Olympic Ski Team Diet

Hullo ladies and gentlemen!

Have any of you tried the Olympic Ski Team Diet? And if so, did you gain all the weight back quickly?

I'm asking because, well, I'm on it right now. In five days I have lost six pounds. I'm not complaining, but I was hoping someone could tell me if I was just going to gain it right back.
I'm planning on still eating a reduced calorie plan even after I'm finished, so will that help?


  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    what is the diet???
  • dieselveins
    dieselveins Posts: 65 Member
    Ya what is it? Curious because if I'm correct you eat high calories because of such a high level of working out.. the Olympic athletes go thru..
  • ZeOphelia
    ZeOphelia Posts: 13 Member
    To Yealift:

    With all unusual diets, the makers generally claim some immense chemical benefit, or write long, convoluted reasons for why people lose weight.

    It's generally hogwash. The diets work because they are low calorie/low fat. I entered this diet under no misapprehensions or beliefs in the magic powers or something.
    The reason why I guessed it was to lower weight to fit athletic requirements was because it was given to me by a man whose wrestling team all did it to make it down to categories.

    And as for the 20 lbs in two weeks: That estimate is a little high, but like I said, I have lost 6 lbs in five days. If it continues at the same rate, I'll lose about 15-16 pounds.
  • LivingFitNC
    LivingFitNC Posts: 18 Member
    This sounds very similar to Lyle Mcdonalds Rapid Fat Loss diet although his has a heck of a lot more scientific evidence to back it up. It is a modified PSMF diet that is meant to be over a short period of time depending on your starting weight and to spare as much muscle as possible while ensuring only losing fat and water. I did this, it was great, mentally tough but rewarding and you get refeeds and the science behind it makes sense- PSMF has been around for awhile in many shapes and forms. The only thing about weight gain from either I'd say is that it's generally water and with this diet I'd be concerned about losing muscle. What people (and MFP) think is the recommended protein is quite paltry to what you really need and especially what you need when cutting cals so low to maintain your lean mass.
  • ZeOphelia
    ZeOphelia Posts: 13 Member
    Jasmith: I'm not too worried about the protein thing b/c I exceed MFP's recommended amount every day, but that's interesting information. Thanks!
  • bells1975
    bells1975 Posts: 1 Member
    i am currently on day 1 today.....is there no oil or dressing on the salads.??
  • dianad11
    dianad11 Posts: 6 Member
    No oil, no salt. If I remember right, the eggs are to be boiled as well. Not sure though.
    I am going to try it for two weeks starting in the morning to see how it goes. Will try to remember to post my results, but I work overnights and sleep a lot so won't post daily. Stocked up on groceries today and am ready to go!

    My striiv was to arrive today as well. It was shipped to the wrong facility though and is delayed. :(
    Would love to have a striiv buddy as well!
  • dianad11
    dianad11 Posts: 6 Member
    You will regain weight regardless of what diet you follow if you do not maintain activity and sensible eating. If you use any diet to lose weight and then go back to old habits, you will also go back to your old body. You need to make permanent lifestyle changes to the way you approach your diet. There is no harm in following menu based diets, etc, to lose weight, but going back to eating, say, two bags of snickers mini's a day is not going to help keep the weight off. After the weight is lost, better choices must continue to be made.

    I am loving this Ski Team Diet though. The menus are not exotic, easy to prepare, and foods that I like. Wish there were more fruit days. :( I love and crave fruit. I also love and crave grapefruit, so it's all good! I will be able to have my beloved fruit back again soon enough. Minus the french fries and cinnamon rolls, heh. I also like that I do not have to think about what I want to eat all week, it is already planned for me, I just have to decide how much of it I want to eat.

    If this diet looks appealing to you, give it a try for one week and see how you feel.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Will it help build my quads?
  • leholcomb
    leholcomb Posts: 146 Member