Do you tell people you're losing weight?



  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Lol no,but it's pretty obvious. Especially to those who see me frequently
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I think it's fair to warn people that I'm extra cranky from being hungry, yes.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i don't. intentional or not, i feel like certain people are prone to sabotage. i feel like if i'm doing it right, people will eventually notice anyways.
    Besides, I don't like the phrase I'm losing weight. I mean...I am but I prefer to think of it as I am choosing to live a healthier life.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Not directly. I am blogging pretty frequently and openly about trying to be healthier, exercising, and overcoming food addictions. I had a decent sized blog following before I started the journey, and now that I am blogging about weight loss my blog following has increased significantly. (turns out people are way more interested in weight loss than photography... go figure)

    It's kind of weird... when I am out now I will sometimes hear, "Oh! You're FatGirl!" It threw me a little at first, but now I just say, "Yes, yes I am. :happy: "

    I like the transparency of being upfront about trying to be healthier. It's sort of a built-in accountability and it's motivating to me when I hear that my efforts are motivating to someone else. Plus, it's a whole lot easier to politely decline when offered unhealthy stuff in social situations by saying, "Oh that's so nice, but I've worked really hard to lose XX pounds and I need to stay on track."
  • It is pretty hard to hide because they way I eat is so obviously different, especially at work. Just this week, and it's only Tuesday, I passed on Birthday cake and a tray of cookies. My husband is so proud of my discipline he tells everyone. I have not made any public announcements myself, but when people notice I am truthful. The only people I have made a point of telling is my sister and best friend, plus of course, my hubby. I am waiting for the day when people notice.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    I think it's fair to warn people that I'm extra cranky from being hungry, yes.

    LOL. Yes, this too.
  • TracyL104
    TracyL104 Posts: 1 Member
    My Husband and select family and friends. Other than that if someone metions it I just reply that I'm changing my lifestyle and change the subject. I'd like to lose 70 lbs. so I don't want to jinx it! :wink:
  • ezebra82
    ezebra82 Posts: 60 Member
    I didn't tell anyone other than my close circle of friends at work, who seemed to offer me sugar packed foods often. Once I hit 40 lbs lost or so others started asking. I thought the same way as some of the others, that I didn't want a lot of people knowing in fear I would fall off the wagon again.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Sometimes, I tell them when they ask. Other times I wind up needing to explain why my pants are falling off.
  • denisemuill
    denisemuill Posts: 19 Member
    I agree, I think it makes others feel bad to watch you make heathy choices and make progress with your goal, when they are not at a place to make change in their life.
  • denisemuill
    denisemuill Posts: 19 Member
    It took me a while to say "no" to food at work, but now that I do....It is so much easier each time I'm ask if I want cake, a muffin a cookie or to go out for lunch.
  • conraj74
    conraj74 Posts: 182
    I didn't tell anyone. If someone asked I would tell them.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I've only told people whom I know I can count on to be in my cheering section. If I don't know how they will react, I don't tell them. I absolutely do NOT mention it on facebook.
  • I do, because it keeps me accountable. It was really hard to do - would have been easier not to say anything...but I have very supportive friends and co-workers, so I am really glad I did....I might not have made it this far without doing so.

    I started sharing every month or two on FB in July once I had lost a good bit - people seem to look for my posts for inspiration....which is not the reaction I was thinking I would get! Not a single negative word.
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    i never publicly announced to anyone. one person knows what i do because theyve asked me when they see me scan barcodes for the app and i talk about the site/app only when they comment to me that they are trying to get into shape. but so far, only one person has told me i seem to be losing and they know nothing of this. but at the same time, my mom and aunt before have told me i look like im slimming but not when i was actively trying to. so...i dont really fish for compliments or pay attention to what anyone really long as my scale keeps goin happy. :)
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I didn't tell anyone when I started this journey. Once they started noticing, I told them about MFP and Fitbit. Now that I'm at goal I'm getting more and more comments every day on my weight loss, even though I've stopped losing weight. It's weird, and kind of annoying. I mean, I've been doing this for 9 months and you're JUST NOW noticing? I am ready for the novelly to wear off and have people just accept that this is how I look now.
  • I don't like to mention it unless it's with people who are also dealing with losing. I am afraid of failure, and I often times think that people are looking at me like.......finally you got the point. I've lost 34 lbs. so far and have heard a few comments but nothing significant. Just goes to tell me that I was that big to begin with.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    If it comes up yes I tell them. I don't care if anyone knows or not.
  • You are doing something so awesome and incredible for your health! You should share it with the world. Changing your fitness and diet is an amazing feat and keeping an outwardly positive attitude can help you keep a good outlook on the inside. :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    NO because I wan't them to notice when I hit my final goal wearing that G-string bikini in Hawaii....