Do you tell people you're losing weight?



  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have to tell b/c people want to know why I can't eat here or there...coworkers are the worst! Now I feel like if they see me eat something non-diet they are thinking "you fatass!" :/
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Nope. And no one has noticed yet!
  • SellyBunnie
    No!!! Tell people you are getting rid of your unhealthy fat! You never ever ever ever plan on finding that lost fat again!
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    Only if they insist on knowing .... I really don't like talking openly about it. :-s
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Nope. And no one has noticed yet!
    And you've lost almost 200 lbs?! Joking, right?
  • itali614
    itali614 Posts: 53 Member
    My friend who lost a ton of weight on here told me that people usually dont see much a difference until you hit about 20. About 10 you notice. I have told people. Especially when they comment on my looks. Many people know I am engaged in this journey. I think that community is important and if people know then it holds me more accountable to live healthier by eating right and exersizing.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    My weight loss has occurred over several years but mostly over the last year so people know I've been much more focused and conscientious about losing weight for a while. Difference is they keep mentioning it to me over the past 6- 12 months. I don't mention it because how I eat, exercise and live is ingrained and a part of my personal preferences now. I choose less food, more exercise and better health-- that's probably what they see but I don't talk about it I just do it. :wink:
  • katiedidit1
    katiedidit1 Posts: 39 Member
    I have lost as much as 50 pounds before and people don't really notice. Sadly they don't notice when the weight goes on either. I was weighing in at my doctors office once and I weighed 200 pounds and the nurse checking me in kept going on and on about how I carry my weight so well, I look great, she would never have guessed blah, blah, blah. Maybe if she said Oh no that is way to heavy for someone who is 5'6" maybe I wouldn't have made it to 250! I will be 20 pounds lighter by Christmas and no one will notice.

    You will notice! And the people close to you will notice. I've had the same weight gain experience. Good luck to you! Keep it up!
  • Lyndelee
    Lyndelee Posts: 20 Member

    I like the transparency of being upfront about trying to be healthier. It's sort of a built-in accountability and it's motivating to me when I hear that my efforts are motivating to someone else. Plus, it's a whole lot easier to politely decline when offered unhealthy stuff in social situations by saying, "Oh that's so nice, but I've worked really hard to lose XX pounds and I need to stay on track."

    I agree. I had yo-yo dieted for years and never told anyone. This time, though, I made sort of a "public" announcement (via Facebook) and I'm very upfront with people about it. I mean, I don't bring it up unless someone asks me, but now, EVERYONE asks me! I know that most people are just being nice when they tell me I look great, but once in a while (like today) someone does a double-take and says "Oh, my god!! You look great!! How much weight have you lost!?!" and I can tell it's genuine. Those are the ones that make me feel really good. And I love to hear people tell me how I've inspired them to try to live healthier. I even have some friends at work that keep me accountable during our many "spreads" for birthdays, etc...."should you really be eating that??" and "Think about how many lunges you'll have to do to burn that off your butt!!" Lol....stuff like that. I need that accountability.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    I don't really bring it up, I feel like if I do, everyone is watching and expecting TONS of weight to just drop off automatically, and that's not very realistic. I guess that's my own insecurity though! But I prefer for this to be my own little personal hill that I'm climbing, so to speak.
  • supbanana
    supbanana Posts: 37 Member
    Not really. That being said, people have started to notice after ~90 pounds. It's always an awkward conversation that I don't enjoy having (don't like to talk about myself).
  • ladybug114
    ladybug114 Posts: 39 Member
    My hubby knows, but is not supportive or optimistic that I will stick to my plan for long. :cry: He hasn't even noticed the 10lbs that I have already lost so far. Oh well. I haven't told others about my weight loss as they would be pessimistic as well. I have tried losing weight in the past and tried different diets and failed each time. So why should this time be any different? (their viewpoint)

    Unless people were to ask, I would not likely tell them. I will keep on trying and doing what I am doing to get the results I want.:happy: I am glad for MFP and the support I am getting here.

    I'm so sorry to hear that :( I had a bit of that experience for a little while too. Maybe if you just keep at it and don't make a fuss about it to your husband, he will be pleasantly surprised and realize how serious about it you are. Actions speak louder than words, and you're doing a great job :)
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    The only person I told was my roommate. I eat with her on a pretty regular basis, and it would become pretty obvious, especially since I started eating small amounts continuously throughout the day.

