people suggesting I should lose weight...

I started out at 240 pounds (109kg) and now almost twenty pounds are gone and I'm happy with that. I also notice a difference in the mirror and in photos.

Yet, since two days, people keep carefully suggesting I should think about a weight loss. Of course I haven't put out a announcement in the papers that I am on a journey, and the people approaching me are collegues (who try to help with a cold I've been having --> "you should start working out, you know" - "actually I'm working out quite well, thank you") or my back therapist (who has every right to suggest this, but also should have noticed a difference, since she met me on my high-point).

I try not to be discouraged by this, since I'm losing the weight for myself and not for other people. But, has anyone of you experienced something similar???


  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    Don't be discouraged, carry on your doing fab. I had my physio grab my belly and say "you need to lose some of this" and that was 90 days after I started MFP and after Ive lost 26 inches ( 5 inches off my hips and 7 off my waist at navel) you'd think she would have noticed. Ive gone from UK 20 to UK16 (nearly a 14 now). I just ignore as I know Im doing it for myself. Just brush it off if you can. Your already doing it for you. x
  • chigau_me
    hey, i started with the same weight a month ago! though i'm only 7 lb down now ...

    i used to have people telling me that i need to lose weight, the worst one was my mom who kept telling me how horrible and fat and disgusting i was ... in the past she used to tell me that i would never get married and have children because of my weight ... now that i have a husband and a baby she says that my husband will leave me because i'm super fat ... when i was a teenager i was very upset by what my mom or other people said, but not anymore :) i just don't care, i have my goals in my head and a lovely family and friends for support!
    don't be discouraged! don't let other people mess with you :)
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I also hate when people notice and mention it every time they see you (which they have a tendency to do even when you haven't lost anything for a while). You should tell them to mind their own beeswax!!
  • loliblullama
    loliblullama Posts: 140 Member
    I found that last time I started to lose weight after a ~30lb loss, people were commenting on my weight gain and how I should lose weight. Maybe it was because I'd started wearing different clothes that I'd suddenly become visible - I don't really know, but I hated it.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Do not let it get to you! You know what you are doing and that is the most important thing. The second glances and comments will come, trust me. You are doing the right thing, the best thing for yourself.

    Heavy as I was, it was 40 pounds before I got my first comments. If you stick to it, and continue to lose, you will begin to hear positive comments, or compliments every day.

    You can do this. If you need positive reinforcement, log on and come here, you will get tons of support!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Do not let it get to you! You know what you are doing and that is the most important thing. The second glances and comments will come, trust me. You are doing the right thing, the best thing for yourself.

    Heavy as I was, it was 40 pounds before I got my first comments. If you stick to it, and continue to lose, you will begin to hear positive comments, or compliments every day.

    You can do this. If you need positive reinforcement, log on and come here, you will get tons of support!

    This ^ Just keep going and eventually people will notice.
  • Michaelsdin
    i get this a lot you need to lose weight you need to lose weight, besides my grandma who says every single time i see her "are you losing weight you look great" i love my grandma btw. but she is about the only one who says i am losing weight everytime she sees me even though for the longest time i was only gaining weight lol. now i can truely say i have been losing weight, i actually have not seen her sense i lost about 20lbs. But i get it a lot and I am not advertising about my weight loss only to my doctors and my wife. everyone else will have to just find out as i go along lol.
  • Ellieus
    Ellieus Posts: 49 Member
    Thanx so much for the support! It's really great to know I'm not the only one!!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    yeah, going into the doctors after losing 30lbs. Stepping on the scales all proud of myself and being told :

    'if you keep going like this you're at a high risk of diabeties'

    Erm... if i keep eating healthily and exercising i'll get diabeties?! I just ignored it because he doesnt know. I wonder if when i go back next year he'll feel like he was the one to turn my life around :D
  • Ellieus
    Ellieus Posts: 49 Member
    hey, i started with the same weight a month ago! though i'm only 7 lb down now ...

    I just recently had my 60th day in a row. So, relax, you're doing great!!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Don't let it put you off. Some people just walk around in their own little world completely oblivious to people and things around them. People look at you but don't really focus if you know what I mean. Your making brilliant progress, congratulations!
  • Ellieus
    Ellieus Posts: 49 Member
    Thanx everybody, again! It's really great and so helpful to have this community!!
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Someone once told me a long time ago that I can't be responsible for other peoples' bad manners. Now I"m telling you. :flowerforyou:

    One thing I have to keep reminding myself during this (as my husband is jiggling my belly fat or my mom is telling me I should wear *this kind of dress because it will make me 'look' thin... ) is that I am not doing this for them. The care I am taking to eat properly and exercise is for my benefit. I am showing ME that I am worth it.

    Screw the rest of them.

    You are doing great. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Hugs.
  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    I started out at 240 pounds (109kg) and now almost twenty pounds are gone and I'm happy with that. I also notice a difference in the mirror and in photos.

    Yet, since two days, people keep carefully suggesting I should think about a weight loss. Of course I haven't put out a announcement in the papers that I am on a journey, and the people approaching me are collegues (who try to help with a cold I've been having --> "you should start working out, you know" - "actually I'm working out quite well, thank you") or my back therapist (who has every right to suggest this, but also should have noticed a difference, since she met me on my high-point).

    I try not to be discouraged by this, since I'm losing the weight for myself and not for other people. But, has anyone of you experienced something similar???

    Depending on your height, it may not be very obvious that you've lost weight. Your back therapist - unless she weighs you, or records your weight, doesn't see you that often, does she? She may not remember what you looked like 20 lbs ago. You may look very similar.

    I recommend that you just tell them, "You're right, and I'm working on losing weight right now." If they press, you can raise your voice and tell them exactly what you do, how much you exercise, and how much you eat ... etc. It's none of their business how much you weigh - but it may be hard for them to express their concern for your health any other way.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    People don't pay as much attention to others as we give them credit for. They are more focused on themselves. Keep up the good work and they will notice. It takes a lot longer than we want for people to notice a change for the better, but it will happen.