest days - cold air has never been a problem for me (my merino wool base layer is a mock turtle neck so my neck doesn't get cold).

    As to electronics I only wear my Garmin, can't help with the phone.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I havent tried them yet but I was thinking about getting some smartwool socks. I have worn them in the past just for casual wear and they are toasty! My arm band hasn't snagged my UA base layer tops so I think you will be OK there. I plan on wearing the same shoes as usual just warmer socks. Once you get going I think it will be OK. As for the face thing, do what works for you, I personally cant stand beathing in hot air.
  • peachhunting
    peachhunting Posts: 59 Member
    I can't beleive you can wear cold gear while running. I wear that stuff hunting in cold temps, but I am standing still. I find the Cold Gear way to warm to run in...mind you I am in Northern Canada so probably used to the cold. I run in temps that would freeze the nads off an eskimo and wear regular shoes and socks.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I run in my regular shoes and socks. The only time I don't run is if there is a big wind chill or it's icy. I think my coldest run last year was - 15C.

    I just layer tech fabric with windbreaker jacket and pants. Hat and mittens. I have buffs that I wrap like a balaclava if the cold air bothers me.

    I put my phone in my pocket.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks all! :)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Options that's where i put my phone!! adjustable for different seasons :)