Vertical Sleeve comrades

I'd love to connect here with folks who have had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure provide support and motivation to one another. Don't get me wrong...I'd LOVE to connect with anyone, to build a larger support community, but having connections with people who can personally relate to the journey I'm on is an awesome thing!

If you're interested, feel free to send me an invitation to become "friends"!! :)



  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    while I have not had vsg I am pursing wls and would like to have vsg if I can get my insurance to cover it
  • lollyfidy1965
    lollyfidy1965 Posts: 15 Member
    Good for you, Truddy!! It has truly changed my life!!
  • I just had my lapband removed in September, and got the Sleeve on October 17th! So far I love it :D
  • lollyfidy1965
    lollyfidy1965 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow!! Good for you, Alissa!! I couldn't be more pleased with my results....I hope you continue to have great success!!
  • mindym153
    mindym153 Posts: 1 Member
    Vertical sleeved since november of 2014!! Still doing great! I will say its the best things thats ever happened to can stay successfull and keep it off down the starts with u