Names Nicole :] (i wrote alot sorry

Okayy so this time im determined to lose wieght. over the past year i went from 180lbs to 158lbs then got into a relationship 3 months ago and now im back to 170lbs, i want to be at 155lbs. i am so upset i dont know why i do this in relationshipss! ughh i need motivationn. my problem is portion size and being 100%italian with pasta dinners twice a week haha. i dont drink coffee, soda or sugary drinks, i dont eat fried food or fast food. sometimes i love chocolate or icecream but not often. i work out everyday for an hourr but cant seem to lose wieghttt! what am i doing wrongg?! i need friends on this to motivate me. ive had it for a year with no friends and keep losing interest after a week! butt im going to florida in march so i need to get seriouss now =D ADD ME PLZZ. we can help each other with our goals


  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me! I'm vegan so my food diary may or may not interest you. I can relate with putting on weight in a relationship, exactly the same thing happened with me, you just get too comfortable once you're with someone don't you haha):
    Also nothing wrong with pasta :) just watch the portion sizes!
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    With exercise, it's usually quality that matters over quantity---are you running at a snail pace for an hour, or are you working as hard as you can for 15 minutes? Are you including weights, or just cardio? Are you eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats, or processed junk?

    I LOVE pasta, just need to be aware of the sauces and portions! There are recipes with lots of healthy and yummy stuff in them to justify pasta! I would recommend increasing your calories to somewhere between 1500-1700 too, as many people can't last long on 1200 without their losses slowing or stopping, or being unable to function well.

    I gained 30 pounds over 2 college semesters while my ex was there...I had an epiphany when I started out-eating HIM, a 260+ man, so I know how relationships can make you comfortable!
  • Hi-

    I have the same problem. I am 32, with 3 kids and lets just say they played a toll on my body. When I got prgenant with my first I was 142 pounds (which docs still say is to high for me but I am comfortable there). Now I am 178 pounds and want to get down to at least 150. My biggest problem is Pepsi. I have a huge addiction. The other problem I have is not eating enough. I dont eat breakfast, have something small for lunch and then eat like a man at dinner...:-) My husband has bought me an elliptical, countless videos, heavy weights, light weights, everything I need but I do it for a week and then stop when I get too sore...Feel free to add me maybe we can help each other.
  • hi, i do 30 minutes hard cardio then walk at 3.5 for 3 min to cool down =/ i do cardio tues thurs sat and wights for an hour mon wed fri i take sundays off. yeah my portions are huge :X and not fruits but yes veggies. i dont like much fruit lovee veggies tho

    HAHA yeah thats the only downfall of relationships
  • Almost the same exact for me minus the kids
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    My main issue is portion size..... I was on the weight loss wagon until I met my BF and then we started eating out a few times a week, stopping at fast food places.... I gained almost 10 lbs in 3 months! I was not happy.....
    So now I'm doing this and exercising. I may be moving to Hawaii in May and I want to be in shape before going... plus my BF is very physically active and fit, so having a chunky girl on his arm is not what I had in mind. He loves how I look, but I prefer to weigh not 10 lbs less than him, but at least 50.... haha

    Feel free to add me!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    My wife and I did the same thing. When we met, we were both at peace with being single and were enjoying our lives. once we got together, we shared good times and good food, and I love to cook. so we put on weight. I actually got married at something north of 265, not sure how much actually as I avoided the scale like the plague. I do know that the tailor measured me with a 52" waist and I wore size 49 pants (with some belly overhang) tux pants on my wedding day. after about a year of marriage, we both decided to make a change and jumped in with both feet. between the two of us we are down over 100 lbs, and we notice that our circle of friends is becoming more and more filled with gym friends, biking friends, etc.. Its ok that you put on some weight in that new relationship if it is because you are enjoying time together and perhaps just over eating. its great that you realize that its going in a direction you do not like, and want to make a change. My wife and I try to eat clean 80-90% of the time, get in consistent workouts (high quality), and the remainder of meals we are OK with "cheating" and eating what we want (within reason).

    you can do this.. small consistent changes and you will do great. feel free to add me or PM me or my wife if there is any way we can help you on this journey!

  • thank you soo much, thats awesoem that you guys have each other.. doesnt help that my bf is trying to gain and im trying to lose =/
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    thank you soo much, thats awesoem that you guys have each other.. doesnt help that my bf is trying to gain and im trying to lose =/
    but that is OK.. I assume if he wants to gain, that he would prefer to gain lean mass and not get fat. lol..

    if so.. the main thing that would change is the portion size. still eat lean meat sources and lots of veggies, some (good) fat should be there from olive oil, avocado, etc.. sugars and starchy carbs should be minimized and we find that they are best saved for cheat meals and within 1 hour after a hard workout.

    he will also need to hit the gym, and you can probably do pretty much the same workout (unless there is an injury or doing some very specific workout for a sport, etc.). My wife and I actually rarely workout TOGETHER.. i go to a bare bones olympic lifting gym, she does rachel cosgroves (great book) workout at a local box gym. she supplements with biking with two of her friends.

    at meals, we eat exactly the same things, except my portion sizes are bigger.. Doing it as a team, eating right and working out, gives you a higher chance of success in getting to your goal, and more importantly of maintaining your fitness going forward.
  • well thanks for that. i will be taking your advice. :) i appreciate the help