McDonald's in my cubicle

I'm sitting here right now with my brown bagged lunch to my left and 4 empty water bottles to my right and just a moment ago two someones returned from lunch with large bags of McDonald's food and i'm dying. I don't even like fast food but the smell right now is making me feel like I might fold... what do you do to stay on track while others around you eat high calorie, flavorful JUNK?


  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I know your situation. :)

    If I were you, I would look at my packed lunch and my 4 empty water bottles and tell myself that I ROCK! That I'm making good choices and sacrifices NOW so that I can have the body and life I want TOMORROW. Eventually, those "sacrifices" don't seem like such a loss.

    And every few weeks, I stop by McDonald's and indulge in a plain double cheeseburger, medium fry, and large sweet tea. :happy:
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Stay strong my friend! In a little while, you will get to the point the smell of that greasy crap will be nauseating. Think of how long you woul dhave to work out to burn off those useless empty calories!?

    You got this!!
  • missvixxen
    missvixxen Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you dear friends! Sacrificing today, for a better tomorrow. You're successes help put it all in perspective.
    I ended up getting up from my desk and throwing in a piece of gum. I also smelled some fragrant hand lotion, it sounds weird but the mix of food and perfume is kind of unappealing!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I know what you mean about the smell and temptations of Mc Donalds. My hubby loves fries and Mc Doubles. I stay away from those things b/c they are high in calories and so fattening. If I have to go to McDonalds with my hubby, I get a side salad and a fruit parfait or a smoothie. Better yet, eat ahead of time. You are to be commended on eating your packed lunch and drinking your bottled waters. You will reap the benefits!

    I know it's hard, but hang in there and stay with it. That greasy fast food crap isn't worth it.
  • elebel82
    elebel82 Posts: 69 Member
    Take delicious (good smelling) healthy food in to work. I'm always getting comments on how good my food smells. I survived "curry night" at work because I took myself a lamb and rice stuffed capsicum (about 350 cals), which smelt amazing (tasted good too, I sometimes find the smell more important.) If it's something you'll look forward to, and not just making do, it'll work.
  • ceejay1982
    I work at pizza hut for 50 hours a I know the feeling. I find it difficult too...the pizza the icf sweets the salad bar starters need I go on the list is endless. Advice welcome here too. I take it healthy options and give in too easily :-( days of disappointment