For Ladies: Effect of exercise on Menstrual Cycles


I'm just wondering if there is anyone else that goes through the same thing. Since I started exercising heavily 4x a week (about 6 months ago), I noticed a change in my cycles. I'm usually very regular - every 28 to 29 days. When I exercise, however, my cycles are shorter about every 23-24 days (or 3.5 weeks). This is very annoying to me because when I ovulate earlier, then the pms symptoms come earlier and I feel like I can't catch a break! I had two months where I purposely did NOT exercise during the first two weeks (until after I ovulated - I can tell when I do) and sure enough I had a regular cycle.

So as much as I love to exercise, I give myself the second week of the cycle 'off' from any strenuous exercise and then i resume again.

This is the freakiest thing to me! Just wondering if I'm the only one this happens to!


  • VanessaLysette3
    VanessaLysette3 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been noticing this too and I also have been doing intense workouts! My cycle is also about every three weeks now:( I made an appointment with my doctor though just in case
  • christinagillil
    christinagillil Posts: 1 Member
    My cycle has changed as well. Since I was 15 my cycle was like clockwork, ever 27 days. Since working out / eating healthier my cycle has changed to every 2 - 3 weeks or I have heavy spoting. Went to the Doctor for the 2nd time and he told me that he was almost positive that it was becuase of the excercise but ran test anyway. All test came back negatbive except for thyroid was not right. Going to a specialist in December to see what is going on
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    My cycle has not changed, but I think this is probably due to me being on the pill.
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    Ah yes, that would make sense. It drives me nuts because I want to be working out this week! But I know if I just wait until next week, I should be good. Although I "may" do some weight training this week and see if that has any bearing on it...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    PMS turns me into a totally different person. I have not been exercising during TOM.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I've noticed a change. I've always had irregular periods, so I'd go months (6+) without having one. I'd eventually go on the pill to try to even things out, get tired of it and stop taking it.
    I got my first regular period last month without the aid of bc, so I'm hopeful that will continue.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    my cycle is all messed up. It like to "start" early. I have PMS for a week before it even bothers to show up.
    so for half of my cycle I'm HUGE for no good reason.

    I have tried both exercising and not exercising. I just go with whatever now since working out and then still being 5+lbs more than I should be is frustrating.
    The only good thing about still working out is occasionally sweating makes me feel not so huge sometimes. It's very confusing.

    Considering just sitting in the sauna a bunch next time..,
  • Apeck87
    Apeck87 Posts: 68 Member
    i havent had a period in over a month and no i am not pregnant. :( exercise can make a large impact on your menstral cycle, but i think its normal
  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    I was on Seasonique so i did not have a period but every three months, however when I started losing weight and exercising regularly, my period came at a time that it should not have and then I bled for 3 months straight!! Ugh! I was so fed up with it I had my period permanently stopped by the doctor!
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Your body knows what to do, I wouldn't worry. If it gets out of hand, see a doctor :)
  • I've not noticed this either because I'm on the pill as well but I have noticed it's harder for me to get motivated a week before I'm supposed to start. Just feel totally lazy, not to mention I get awful headaches/migraines around my period so when your head is pounding the last thing you want to do is go to the gym unfortunately, lol.