Advice for dining out

We live about an hour from the nearest good size town. So when we come to town for things it is usually an all day affair. I do good at home with my eating but coming to town really throws me for a loop. I generally eat 4-6 times a day at home but I cannot do that on town without going way over my calories for the day. Today for example I ate at ground round with some friends but couldn't find any nutrition info on their website. Any advice on how to stay on track while I have two small kids ( who love pizza hit and McDonald's) tagging along would be greatly appreciated!


  • dlg1467
    dlg1467 Posts: 68 Member
    When you know where you are going, try to remember what restaurants are around and plan, plan, plan what you know you can eat. If you're not sure, error on the side of caution, have meat with veggies or salad.
    If you know you are going out, have a really light breakfast, make sure you work out that day.
    and if you go over, you go over. tomorrow is another day.
  • Emily3119
    Emily3119 Posts: 25 Member
    if you go over, you go over. tomorrow is another day.

    ^This. A good piece of advice, that sometimes going out to eat when out of town multiple times a day is probably going to throw your calorie count off that day. The important thing is to not let days like that pile up. My advice would be similar, to plan as much as you can. I try and pack food in coolers and snack bags to bring with me when I go out of town or am travelling. If you eat something right before going out to eat with your friends that you packed yourself, you won't feel the need to purchase a full meal at the restaurant, especially when no nutritional information is posted online.
    Another plus- saves money! :) But don't be afraid to splurge every once and while. Like I said, just don't let it become a regular thing. (Just my opinion, for what it's worth!)
  • Beewallows
    Beewallows Posts: 110 Member
    What I always do is look up the nutritional information on websites. Even if a specific restaurant doesn't have anything posted, I look up a similar restaurant (all chain restaurants have the info posted) and I looked at what would be good choices there, and base mine off of that. And common sense of course. And you would be surprised how easy it is to get a "lower" calorie meal at McDonald's (regular hamburger or snack wrap - 250, small fries - 250, apple with caramel- 100, or even just the salad at about 400).
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I always look on the website before I get there to plan out what I'm going to eat so I know beforehand what I can and cannot allow myself to have. One day I wanted chick fil a so bad, I ordered a combo and split the fries in half and actually cut the chicken sandwich in half so I wouldn't eat it all. I gave the rest to my daughter. I do this because I want to allow myself to still eat what I want but I just do it in moderation so I won't go over on my calories for the day. Also you could eat lighter during the rest of the day if you knew you were gonna splurge at dinner.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if this is an every day event, i would be concerned, but it sounds like it's more of a once or twice a week thing. that is fine. factor in those meals into your weekly plan.

    if you know you are going to be going into town and having a big meal, try skipping breakfast to be able to save your daily calories for later.

    so you had a bad meal. that means your next meal is the most important meal of the day. recover with something light.
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    pack snacks/food for you and the kids cheaper and easier. Or just planand do your best. Me I have no desire for mcdonalds(nor do my kids) but pizza hut I would fit in there some way because I love pizza