I fell off the wagon. Hard.



  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    You are not alone so please don't beat yourself up over it! I had lost over 90 pounds and did the same as you, I wanted to maintain and within a year I slowly but surely put back on over 45 lbs. It was devastating but I have been back on the wagon full on since September 20th and have lost 8lbs I had gained back. You can do this!!!!!! Friend me if you want to, just don't give up on yourself, it's a process in which we all will make mistakes but we have to find out our pitfalls and strive to do better the next day. Keep your head up, decide your short term and long term goals and begin fresh. You can do this, I can do this, we all can do this. We have the power and we can help what our destiny will be when it comes to our health and well being.
  • how did you get to a point where you made it a lifestyle instead of just a temporary change? That is what I am still struggling with.

    Like I said, one day (or hour...or meal...) at a time. If you keep doing that, someday you'll look around and realize that you've been doing this for two weeks...then it's a month...then it's six months. THen a year. Eventually you don't even think about it so intensely. You automatically reach for a salad instead of a cheeseburger, and iced tea instead of Coke. You miss the exercise if you don't get your workout in for the day for some reason. THAT's when you realize that it's become a lifestyle--YOUR lifestyle.

    I don't think we can honestly say to ourselves: "Self, this is our new life now. Deal with it!" It's too big and overwhelming. Take it one obstacle at a time. Most of us can say "It's just breakfast. I can eat a healthy breakfast" and then follow through. Then later say "It's just lunch. I can do a salad" and so on. Eventually it becomes a habit. Habit = lifestyle.

    You can do this!

    Love this! Very inspiring :)
  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    This, I have totally done this too.... I have a very long life long journey to do this....and I had a moment of weakness... which of course turned into...2...then 3... etc....
    Gotta get back on this and keep at it, jsut can't give up on myself!
    Who's with me? :o)

    One day at a time.

    I fell off my wagon after a nasty plateau, and in the last 2 weeks I've gained back about 5 of the pounds I lost. Granted, that's not a lot, but I've watched numbers creep every so slowly in the wrong direction. Like you, I have very supportive family, and a wonderfully supportive boyfriend. But I'm more determined than ever that I CAN'T continue to go backwards. This morning, I just wanted to stay in bed and make my headache go away. But no...I read this right before leaving for the gym, and now I resolved to crush this workout. For me, for you, and for all of us who struggle, fight, kick, scream, and claw our way to success. Good luck, and know you will always have my support!!
  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    Might I suggest you and I wear hardhats so we don't get a concussion (sp)? lol :o)
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Fall down 7 times, get up 8.

    You have already made amazing progress - 128 lbs!!! And you are back here and taking charge.
    One day at a time - you can do this!
  • Your stories have put things in perspective for me and I'm going to stop beating myself up for falling off the wagon for three weeks. I don't weigh myself but know I was going backwards over that time (the "one more naughty meal won't hurt" train of thought is SO familiar!) and am back on track now. Had about 25lbs to lose at the start of this adventure (just a guess, had no idea how much I weighed really) and reckon I'm about half way there if my clothes are anything to go by. Keep up the great work everyone!