    Others have noticed that I'm eating healthier foods, I think, but not that I'm on an actual "diet". I won't deny it if they ask, but I'm content with them not knowing. I don't have to deal with people scrutinizing or judging.
  • dark_black
    No. Many people seem to take great delight in either being the food police and questioning whatever it is you're eating even it's a green salad or in the case of some ex - co-workers of mine, laughed behind the back of anyone who didn't meet their ideal size and shape then laughed again at any diet or exercise attempts. (Glad I don't work there anymore!)

    I have told my husband so he wouldn't keep buying me lollies, he is very supportive but I told him I don't want to make a big deal of it because I'm not that kind of person and if I do feel like having something extra every now and again, I don't want him thinking he needs to be the food police.

    And I don't tell my family members, anytime before when I have told my mum, she tells me she is trying to lose weight too and then stops eating anything except crackers with cheese (her idea of being on a diet), loses nothing and then tells me at every opportunity how skinny she was when she was a teenager :eyeroll:

    And one delightful SIL who asked me if I had put on weight when I had lost about 65lbs (before I had 3 more kids). My brother pulled her up and told me I looked great in front of her and she still rolled her eyes and said it was hard to tell :noway:
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I used to tell people, but now I prefer to keep it to myself. In my experience, when I try to tell people that I'm losing weight, especially at work, they're a little too eager to get involved. Some of them turn into the food police and start commenting on everything I do or don't eat. Some ask for updates each week on what I've lost, which gets awkward on the weeks where my weight loss has stalled.

    Keeping it to myself also means that the compliments I get from close friends are genuine, since they didn't know I was trying to lose weight and noticed on their own that I'm thinner. :)
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    I started by just going to Zumba classes for fun, not weight loss. The weight loss was a happy side effect. Then, after 20 pounds, I started trying. I think everyone knew that I was trying to be healthier and honestly every time I lose a pound I update it here then update my facebook status with "-47!" and the people that get it get it the people that don't don't and the people that find me annoying and happy can feel free to remove me from their news feed. I try to surround myself with people who build me up instead of bringing me down so I have had a lot of support! :smile:
  • 141by2016
    So, when I started med school, my effing mother said to the dean of my school "Oh yeah, I don't worry about Carly keeping active during school. She just lost 70lbs! She's committed!" And the dean's super loud husband basically announced it to the seventy people at the event. I was mortified. I was looking forward to working with people who never knew me as an extra fat kid, and now everyone knows me as the girl who used to weigh 226lbs (I'm only 5'2").

    I decided to make it a positive and started a slow girls running club, for other people at school who don't want to eat their stress, and people look up to me and ask for advice on life work balance and healthy eating. I have a way to go - I want to drop about 25 more lbs and get into the 18% BF range - but it's good to help people get there too!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    There are a handful only that I told but then one told others that I really didn't want to know, I am not doing to well so when it finally happens for me I want people to notice because they can actually see a difference.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    I don't volunteer the information gratuitously. It comes up with people who are concerned about my knee issues and ask how I'm doing and what the doctor is going to do since it's not getting better (remains to be seen as he doesn't know how much weight I've lost yet. Just made an appt. yesterday since I reached my first major benchmark goal but I want a full physical so the soonest I could get for that was after the 1st of the year...but I figure my weight loss will be that much more impressive by then to make my point with!) But other than that, I will confirm it if someone notices and asks if I've lost weight. I will answer honestly if they ask me how but I don't volunteer the details and just say a gracious thank you to any compliments and move on. I don't fish for compliments or notice though. If they notice fine, if they don't, fine. Not doing this for them nor looking for approval by this. I am the same person I was 70 lbs ago as I was when I was 45 lbs. below now (long ago) and the people who matter to me like me on either end of the spectrum and every point in between. Why would I worry about those whose love and friendship is conditional and contingent on any part of my body or physical appearance??
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    Depends. I don't say "I'm losing weight" to just anybody. I say I'm going to get a healthier me, or I'm going to cut out eating so many carbs/so much sugar, or "I'm waiting for my Turbofire to come in, would you like to join me?"

    My family knows I'm losing weight. My friends and acquaintances know I'm very nutrition-savvy (I look at MFP a lot on my free-time-at-work (yes I go to my job even when I'm not working)) and like to know about Beachbody stuff and just good for you stuff in general. So the general statement they might hear is "I don't feel so good, I gained this weight 3 years ago and I'm hoping to leave this school WITHOUT it."