Doesn't like eggs



  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    I wasn't eating whole eggs for a while because of an egg sensitivity so I used almond butter in my breakfast for more protein. Oats are also good for protein but I don't do low carb. Greek yogurt is good if you like it (unfortunately I hate it).

    Almond butter? Sounds yummy! Where do I get it and exactly what is it?
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    I cannot stand the smell and taste of pure eggs or eggy foods like omelettes.
    I recently discoved that you can eggs to your oatmeal and you cannot taste them at all but they give the oatmeal a creamy texture plus all the protein.

    Here's the topic with the recipe:

    Oh my! Thank you for that receipe! i'll have to try it (without him seeing the eggs getting put into it) and then put it under his nose and see if he likes it!

    What do you do with the other two servings if you only have the one for breakfast? Can they be reheated easily enough?
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    I LOVE oatmeal!

    The instant packets are great, BUT they have a lot of sodium in them so I usually go with "Old Fashioned Oats." I like mine "chewy" and the quick oats end up "mushy" so I make it just like it was instant by just adding hot water from the coffee machine at work. My FAVORITE is "Almond Joy Oatmeal." Half cup Old Fashioned Oats, a 100cal pack of Emerald Cocoa Roast Almonds chopped up, and two tablespoons of coconut.... Just add hot water.... Mmmmmm

    But on the subject of eggs LOL... I can't stand over easy anymore (grew up on over easy). It MUST be an omelet for me... Or an "Egg Basket' ... Line a muffing tin with ham slices, add some chopped mushrooms and peppers, add a beaten egg, top with a sprinkle of cheddar... Bake at 350 for 20mins. These can be microwaved for 20 seconds for a great breakfast on the go. I LOVE these because while oatmeal is great only eggs can keep me going till lunch.

    OH MY! I love that oatmeal idea! I'm gonna have to try that!

    Also, I make the Egg Baskets for me! I love them and they reheat so well as well as freeze pretty well too!
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    Oatmeal with blueberries, walnuts and vanilla protein powder is what I have for breakfast EVERYday. My cholesterol is now 142!

    Keeps me full until lunch and I never get tired of it!!

    Vanilla protien powder is a good idea! How much do you usually make yourself in the morning? And how much powder do you put in? Receipe please?

    Thank you for this! I tried something close to this, this morning. (I didn't get a chance to check for the receipe until now) Had strawberries instead of blueberries (forgot to pick some up when I went shopping last night) I had peaches in mine. I'm still very full and that was with 1/3 cup of rolled oats and 1/2 scoop of protien powder.

    1/2 cup Quaker Old fasioned Oats
    1 Cup water
    microwave 2 minutes
    1/4 fresh or frozen Blueberries
    1 T Chopped walnuts
    1 heaping T Vanilla Whey Protien Powder. I use Body Fortress from Wal-mart

    Mix and enjoy

    Calories 253
    Carbs 33
    Fat 8
    Protein 14
    Fiber 6
  • FloraDelirus
    FloraDelirus Posts: 44 Member
    I think eggs are disgusting but I can eat them if you hide the flavor in a fritatta.


    Oh wow. Those sound delectible! I'm gonna make those for myself! And give him one to try. If he likes them, bonus, if not...well all the more for me! HA! Thanks for the receipe and info!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I need help!

    My husband doesn't like eggs. He never grew up eating them because his dad is highly alergic to poultry/eggs. So he never developed a liking for the texture or taste. I, on the other hand, have no problem eating eggs. I love them in fact.

    But...he is trying to work on losing weight and eating less carbs, more protien, etc. (I've tried getting him on here but he's being stuborn. One step at a time I guess.) Most meals, I have no problem with meeting these requirements for both of us. It's breakfast that's the problem.

    I need some low calorie, higher protien, low carb, wholesome food ideas for breakfast that I can make up quick (or prep ahead of time) to feed him. He's not a big veggie nut. Doesn't like tomatoes or peppers but will eat Broccoli and Califlower, lettuce and carrots.

    Help? Suggestions? Ideas? Websites to look at? Receipes?

    I've found most white fish is very low calorie and high protein. I bake it ahead of time and dish some out to heat up with broth and veggies and you can flavor it with whatever spices and veggies you want. Ah I wish I didn't like eggs. I am allergic to chicken eggs but love them. :( I've gotten away from traditional breakfast foods and love having sort of a soup or salad for breakfast, LOL, I can eat a taco for breakfast! Many societies don't eat breakfast foods like we do.
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    I cannot stand the smell and taste of pure eggs or eggy foods like omelettes.
    I recently discoved that you can eggs to your oatmeal and you cannot taste them at all but they give the oatmeal a creamy texture plus all the protein.

    Here's the topic with the recipe:

    Oh my! Thank you for that receipe! i'll have to try it (without him seeing the eggs getting put into it) and then put it under his nose and see if he likes it!

    What do you do with the other two servings if you only have the one for breakfast? Can they be reheated easily enough?

    Yes, you can reheat it.
    I split the oatmeal between 3 bowls and put 2 in the fridge for the next days. Tasted just as yummy as the first one :)