Hello all

I've been on here for a while, probably a year on and off. I've been on constantly for about 4 weeks now, apart from last week (holiday to Magaluf).

I weighed myself the other day and came to 80.650kg, which is 12.7 stone, I'm about 5ft 11.5inches in height and 22 years old.

I want to know if anyone has been in the same boat as me, I've started to get a small 'beer belly'.. not just due to alcohol though. I drink probably once a week, but when I do drink it's usually a heavy night. I'm going to cut down to drinking maybe just once every 2 weeks or so.

I've been mainly doing weights in the gym but I want to concentrate on turning my stomach into strong noticeable abs because I know when I'm using weights and protein I can get quite stocky pretty quick.

I changed settings on this website before so I could see how much saturated fat I had today, and I've already had 26, which is 2 more than what I'm supposed to of had. I'm trying to stay under 2100 calories also.

How can I keep my saturated fat down to a minimum, because I've only had 2 meals today, cheese on toast for breakfast (2 slices) and beans, mash and sausages for dinner. I'm yet to eat my 3rd meal. (Up to now I've had about 1000 calories today).

I work Monday till Thursday doing nights, so I can only go the gym Friday, Satuday and Sundays.

I plan on doing Cardio on Fridays, spinning class on Saturdays, and light cardio and abs work on Sundays.

So in a nutshell.

1. How do I keep my saturated fat below 26, what meals/snacks would you suggest?
2. Anyone been in the same boat as me? 22 years old, 12.7 stone (80.650kg), 5ft 11-6ft, drinks once a week.
3. 3 cardio sessions a week, fri/sat/sun, what exercises would you suggest for losing stomach fat and gaining a six pack?


Cheers guys.


  • bonawolf
    bonawolf Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not really in the same boat but I can relate. I am a freshman college student with a really busy schedule. The only time I have to exercise or get anything done is on the weekends. I used to be an athlete but that doesn't fit into my schedule now. i am new on here and am looking for more friends. Thank you for sharing your story!