Hello! Starting out

Hi Everyone,

I'm new here, I'm from Canada, 29 and a student. I have found myself a bit overweight. My heaviest was 193. I'm now at 166; but I've been sitting there for almost a year. I'm 5'8 and I'd like to get to 145-150. I'm going on a big trip in June and don't want this "extra luggage" coming too!


  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Hello Jen, I'm Vanessa from the UK and I should be working right now. I'm 41, and need to lose about 24lb. Been on here before and lost 4 stone, but went off for 7 months and I'm back again recently. Good luck, you'll find plenty of help and support on here :-)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I'm Lisa.. been here for almost a year. I am American/Canadian living in the USA. (born in Canada, moved here in my 30's).

    Love having new friends! add me if you like. Welcome to the party!
  • AubieMae
    Welcome Jen. I am from the USA. You will find the help and support you need. This is an awesome website and the tools are beyond amazing. It is good to have a plan for next June. It is possible!
  • khassidy
    khassidy Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Jen! I'm khassi, and Im from California! I've been using this site for over a year now and I absolutely adore it, Feel free to add me as a friend:) welcome!
  • swweetpea
    Hey Jen, welcome! I'm the same as you, I lost ~25 lbs and then stayed at the same weight for so long. I am now ready to lose the last few! Best wishes :)
  • sunshinefrei
    Good morning! Glad to see you here! You can add me as friend if you want. I have an open diary an all of you get to see the good,bad and ugly of my journey. I have a great support team and would love to have you on board.
    Have a great day!