Favorite Excuse to Skip the Gym (and rebuttal)

So today I really wasn't feeling it and had a hard time conjuring up the motivation to go work out. I went through my Rolodex of excuses in my head.

My favorite excuse is: If I skip today, I'll be sure to make it into the gym on Saturday. But then Saturday comes around and I'm busy so I don't go. What I do, is I have a photo album on my coffee table full of my fat pictures. One look at these and I instantly feel guilty that I even considered skipping a work out.

So what I wanted to do here was have you guys all list your favorite excuses for skipping the gym and how you overcome the urge to not go. Maybe some of your ideas can help others with motivation trouble.


  • uncbluci
    uncbluci Posts: 31 Member
    It's too cold--- I'll warm up by working out!

    I'm tired-- nothing like a good workout to get energized (I have a sticky note in my car reminding myself that no matter how tired I am, working out will feel great. I wrote it once when I was so exhausted but forced myself to go and was so glad after)
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I just remind myself that I will lose all the progress I've made if I start making exceptions for myself this early in the game. That usually does away with any excuse lol =)
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm tired ---- going to the gym wakes you up

    I went the past 5 days --- what if you can't go tomorrow? 2 days off in a row! That can't happen!

    I'm so busy -- but I'm watching an hour of TV right now

    The gym is too far (used to be the case) ---- your goal weight is even further away!
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    That Time Of The Month, or if I get a really bad cold or the flu is about the only excuse that makes me NOT want to run. Usually I'm coming up with excuses to run more, 'cause it's fun.

    The only thing I've found to be effective at countering it is "I can ditch my run if I put my running clothes and shoes on, go outside, walk down the street to the first intersection, and jog across the street. Then I have permission if, after all that, I physically can't continue, I can then turn around and go back home and hide under the covers the rest of the day."

    I usually find that continuing on is no worse than turning around, so I just go ahead and finish the run. Then after a shower I get to go and hide under the covers for the rest of the day guilt-free. Only once did it not work (I actually did turn around and go back home), but it turned out to be an actual medical emergency and I didn't feel to bad for skipping a day.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    too tired after a long day at work : i'm not going to go to sleep anyway. just go do an hour and come home and relax
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Sometimes I tell myself, I'll just do it tomorrow, but then I start to go through my schedule, which is somewhat rigid, and I think, well tomorrow is a rest day and I wont be able to workout anyway, which then pushes it to the next day which is a leg day, and that will push that out, which will eliminate my Sunday rest day...or something like that. My schedule is tight, and any changes upsets the entire thing.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    This week it is because I injured my lower back, turns out x-rays show I have crazy scoliosis! No wonder my back hurts all the time. But I am making sure I do rest it up, and not actually talk myself into going to the gym anyway - I need the week off to recoup.

    But typically, I will say, "I'll do it tomorrow." Then I realize I will probably not do it tomorrow, so I better just do it now while I am thinking about it.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    The gym costs money. *checks wallet* Yup, still don't have any. Guess I'll do some push ups in the kitchen then go for a run.

    It's raining outside? Yeah, OK, put on a jacket, cupcake. It's just a little water.

    It's really friggin' cold! Ok, add another layer and some wool socks.

    It's snowing! - Run slower, wear a hat and gloves. Cupcake.
  • NocturnalGirl
    There is no excuse for me! I loveee the gym. The only thing that might stop me is if I'm seriously injured
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm tired - working out makes me more tired...
    I have a headache - working out makes the headache worse...
    I hurt my knee - working out will aggravate the injury (depending what I do)...
    I hurt my back - working out will aggravate the injury...
    I don't have time - I could lose an hour of sleep I suppose...
    but that would lead me back to;
    I'm tired...
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    I have this small voice in my head that taunts me to slack off, to not work my cardio so hard, to not do that last lift when the muscles are fatigued.

    Lately I have been telling the small voice to STFU.

    I have a big goal and that small voice can go straight to hell.

    It's having listened to that small voice that put me where I am. I'm done with it.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    "I forgot my workout clothes" - I've since rented a locker to keep spare everything in (including extra stuff for my kids since they are both there daily and constantly forget bathing suits and gymnastics stuff).
  • makenoexcuses
    makenoexcuses Posts: 128 Member
    "Too much stress from people at school or work" - Working out will increase endorphin's and soon you'll forget about all those people you want to punch in the face.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I don't even need a good excuse. Just not "feeling like it" can serve to derail progress.

    My mantra that gets me to go "you will feel AMAZING when you are done." My mantra is always right. I've NEVER left the gym and felt bad. It can even reset a day not going too well.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    i'm in alot of pain - when are you not in pain, might as well add more ontop. if you do enough damage then you can stop...

    so far i keep returning, abeit I'm still in pain and damn it, why is it worse now that I've lost 60+ pound, not better! Evil stupid doctors
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    "It's soooo hard!" - "Easy won't make you strong and fit!"

    "I'm just not motivated today." - "So? Do you want it? Do you have will-power? Want it bad enough and make yourself do it!"

    "I can't breathe." (this is me for real this week) - "Do SOMETHING."
  • cmpollard01
    Had this issue this morning!

    Me: but i have a headache bordering on a migraine, and this weather system is making my joints hurt
    Boyfriend (who decided to spend the night last night): Get up! (as he yanked the covers back off of me...so I'd get up and he could go back to sleep!)

    Usually, I just remind myself of how far I've come. But I like your photo album idea...I might have to steal that!
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    This is a great idea!

    Mine is "I can do it tomorrow", then I usually realize I won't.

    If I don't want to go for a run on the weekend, I usually tell myself it's okay to just walk.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am so tired im feel like i could fall asleep in class. I have a lot of studies to do tonight. Maybe I should nap instead of workout so I can study better

    Have yet to figure out the rebuttal... any help? xD
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I actually have a hard time taking rest days. I have to make an excuse to do that instead! I love lifting, running, going to yoga. Such an addiction!